CHIEF TIFFANY WINS SHERIFF NOMINATION Lends Field by Over 4.000 Votes: Simwm h Defeated; Other Primary Results Find Purse Left Discarded M n Simpum Ink-Ital I"nr Kvprmntuivn my wh, Ind: the purse wm he gauze. they may hue Jescribitttt. " “d 'urmitk pur oo n W up Inna pluralit‘ t ofpoiiee of Lake o" and pl uh W JUN" In found a lad whining a lb in Automobile rcome. " nf lwvrfU/d in the county. , Tiffany It,- minati Winn I03. Brown naming held ch the depu Natives hf defeat . Petty m Tnth tlin Mr ll 407 pn- Chind trinkets. mu- wm mph In take Sunday [mm Sm Ilium! early with neon ar W Mo ugh MK m of Oak Terrace School to Give "Tulip Time" Ind The Dumlm- Hum! Perennial Nurs. rrim vwm-d by Frank Kellmen, form- vrly of Highland Park wort flrst prize fur their pink snapdrtttrrms It the Cvntral Shh-s Garden and Flower Show a! the Chieatto Stadium. , rt Th Syn-rial .ui'envry and lighting effects m- ho-t-n orrvstrueted for the play, hit-h is under the general direction Miss Lillian Sewn. music super- .mr in the Oak Terrace school.' The pvrfnrmunce Tuesday evening for "iilrlrett and on Wednesday is r adults. h " horn ar"p'hrrruses M Dutch girls, orivun Snil'rs and.Ameriean stu- ts humps many interesting and int hutch vharactors such as Hans, our“: Dutch boy, played by limo w-tti. the Burgnmuu-r played by hur Stupey, Christina. Katinka Hilda. Dutch maidens, pluyod by Mia» Swan, Rose Roth nnd Sarah MM. Thore is elm the funny old divisor netvd by Peter Chelit ulna tt tak Terran-v sehuut in the school orium on Tuesday and Wednes- ,-vcnings, April 15 and 16. " sci-m- til thu. tperL-tta is laid r villnm- uf Osendo.rf in Holland. 'illam- is onjnying a holiday when rty of American students under lirm-tion ot Professor McSpindle 03 to study tulip culture. News its the village that I thief has sterline choice bulbs of prize s', and a rvward for his capture [en-ll. Ned and Dick, two stu- a. induce the professor to woar ii" "irsthirttt, nnswuinx the dey ion of the tulip thief. so that mny prorttute their‘friendship two charming Dutch girls. When llurgnmastor behold: McSpindle :tired he causes his arrcst. Mnny mating things happen before the when of the professor is ext-b- Lester T. Tiffany an: Anna thk nth " inn First Prize rd by Peter C Lena olhri, dph M-rquez American boys and the t in two upiN ol THE Ettore take the Nod and the Mother of Postmaster Schneider Dies Early on Wednesday Morning Mrs, Anna Schneider, mother of Postmaster Hugo L. Schneider, died at 9:30 o'clock Wednesday morning, at the home cf her son, 439 Oakwood aOnue. She was in her seventy-ninth year. Mrs. Schneider had been suf- fering from rheumatism to some ex. tent during the winter but recently was Much better and last Friday Mr. Schneider took her to Hubbard Woods to visit friends for a few days..Mon- day night she became ill and Tuesday morning she was brought home. She graduvlly became worse. Death was attributed tn acute heart trouble. Mrs. Srhneider was the widow of Luis E. Schneider and following his death in Chicago February 9, 1928, she came to Highland Park to live with her sun. She was born in Sex- ony, Germany, February 24, 1852, and CJWN' to Chicago in 11193, the World I'vmtmaiter Schneider and his. sis. tor. Mrs. Henry llehner of Marion, Wis.. 'are the only children living. Three an: dyad. There are ten grand- childrr-n. ' ' Mrs. Schneider was a woman of many fine qualities and was held in high esteem by all who knew her. The many friends of the family here vxtentl sincere sympathy at this time. The funeral service will be held Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'eloek at the Releerner Lutheran church, Central avenue and McGovern street, and burial will he in Memorial Park cemetery. Beginning next Monday evening " right n'clnck there will be special services in the Lecture room of the lliuhlaml Park Presbyterian church each evening through Good Friday. Those not worshipping regularly elm-whore are cordially invited. \‘The following speakers will be present: on Monday, the Rev. Henry ti, Brown, D.D., superintendent of the Presbyterian Board of Church Extension; on Tuesday, the Rev. John Sheridan Zelio, n.n., supply preach- er at the Lake Forest Presbyterian Church; on Wednesday, rofessor Alfred H. Barr, D.D., the P%)yter~ ian Theological Seminary; on hues. slay, the Rev. Andrew S. C. Clarke, of Evanston; and on Friday, the Rev. ‘lemes G. K. McClure, D.D., of Lake Holy Week Services at Presbyterian Church Mrs. Herbert R. Smith Will be the soloist each evehing. . Members of the hazard and employes connected with the park distriet and the Sunset Valley Golf club yester- day expressed sincere hope that the illness of Edward M. Lning, secretlry of the board and president of the golf club would be of short duration. He was reported ermflrted to his home. A meeting of the commisaioners of the Highland Park East Park dis. trict was held Tuesday evening at the oMee of the board in the new city hall building. The session was de- voted chiefly to routine business. Park Board Meeting Held Tuesday Night ulr 'ores l, The last meeting of the season of _ the Highland Park Woman’s club will ibis on Tuesday, April 15. The last went on the eIutcealendtrr will un- doubtedly be one of the most delight- ful of the year for the annual spring luncheon will be served at 12:30 p. m., followed by reports and elections of l oirwers and a program of poetry and songs by Rowena Bastin Bennett. Re- 1 servations for the luncheon should he sent to Mrs, George E. Bliss, 522 N. lLinden avenue, not later than Fri. SPRING LUNCHEON 08 WOMAN’S CLUB Annual Meeting April 16 at Presbyterian Church; Re. ports; Other Business day, April 11. ": On Sunday evening, at 7 o'clock. iduring the regular meeting of the iYuung People's society of the Pres. F bytorian church a six reel movie film- i ed by Warner Brothers Willi). gtttrtm i in the parish house. This is a screen classic showing the triumph of su- lprt'rno Christian faith. Among the stars are Claire Windsor, Pauline lStarke. Kenneth Harlan, and Hobart i Bosworth. Exhibit brLoeal Artist: A feature of the last meeting will he an exhibit of the work of four Highland Park‘ artists, each a mem- ber of the Woman's club, Mrs. Jay Bernard Mullen, Mrs. Arthur W. Jer- rems Jr., Mrs. Everett Millard and Mrs. Frank C. Peyraud, each of whom has done outstanding work which has received many honors, will exhibit from April 14 to 17. Joint Garden Club Meeting The Community Garden Study class will have as guests the other Garden clubs of the community on Wednes- day. April 16, at 10 a.m. It the club house. Jesse L. Smith will talk on "Wild Flowers and Public Highways." Garden clubs of Lake Blue, Deer- field, Ravinia and the Highland Park Garden Study class have been invited to join the Community Garden Study class tn hear Mr. Smith who is one of the best known authorities in the United States on wild flowers. Y. P. S. to Sponsor . Movie Sunday Night The film depicts the life of David Graham, a boy orphaned by a mine explosion, who enters the ministry and accepts the pastorate bf 11 fash- ionahle city church, but later became of ewnomic injustice and the living conditions of the miners returns to his birthplace. There he meets with many difficulties but his faith remains steadfast. Those interested are in- vited to attend. _ Pythian Sisters Give Dance Saturday Night Another dance will be given by the Pythian Sisters, No. 300 and the Jockey club orchestra. Saturday eve- nine, April 12, at the Masonic tem- ple. These dances are being enthus- iastically received by the young peo- ple. If you wish to sluice to some poppy music. this is the place to come. Thursday, April 10, 1930