IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION or HIGHLAND PARK EAST PARK DISTRICT. LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. TO ASCEB- TAIN THE JUST COMPENSATION TO BE MADE FOR PRIVATE PROPERTY 10 BE TAKEN OR DAMAGED AND TO LEVY A SPRIAL ASSESSMENT TO PAY 1HE COST a? THE ACQUIRING AND IMPROVING AS PUBLIC PARK OF' LOT ONE it) (EX- CEPT THE EASTERLY TEN (IO) FEET THEREOF). BLOCK M, HIGHLAND PARK, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. NER. mm of the unan- made defendu-u herein. are non-mum‘s 6f the State of un- noir, Ind it nape-rial that there are scrub other per-on- mndo Manama under CM tttte "All Whom It Mar Cancun" and an Court by order $1]me herein h-vinl dim that node: given to the nid The New England Tran Co., TYustee of the he.“ of Arthur C. Thottstt.on, Lillian C. Mason. Elliott C. Thompson, Cecile T. Wood. Ind Union T. Fnulkner. And to the laid "All Whom " I.†Concern." notice In - than to all defendant. and to the defend. anu daiunlud In “All Whom It In] Con. STATE OF' ILLINOIS} gOUNTY OF LAKE s. m THE COUNTY COURT OF LAKE COUNTY HIGHLAND PARK EAST PARK DISTRICT. I munieinll corporation. LAKE COUNTY. ILLINOIS. THE NEW ENGLAND TRUST CO., TRUS, TEE OF THE ESTATE OF ARTHUR C. THOMPSON, BOSTON. MASSACHUSETTS. Ind LILLIAM C. TugMPSON, BROOKLINE. MASSACHUSETTS, LL10" C. THOMP- SON. MON'ICLAIR. NEY JERSEY, CECIL! T'. WOOD. BROOKLINE. MASSACHUSETTS, and MARION T. FAULKNER, CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS. AND ALL OTHER PER. SONS HAVING OR CLAIMING INTERESTS IN ANY OF THE PREMISE DESIGNATED AND DESCRIBED AS “ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN," Defendnnu. It being shown by the "nd.ett of owner- ahip on file In um um um! the Report of the Commit-loner- In the ottue of the Clcrk of this Court that NEW ENGLAND TRUST co., TRUSTEE OF THE ESTATE OF Att. THUR C. THOMPSON, LILLIAN C. THOMPSON. ELLIOTT C. THOMPSON. CB. CIL} T. WOOD Ind MARION T. FAULK- The other member's of the board are President George J. McBride, Mr. George T. Rogers, and Mr. C. W. Getty. Thursday, April 17, 1930 Mr. Read received 1323 votes, and Mrs. Flinn received 1175 votes. There were but nine stray ballots. "As long as the American boy wants athletics he is bound to have them, 'und he will still desire them in the future, as they are a means of break- ing down the barriers of race and creed for the purpose of reaching a goal." Coach Manley said that football, contrary to making a man unfit for anything further, leaves him in a better condition both physically and mentally than before participation in it, although some sports, such to track and basketball, leave one "worn out" at the close of the season. BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBERS IRE-ELECTED Mr. Frank Read and Mrs. Nellie Flinn were reelected for a period of three years to the Deerfield-shields board of education in the election held last Saturday. COACH "lha" HANLEY UPHOLDS ATHLETICS "As long as athletics are success- ful, they will be criticized, and the more popular they are, the more crit- icism will there be directed against them," was the opinion Coach "Diek" Henley of Northwestern expressed in his speech before the boys in Deer- field-Shields assembly last Friday. Coach Hanley said that football, contrary to making a man unfit for CONDEMNMT0N NOTICE HIGHLAND PARK EAST PARK DISTRICT BPEWAL, ASSESSMENT I municile carbonation. heretofore on the 2nd dar of JInuIry. A.D. 1980. Sud In peti- tion in the County Court of lake County. Illinois, under the above title Incl docket num- ber, prIyinl for the Inert-imam! od the inn compenntlon to be made tor print. from to be tIlsen or damned for I locIl uprovr ment cumming of the quulrlnl Ind improv- ing II I public park " Lot t, newt the mterly ten (10) feet thereof, Block M), High- land Park. bite County. Illinois, Ill located in the Highland Park Enat PIrk Dietrlet (Ill II I combined improvement). Ind what prop- erty will be beneftted thereby end the mount of Iuch benefit; ordered Ind provided for in In ordinInce ot IIld Ilium-ad Perk But Park Dutriet, entitled "An OrdinIneI Pre. nIred Ind 1‘rInunitted Ind "I PIIIIIe Ree- ommended by the Bond of haul Improve- mente of the Highland Purk Int PIrI: Dis- trict. lake County. IllinoiI, Proving for I local Improvement Coointind of the Acquir- ing Ind Improving " I Public Park of Lot One li) iexeeptintr the euterly ten (10) feet thereof), Block M, HighlInd Puk. like County, Illinois"; that I IpeelIl III-amt Ma been rude to nine the out ot aid im- provement uni Commluionen vim Ippuilud by ind Court to lnv-tiute Ind report the junt compenntion to he made for private property to be taken or dIrnIced for null improvement and IlIo ulnt real on“ will be benettted by Iueh improvement Ind the Imount of Inch benefit to ml: Mreel 41 had benefited thereby Ind thrt the Commheionen duly nude their rem Ind III-Imam roll. lIid Iueumeut beinl divided into tier-w irtsutlmenta, harm: Ii: per cent interest to rttimt the out ot the maid improvement. in- eluding the estimIle of vIlue Ind damn. and duly filed their Hemmer". roll in thin Court on the 11th dIy of Inch. AD. mo: that the eItirnIted cont of melt improvement. including the asthma of nine Ind dunno. in the sum ot Ninety ThouIInd Two Hundred Ten Door. (390.210.00); thIt thereupon I sun-Imam iuued out of the IIld Court IlIlnIt the defendanta above nemed Ind "All Whom it Ma, Coneern" return-Ne It the Court Home in the City ot WIuhIIn in aid Court at ten o'clock in the lorenoon on nearby. the 88th day ot April, A.D. 1980. " by luv required. which prooeedinl b Itlll pendlnl. The following lI I dueriptlon of the tam, Blocks and pureell ot Innd ought to he uken or damaged by the improvement “can“: an." and to all other per-on. And unh- n-mod In the report And “not". roll of the Commissioners, ttled in the lbw: entitled cause in aid Court. mum. who» prom: benetita In". boon unused therein. to my the con of an btrtTa't hereinUtrr dunked: that th,e.mrli nd Perth“ f'erk mung. I†N. Beeemd St. TU. M. P. 451 'A. MENONI CARPENTER AND BUILDER Screen and Dam WM Sharpening Tab Any Ola“. Wot-l Highland Park. 111. THE HIGHLAND PARK HOSPITAL THE PRESS Telephone Highland Puk 2550 be! (en-1m the tau-1101mm.- It, oak-ck 'r'JndtLh"lrlrt, [gnaw-m. II . can" nhalt tk “(auxiliary-iii“ 6aiii7 dari And now units. you an uh! detettdottB, The New England Mt Go., Who of the but. of Artur C. ham. Bum-n. Inu- uhuum. ml Lillian C. “an“. Brook- lute, “manhunt". llllot C. Mm. lant- clnir, Near Jersey. Cecile T, Wood, Brook. line. lanthanum and Harlan T. F-ulkm, Cumbrldlc. lunch-nu. And the aid de. tttent, ttrie.tnt “All Why}: , I" pon- "f'tViri-nrirramea.are.rso.rtrtou dung“ by min: In]: law-mm In an my". vomit: New. 'tsrVdeiaiitiiaanat- met forth In now pending In said than mud-d emu. 700 Central Ave. The Lawn Mower Shop LAWN MOWER MlARPlllNIlWl PHONE 3090 We Call for and Deliver ANY SIZE cl m Con-kahun- nIor-IM. m um the III-then A“ ttu- ttter) Md .tatadwillb.tFt-eotth-dotdl not: “and In -.ed- with I.“ n "tda-tiM-tthe-rot mum. DAN!) " w-‘lmll. "limb, lurch AD. WM. of [Ab Count on “a Ml, mo. " the Cour ot Wnukmn. " an o'e In the Baid County In mum or a." to the " M to!» nor! (SEAL) Highland Park, Ill. Ckrln of [Ah LEW A. "END“ a the all Court How a , tht th' M I.“