but one plant. in such a ~group planting where ten to one hundred plants are used, all cuttings from one mother plant, you simply have one plant, in one case tied to the ground group plantings pogsible to plant together, or in Revardless of th nd the fact t "I’np"l‘l’f‘ h,V is means that 1e to form, or ich they are t ne Foundation Planting H Terrace Gardens ce eardens are usuall Shrub Planting this toy with liar with the hrubs used in n ins that they will orm, or like the pl y are taken. The intings of shrubs, it o plant the shrubs or in . too large is of the number of mne group, whether indred, it will in plant. _ In such make and ergh th terr effectis p€ ther « | thri backgrou ubs or lage . writer ist one Tool de and import r r this purpose ise to add raw : top soil, to in adjacent to the I rom this point on selecting the pro ibs or evergreens inge effect desit niJ ante PU .the elimbing eping perenni Home Beautifying and Landscape Suggestions tance int ised in the shr th ng 51 pr to the foundaâ€" a large flat area to the house be in tingt the v of IllMinaois Library, iding . pri supplied v methor e plar from Therefore. in evergreen shrubber; f cuttings 11 all grow 1¢ p in order of the kground ints. On alit y ill uttings He group rarely ight the the He be In in Her Majesty Monsignor Phone for Appointment Landscape Barberry Thumbergii 18â€"24 in Cornus (Red Dogwoed) 2â€"3 ft Snowberr‘y, 2â€"3 ft. Tamarix Hispida, 2â€"3 ft. Spirea Van Houteii 3â€"4 ft. Coralberry 2â€"3 ft. Service 10 (one varicty~) $1.00 Ivilh J (one variety 6 ( lemati Eugene Danzenvillers Jeanne Dare Mrs. Jenkins ca â€" The â€" Pearl. Hardy Aster, â€"Pyretheum m, â€"Rudbeckia â€"Lacinata, Physotegia, Salvia pures. Sweet Williams, Hellyhock Mixed. one vark SHRUBS varictv) $£1.00 ( HARDY PERENNIALS 10 (one varic PHLOX 3 (on« WEEK END SALE iniculata IRIS H Prosper Laugier Sherman Wright FRANKEN BROS., Inc. CASH and CARRY SPECIALS APRIL 26â€"27â€"28 ' First Street West of Railroad and then South to the end Wisteria, 2 yr. c varictv) $1.00 ) £$1.00 H VINES D f1 pl angt rhat : the mind ty) Sl.oo heir int irt the the MJ liâ€" Boston Ivy, 2 den Elde: Phone Deerfield 241 No Deliveries Rock Arbis, Tunica, Sedum, Phlox Sublata, â€" Dianthus Caesius, Gypsophilia Repans. Pentstemon j Lilacs PER YARD PHONE GLENCOE 1244 Ranunculus Fl. Pl. (Butte Dianthus Heddewigii adjace 6 (one variety) $1.00 Black Dirt Prompt Service ROCK GARDEN PLANTSâ€" : nt to a lawn. Such shrubs Highbush Cranberry, Golâ€" and Sumac, shouldâ€"in most nfined to the back border. Delivered L. Brown $3 No Phone Orders Canterbury Bells, Centaurea Montanna, Coreopsis, Sedum Spectible, Delphinium Belladonna, Wallflower, Rudbeckia Newmanni, Artemisia Lactifiora. (Buttercup) _ Simond‘s Lombardy Poplar, 6â€"8 ft. dewigii Vulgaris Lombardy Poplar, 6â€"8 ft. Amour River Privet, 18â€"24 3 (one variety) $1.00 HARDY PERENNIALS 6 (one varicty) $1.00 25 for §$3.75 CHOICE & LARGE SHRUBS Weigela Rosea, 3â€"4 ft. Weigela Eva Rathke, 2â€"3 ft. Philadelphus Virginal, 2â€"3 ft. Honeysuckle, 3â€"4. ft. Persian Lilac, 2â€"3 ft. Yellow Dogwood, 2â€"3 ft. Spirea Anthony Waterer, 15 inches Our Bedding Plants are beâ€" ginning to bloom and shall bg ready for your order. It will pay you to call FOR MOTHER‘S DAY May 11th We offer a wonderful assortâ€" ment of DEERFIELD NURSERIES KOTTRASCH BROS. 2 (one variety) $1.00 2 (one varie of the Street Lilae Villosa, pink, 3â€"4 ft. HEDGE CLIMBING ROSES or BUSH ROSES POTTED PLANTS Phone Deerfield 5 at fair price TREES icty) $£1.00 Resurfaced. Fertilized Tel. DEERFIELD 241 Seeded and Rolled The Lawn 4e per sq. ft