Mrs. Elmer Clavey Ind infant son returned from the Highland Pnrk hos- pital on Tuesday. . Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Strong left Wedpesday morning for . two weeks sojourn in New York: - _ _ _ Thursday, Mly I, 1930 Mrs. John Welch of Detroit, Mich., (formerly of Highland Park), Mrs. George G. Greene Ind daughter, Dr. Lois D. Greene, of Highland Park were the guests of Mrs. J. A. Reich- elt Jr. on Saturday.. The annual meeting of the North Shore Division of the Illinois State Teachers association was held Mon- day in Cicero. The DeeriUld school was closed to allow the teachers to attend. Mris, Frank Hempstead is slowly recovering from her recent illness at her home on Waukegm road. Mrs. Minnie Willman of Chieatro visited relatives in Deerfield last week. Mr. R. D. Supple of Miami, Flt, visited in Deerfield on Friday. The Ladies Aid of St. Paul: Evan-. gelical church will be entertained by Mrs. Roy Neargarder on Grand ttW onne on Thursday Iftemoon, May 1 at 2 o'eloek. T Mr. and Mrs. Harold Young are spending the week in Mgmphis, Tenn. Mr. Chas. Kipschull has moved his real quite office from the Weill build- ing on Deerffeld road to I building across the street formerly occupied by Dr, O’Connell IndDr. .Therrien. Thehek Myers fumily moved into their new home on Rosemary terrace on Snturday. The Carl Knigge family will move into their new home on West Cen- tral avenue, May fifteenth. Mrs. C. T. Anderson and dutch- ter, Dorothy Jean, visited the Misses Behrens of Highhnd Park on Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hoffman have moved into their new home on Deer. field avenue recently netted by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Varney and fam- ily, Mr. ttnd Mrs. Walter Page Ill- nounce the birth of I dlughter, Tues- day, April 22 nt the Highland Park hospital. Miss, Elizabeth Schilstrn spent the week-end with an aunt Mrs. Henry Sinclair in Chicago. Mr. P. H. Meyer and son Alvin spent last week in and tround St. Louis, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Strong enter- tained in group of friends at their home on Orchard street Sunday eve- ning _ ' Send contribution toHoeai ttormapottdmtt More To“: dny noon. Holy - to nuke thig ttion mun-u... MRS. LORETTA WILLMAN, Local Editor Lincoln Ave., Deerfield, Ill. Tel. Dettrf1eld 168-R DEERFIELD NEWS AND PERSONAL ITEMS Deerfield locals DEERFIELD NEWS-FLASHES The funeral service wss held at 2 o'clock Friday sfternon from the late residence with Rev. Herbert Wil- liam Prince of Luke Forest Episcopsl church otfieisttintr, burial was in Wsu- Regan cemetery. William J. Humilton, 78, pioneer resident of this pert of uu County residing on Central Avenue, Deer- Mld, died suddenly Wednesday while in Blaine, Wisconsin on bulineu. Mr. and Mrs. Hemilton had spent the winter in California, returning two weeks ago, nppnrently in good health and his death cnme as a complete shock. Mr. Hamilton sold his farm in North Chicago a number of yem ago and for a short time lived in Lake Forest after which he moved to Deerfield, where he hll raided fur the past seven yen“. He wu . life member of the Wankegnn Epil- copal church, I mln orfine chumter and sterling qualities which won him many warm friends, whose sorrow at his sudden death is profund. In November 1922 he married Mill Olive Roberts, who survival. One sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Woolley of El. gin, William R. Kemp, nephew and Mrs. Carl L. Kraut, niece, also lur- vive him. _ Mr. and Mrs. S. P, Hutchison were guests of Mr. and In. R. V. Hutchi- son of Irving Pnrk. Wm. J. Hamilton Dies Suddenly in Racine Mr. Hamilton Wu born March M, 1852 on a farm Just went ot North Chicago. His parents were Alexan- der Hamilton and Mary Jane Strong Hamilton, pioneer residents of the county. To Elect Oifieerg at P. T. A. Meeting Friday The Deertleid Parent. Tucker - sociation will hold 1 regular meet. ing on Friday afternoon, Mny 9, It 2 o'eloek. Offieera foe the ensuing yen will be elected and Mrs. C. W. Getty will give a report of the thirtrdirat an- nual convention of Congress of Par- enta and Teachers held in the Evan- ston, April 22 to 24. A social hour with refretrhmettta will follow busineu union Ind pro- gum. Mrs. Walter Toll was hostel: " I surprise miscenaneous shower in compliment to Min Eunice Lone, whose muriaze will take phce in the new future. . _ THE PRESS Deerfield Makes Big Population Gain in 10 Years, Census Shows Partial comm retnrnl for Lake county received oiBeially Monday shown incl-en“ in all but Luke Vill- nnd 1uinesville, according to an " loci-ted Prel- "port. With returns complete tor nine of the towns in Lake county, DeerfUld stands out n the intent growing villus. in the district for the put 10 yen". Where the 1920 censu- gave Deerfleid tr population of 610, the WM) count give: them an incl-one of 1.216 or I total population of 1,825 In increue of needy 200 "per cent. Libertyville and Mundeleln, two other rapidly growing communities, In not yet turned in In complete. Antioch 1,098, increue 323; Grays Lake 1,118, increase 882; Kline-ville tu, decrease a; Round lake 886, in. cleue M; Daniela MM, menu: 1,215; Lake Villn Mt; (locum 60; Gurnee 499, inc-rem 149; Wauondn 654. increase 155; Zion 6.9“, increase dll With the exception of Deerfield, Zion had the heavien population “in in the int 10 years and the holy city is now credited with 6,994 maiden“. [shin of 414 since the last con-us. Local Drug Stores Show Health Exhibit The Deerfield Grammar achonl pu- pils, under the direction of the school nurse, Min Gayle Bornemum. hive health exhibits in both local drug stores. One of the window: dilpluyu u "Health Home†with [rah-m crucker roof, macaroni lattice work porch, ontmell sidel, rain for atone work in the chimney Ind . very It- tnctive yard with other mama! food. for growing children. The town: with their present popu- lution and the increase " given out by Auocilted Prel- foliow: Huineaville. which loll three rui- dents during the put 10 yen-I, In. a total population of " while Lake Villa, Main: 50 citizen. In: I popu- lation of 357 for this yen. The other drug More bu I uny- pole dance end the children partici- pating ere vegetables dressed u chil- dren. Three hundred and htteen vote- were cut in Tuesday'l election on the 81,250,000 bond tune to tutote. the building of [awed roads in the county. There were 127 votes in “Var Ind 18. votu “ain't the bond lune. DeerfUld in very fort-ta in hav- ing such a capable Ichool “no “(I it is hoped that ah: will continue Int duties in the Deerfield school min this coming you. Deerfield Opposes Road Bond Issue The three Act comedy “SunIMM†by Wnlter Ben Han given Friday and Sunday evening! In tho Door- tuld Gram-nu when! auditorium III- der the wipim of the hunt-Tach- er â€satiation Iva enthuiuticllly re- ceived by the community. The Deerfield "rent-Teacher Ino- ciauon it woman-inc n rummage “It on Kay 0 and tit in the m building on Wank.“ road mud Doom“ mud. The nun-haul! in ranking I can: of the entire community for “In Ida and upset to have I much - supply of nuclei tor their cutou- era thin yen. The running“ Id. uu Int fall VIII more or Ion of an ex- periment u it run the am out - in Daemon! It was Inch A new. that the committee ll than.“ to have a bigger and better uh this year. The new†took plm on the lawn of I nnitarlnm. Hal-(net Jhmt, " Sun-him was upeciully planning. Mrs. Irving Broad u Tessie Milford. who Wu I mental cue, always looking for dun, hut manned to prove imstrtmtetttal in discovering the true char-cur of " tor Kelllcétt portrayed by Jen. Sponsor Harold Younu, who cleverly por- trayed the youthful and peppy buo- bail star, who come to the unim- ium for a throat operation Wu on. of the stu- of the production to VII Edward Selig, who took the port of on old mun and his caving for hi tonic provoked considerable My. lyrtle Cottrell detmnurtrated ml talent in the port of Mandel“. Jor Kellicétt Strong. Clothing ot oil kinds and in good condition will be aloud. Alla than, Uta, bric-o-hnc, bod â€rim, do. In. D. W. Meyer n In. Sol Whipple; In. Christ Bendt a In. Bunch McCain: Ii" Gayle Bom- mnn, the num; Eliubeth Schiller. as Sylvia Deane, Earl Bates " Jill Anthony played their yam equtlly well. The music by Bethlehem Eam- iea1 church orchestrs. and Inboun- by quartet added considersny to tho success of the "ttertainment. The sale will be opened on Friday and Saturday morning and Inuit open until 6 o’clock in the Ming, May 9 and lo. Mr. William Pluto amended the conferenco u delegate. MI to W Rev. A. P. _,i'iirlf w“ unwound for the fourth e u â€not of the Bethlehem Evnmlicd church at Daemon at the bunch! and conference ot sun of [Ill-oh - last week " Eieltt. " Rummage Bale in Deerfield May 9-10 3 Act Comedy II Greatly Enjoyed