OBSERVE HOSPITAL DAY HERE MAY 12 Highland Park Institution in Common with Others in State to Mark " Roappoint Pastor to Bethany Church Here Al R. S'. Carr Residence Winner in Contest houtthtfultw It my llr dilutions. In lllinuix '2 " hmpitals and sanutori H'unlinued on pm 42) nu mmitu Bakery Sale May " momhus of the Junior Star I hyld n bakery sale Saturday, r in Svhey's Meat Market on avenue. This will be u toten- urtunity to secure home-baked hr Mother's day. This Swill 'ther - day ME And it is quite she will npprecinto this .l m th: th Jt puree " the ocetvdton is " gnaw-r popular appre- the ttrent humanitarian in": rendered by hospitals and to cummemoralo the vars-U of tho-birth of ghljnzalo, founder of mod. " and naming work. . .qittniSe'oee unm- t th t four fine new r I he erected throu but a new building ammo!» is and†h Contvrrmw of the sreh, which was held Imo- to a rlnse thnday Emu-rum â€.01me th of Mr. and Mrs. Rich- m2 S. St. Johns twe- J'udsted the winner of " "rttttpetitiort" of the ' "omes in America" ahland Park. 1930. by mm Park huspital, in piulu the county o ohm-we Hospital ml visitors will be " “mm: 1!: " ' work goo is under cun- ‘nmpus of North Naperville, m. Malina» is being ml! ll! Cx , th mum-y Kathi-ring "t lllN. It was new rhureh , throutthout m " umur , " the munity, was (mating Ip- Otto " the rprtcr, which Bre "‘an is event." health di- fuct that mum and muted the 'h of this men. Many If thi I". Siem- Bebhany r. Rev. ion I'M" mnk ugh ym In! Wt Welfare Legislation Interests League of T Women Voters; Details men Voters has been following with mueh inn-rat the various hills in (:mgrm pert-Ming to the welfare of mothers and children. Mrs. George. Carr, chairman of Child Wel- iure, reported on these measures at the annual meeting. Dr. Henry W. f'lurney, of Chieatto, in n speech made over WON April 2" for the Insane of Women Voters, urged the continuance of federal lid for maternity and infancy work. Sly! Dr. Cheney, "At the clou- of June 1929, the Shrppard-Towner Act, prnmnting maternal and infant-hy- Rierw, came to an rnd, after seven years of helpful service and (Vi-opera- tion. " states and the district of llnwuii had accepted the terttttt of the act? The type of work carried on in the' states- varied with their neck. each Mate making its own plans, and mnducting its own work, Lwhjert, however. to the provision thut the program should meet I certain men Voting has been mueh interest the v: (mun-sat pert-Ming ment. Under the prngram which was setarted, thousands a! child health and prennlnl conferences were held, thrassands nf babies examined, moth- u-rs triven'mediral advice, inf-m wel. {nn- stntians and prenatal stations es- !nhlishod. little mother's classes or- ganizrd. and great numbers of mid- “ivy! instructed. ' Two New Bills "At the beginning of the 71.4 mn- (rt-Mt two new bills were introduced "rire Tuesday Night ls , l Soon Out; Little Damage gnaw two new by Honalur Jor Representative two mt-asurm low in pom-n1 trrnity and inf ion-ml of the " "At the beginning of the Tru con- gress two new bills were introduced by Senator Jones " Washington and Representative (Tumor of Ohio. The two measures are identical and ful. low in general form the original ma. {unity and infancy act. The surgeon gen -ral of the United States Public Health Service will he on the advis- nry lmunl which administers that Bet, and the work will he dune with the enmpemtinn " the State Health de- partments. and toeat public health agencies. We Ire glad to see that "ttttthar I Bill, has inln the win Bill The Highland Park Legging of To.. Fire in the Master Cleaners estab- lishment on Centred avenue, opposite tho Press Mfiee, about 10 o’clock Tuesday night we: quickly extin- guished by the firemen,with loss es- timated by Fire Chief lloskin at about $50. The fire was tuned by an electric iron which hed been left attached to I plum the chief reported. An ironing board was destroyed and there was a little smoke dlmnxe. Factory. "There nrl- many doctors- in Chicago and the state who teel thht such od. twatiostl and welfare work is much wedrsd and we are urging our friends hath in the modicnl profession and out M it to study this question." ungn-u urges the mnunuann- an no â€surprise. "This month the Senate Commerce ummittov has reeommended for pas- nzo the .lrnes Bill Another hill, imilnr to the old Sheppard-Town" bill. has mean-while been introduced nln the Home. This is the Good. rin Bill. whirh aiso" would he satis- nd Md set hy the federal govern ‘nt Hoover in his message «i urges the rnntinunnro in his message In THE PRESS ira- Mrs. of Ft all: of v. and 12d Tlr, ' New Private School on North Shore to. Open in September shore. ( Amnng its sponsors are the follow? ink. all of Winotka: Mrs. W. B. Brmtttley, 19 Warwick avenue; Mrs. Arthur M. Barrett, 530 Cherry street; Mrs. c. E. Galloway, 940 Private wall: Mrs. Hill Bla('kctt,.635 Rose- mmd arm-nun. and Mrs. Averill Tilden, TT5 Ardsley road. A. M. Klein Heads Flculty The faculty of Indian Hill acad- emy will he headed by A. M. Klein sho, for a number of years, has been he Ml master of one of the most prom- On September if) a new private school. to he known as Indian Hill academy will hirnpenod in "The Chim- noys," 160 Center street, Winnetka. The school, it is announced "will carry pupils from the first grade through high schonl; will prepare them fur secondary schools and also preparo them completely tdr college.†It is being tounddd, according to its organizers. to meet definite educa- tinnal npmls which many parents be, lieve exist at present on the north int Lands Highland Park for Movement Here Miss Blanch Hulbert, a director of Rotter Homes in America week, which is being celebrated nationally, visited the oxhihitinn now open in Highland Park. She came direct from head- quarters in Washington, D. C. ('umpiiments on the arrangements fur the observance in Highland Park under the direction of Mis. Howard G. Kornblith were sent by James F'ord, executive dirertnr of the move- nu-ny in Washington. . Children to Receive _. Prizes This Afternoon 7 Prvsidettt Hoover has designated May I, as National Child Health day. On account of the rainy weather Ill-mm Lewis will award the prizes to the winners of the window box con- h-st at the Public Library instead of the now city hall as previously plu- ned, at five o.'clr:ck today. The Deer- fteld-3hields and will be present. In set) they will march through High- land Park starting at 4:30 and arriv- ing at the Public Library " five o'clock. All are welcome. Babette S. Kornblith, Local ehairmtut, National Better Homes in America Campaign, I930. nt pro of am- ot the awry schools in the Mid- VACATION CHURCH SCHOOL OPEN SOON Brief Historical Sketch of the Movement Is Given; Inter- esting Features Each year the name, "The Vaea. tion Church School," is becoming more familiar to boys and girls and their parents as something most vital and worthwhile in their lives. The vacation church school means not only vacation time, but it means a school with religious education at its een. ter which does more than merely use the idle time of boys and girls not in school. . The history of the vacation school movement is most interesting. It be, gun way hack in 1901 in New York City when an orsranizedwirurt was made to “convert the idle time of boys and girls into definite religious and moral training." Since then other similar movements have come into be- iyr with various and sundry empha- ms. As the movement of the daily vacation Bible school, or the vacation church school as it is now called, grew. it has come to mean something more than merely converting idle time, for its educational'value in helping boys and girlk to a, knowledge and (Continued on page 41) Highland Park Press', Highland Park, Illinois Gentlemen: The peuple of the City of High- land Park are asked to co-opernte with Fire Marshall Hoskins and the tity authurities in enforcing the Mate laws with' regard to foreign fire in- surance companies. All foreign fire insurance enmpnnivs are required by the .state law to crntrihute 2 per cent of all premiums collected in elch city in the ftre department of that city for the use and maintenance of the department. This 2 per cent is de- dui-tihle from the annual fees that these insurance companies are re- quired to pay to the state, so that no wdditionul burden is imposed upon- me insurance companies by reason of this tax. The state law further prnvidvs that any agent who sells fir" insurance in a town and fails to turn over this fee to the city is liable to who of $1,000, or six months im- prisnnment, and also that the insur- ance policies are voidable. Much of the property in Highland Park at present is insured by foreign insurance companies and through agents who do not live in Highland Park, tho result being that it is very difficult for the' fire chief to cheek up rm insurance companies and enforce this fee. If the townspeople would eo-operate by notifying the fire chief of any tire insurance they may have. it would greatly facilitate the collec- tion of the money. This money is to be applied for buying new fire appur- ntus and so it results in giving the, people in the city better fire protec- tron and also considerably lessening their fire tax. frees Citizens to Aid in Collection of Two Per Cent Insurance Tax Thursday, May 1, 1930 Very truly youn, .1an w; MUNRO, Corporation Counsel. April 28, 1930