Plan 1930 Assembly Program Among the various attractions scheduled for assembly programs for next year is the Mechani In. or Robot. Many other interestigg talks have also been planned for by the Program committee. sum. Osvaldo Aeomb, Edward Paul, Roger Brown, Robert Emil. Muuuerile 'utterty. Lemma Chen“. Henry Gehr, Louise Pardee. Ruth Herb-ll". Donal-l Burris. Dorothy Cllrk. Ruth Hum-n. Karl Johnson, Klrl Meyer, George Shepherd. Betty Ann Horn, J ohn Clarke. France: Crerwan, Ruth Duly. Agne- Dure. Mary _ Davis, Edigh The Mechanical Man-“The servant or the tuture"--will be demonstrated by one of its inventors. This is tt showing of the ptuetietil application of physics which every student can appreciate. Andennn. Anita Anderson, Wolet Auhuru. Gladys Bull. " tly Ben mm: Mary Borers, Beverly Dewey. All†Dore. Myrtle nuke, Ksther Drake, Ruth Burberfek, Allen: Erickson. Eleanor Fain-y. Mn Fem; Arlene Fruntonlous. Anne Fem, Loin Gllulni. Alma Gleiur. Dorothy, Anderson, Lloyd l‘rpemnn. Robert Gault, Rich-rd Huhurz. chk Hurdculle. John Huhley, John Joyce. Mnruhnll Kelly. Prank Thursday, May.8, 1930 Exibe BATTERIEFK B E C K E R Battery Service DISTRIBUTORS Progress, Tile Co. (Not Inc.) CERAMIC FLOORS MANT'WS and GAS LOGS FLOOR and WALL TILE Chicago 15 North St. Johns Avenue PHONE HIGHLAND PARK tl 5111 Waveland Ave. Telephone [mane 8499 Girl: GIG. Club Bor. Gu. Club l Mal-Me. Jone t MilnnI, Danu- . Peterson, Dubbrv _ Slryker. Irwin n Todd, many Wickmn. Frank Winkler, Hugo Wrenn, Brent orrhmtr. Bulke. Barbara Glidlik. Janet Brian". Willard Mum-inn. Clarence llotrmun. Mary Jordan. Robert Kn-ak. Howard “Int". Katherine Johnson, Slur! Allah, Mnrxuerile Wiebull. Werner Knlmer. Frank Klnlry. Plul Wrenn, Brent Verwee. Helen Rum-ls. Virginia anti Gi, Verrene Hood. M-rv ttiiehG. J um- Luwther, Mule Llndstrom. Lillian Lrtord, Avis Ola-an. Florener Melser, Ruth Slnti. Thom- thneid’rr. Rnhhio Lou Smith. Anvil? Seinerth. Gladys stanley, Pearl Htrykor. Hurriot 'l‘nylor. Marl-n Ware. Roberts ernncht. Bernie Wenhnn. Betty / Bimmer, Inn-nine Nevin. Vern O'Connnr. Betty _ Tuvalu in Africa _ Mnjor John J, Hill, the nut white man to traverse Africa from Capo Town to Cairo, is also scheduled. He has had I great many interesting ex- perieneear on that dark continent since he first joined the vanguard of I rail. road expedition. He presents new and strange not: about the people "On the Bottom of the sea," tale: told by Robert Zimmerman, an Olym- pie swimmer and deep sen diver, is also scheduled. "Bob" has won thirty- three national ehampiotuhips in mer- ine events. An exhibition of deep sea curios will be I feature of hit talk. . Jurien Hoekstra, Who in I. lending baritone and former leading man with Elsie Janis, has a repertoire upecially Jood oiapges ' don't just happenh neither does good milk / N In Milk, too, there is a reward for carefulness. Such care is given to Bowman's Milk in the highest degree. Taken t2 from the iinegt of dairy cows, it is extra go at the start. And that extra goodness iivnever lost. Bowman in- spection, plus pasteurization. assures its reach- ing you as full-rich in cream, " fresh and as pure as when taken from the cow. ATURE plays favorites. If an orange is carefully' grown, carefully picked and carefully carried to your neighborhood grocer, that orange is certain to be the finest orange you can buy. _ It is this unfailing care which keeps Bowman'g Milk so sweet, so unmistakably superior in flavor. Order a bottle today. See for yourself 12, l is the most popular milk in Chicago and su 11t'DB. THE MILK or SUPERIOR FLAVOR Telephone Highland Park 2700 , B0WMAN DAIRY COMRANY Faith in the present younger gen- eration in an outstanding chanted!- tie of Geottrey Morgan, who ape-kl on "Whot's the Ute!" and “Th. Inn Ahead." Hi. talks inspire undat- who heap them to make the molt of their work. Art Young, who tel-l the romantic Art Young, who tel-l the romantic Rory of the bow and err-own in I noted archer sport-nun And conser- vntionist. He h“ vuited remote nec- tions of the world to eecure specimens of are admin for the Anterkatt Museum of Natural Emory. He liven target demonstrations and pietures with hil talk. suited to school audiences. H. Alto given I short talk on mime npprech- tion. . Impermane- Author. Sidney Landon impersonate with EDIE Under the direction of Mr. Davin. the bow of the vocational detrertment h-ve recently started working on the plum for next you". home. 'wiga, groan pain“, and a - imagination. tho {alum “the". many of whom he know personally. His presentation awaken interest in the and} of literature. “Knowing Nature through Storm" is given by Floyd Bralliar. who Utes, not of wild animals, but of tho bean: and birds of our own acquaintance. The dates tor the" unmbliu have not vet been not. However. theae weaken will appear at diluent times throughout tho you. BEGIN DRAWING PLAN! FORVNEX'I' YEAR! HOUSE