EXHIBIT OF OUTDOOR LIFE ON THIS WEEK Mountains, wands and lakes, and all their appeal to the prospective sum- mer vaéationeer came to Chicago, May 5, with the gpening of the eighth an- nual National Outdoor Life Exposi- tion and Motor Boat show in the Col- iseum. The exposition will eontinue six days, ending Saturday night, May Thursday, May 8, 1930 Notable Exposition in Coliseum Chicago; Indians. Wild Game; Other Features The quartette of soloists that has been selected for the May 25 con- cert in the Studebaker theater by the Chicago Civic and the Waukegan Civie Choral societies wilrhe heard in "Be True" a composition of excep- tional merit by the well-known Chi- raga composer, Eleanor Everest Freer. Mrs. Freer has composed and present- pd. many operas. choruses. piano com- positions and vocal numbers to the Chi- cago public, she is aiso very well known through her Frk for the American Opera Society of Chicago. Indians and wild animals roam the Coliseum which in transformed into a vast woodland for the exposition. A dozen Ojibwa Indians from northern Wisconsin entertain all flve days of the show with native war dances and other ceremonies in full rezalin. The State of Wisconsin has sent its State Came Farm wild turkeys and other fowl and game indigenous to north. ern Wisconsin. Wild turkeys form. ‘erly found in that state in great abundance were all hut extinct until the Game Farm released a large num- her this spring. Geese. mallard. pheasants and wild ducks. rscoons. badgers. porcupine, mink and skunks to be seen in the Wisconsin exhibit. The quartette for the Civic Choral societies _ concert consists of: Miss Nils Franks Weir, soprano; Miss Esther Len Cole, eontralto; J. Herbert Levis. tenor and I. Francis Lee, bass. These soloists were Ill chosen for the solo positions by the secret commit- tee of the International Civic Choral societies under whose direction the choral concert will be given. Four states, the largest represen- tation in the history of the exposi- tion, have exhibits, along with Cana. dian summer resorts, and the total number of exhibits runs above 100. A Paul Bunyan museum containing many articles of enormous size used by the famous giant-hero of north woods lumber men is a new feature of the 1930 Exposition. In the dis. play of Paul Bunyan are the wheels of his sulky, ouch nearly 10 feet in diameter, the barrel from which ink was run through a hose to the foun- fatin pen ofJohnny Ink Slinzer. Bun. yan’s scribe, and other articles of Gargantuan size. In connectinn with this new feature, a contest is held for those who have stories to tell concerning the exploits of the great Bunyan, with a prize zo- ine to the one telling the best story' IO, Quartet of Soloists Listed on Program of Civic Choral Concert Curl Behnke, is accompanist for the Chicago ortmnizatirm, and Sadie Boy- les, is the accompanist for the Wau- kegan society. The International Civic Choral so- cieties, Ambrose Wyrick, director- general, is the central organization that is organizing a chain of choral societies, with the aim.of Mo such societies extending throughout the en- tire country, and eventually around the world, with the slogan of "Make America is a musical and cultural nation, and that our district is the You Can Saw $3.50. When purchased with either I Federal Moro-Brush Cleaner (849.50) or t Federal Suction-Type ($34.50), the Fedelco Jr. is specially priced at $10. Purchucd separately it is 813.50. THE RIGHT TIME MANY OTHER HOME APPLIANCES ALSO ON DISPLAY A full-size electric cleaner is indispensable, ofcourse, for quick, efficient cleaning of carpet: and rugs. But getting into out-of-the-wny plats, into cupboards and on airways, and dusting over.mdfed furniture and dnpetiel is just a big t job as going over the tloom --and it is for this that the handy junior dame: was designed. It weighs only I few pounds and its action is as chain as the big dune“. A BIG Electric Cleaner for the rugs MOST HOMES NEED PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS llnp with I Hun. mond Electric Clock. Thekitdtetunodel pic- tured is 89.75. Slightly mom"LttlebrLttle". Also boudoit and mural models. V center of the municil totivity of the world, to the millions of visitors that are expected to throng our region for the Century of Progress to be held in the Century of f Chicago in 193:1 James Building belink, l afu-r an by and 51 South St. Johns Avenue and Ir an illness of over a , his wife, Nellie, he _ three was. Walter H Oliver ll. NihboIink. SMALL Electric Cleaner for the little iobs H. Nibhelink, Commissioner w . Waukegan died illness of over u Imam died last week of over I your. Bo- Nellie, he in survived applied toward tahrg oh mulli- mu'on Pedal or Hectic W ' Machine and Power Irons. The Palm-mid Willis is $9930eiah, do Thaw is899.75oah,andPtt-tex- for bod) “9.50. '11::me or YOUR OLD WASHER STILL WORTH $10 @ewdwwnq '1eAee1rfePSt.1',oM5,t,tP1'1t' for 82 tt','ll1'l'e"'tt'l'h",'L'l1 my. father . ll. There in Ifull [incofdean'cd-n- (begun; u 824.50) a the Public seevioestoeeandaiitrtqttepagd-d the "little by Lida†my. Ray R Nib by fire which broke out in the turpen- ter shop of the lulu-Mord Calf Hal Cotttpnny, at the {not of Mull-um tstreet Wlukon-n. to than no. dam-(inc equipment stand there, was curved this morning, J. E. Plum, Mt1elnt of the company. and today. Dunla- will not exceed "ooo, he naaeeted, mud in fully covered by Insulinâ€. Repairing Fire Dame ttt Waukegln Warehouse Work repairing dunno tuned