Ravinia Garden Club to Meet Tomorrow Fine Address .Fred W. Bond, president of the F. W. Bond company, delivered an in. teresting and instructive lecture on advertising, its origin, types, growth and Vpro‘ductiveness. Valuable statis- ties aided Mr. Bond amplifying his message which'was listened to with interest by his hearers. The ‘application for membership of John Zengeler Inc., 25 N. Sheridan road, was read and favorably acted upon. The applications of the Na- tional Tea Co., and the Great Atlan- (Continued on page 45) The Ravinia Garden club will meet at the home of Mrs, James Cedy Ewell of Cary avenue for a box lunch on Friday, My 16, which will be fol- lowed by a tour of the gardens of the Garden club members. At this meet. ing the plans will be completed for the plant and flower sale to be held May 24 on the village green of Ra- vinia. Many choice plants will be for sale, very reasonable. As this paper goes to press the members of the Ravinia Woman's club are gathering about their annunl spring luncheon table at the Village House. Following the luncheon will be held the annual meeting and election of officers, and the entertainment of the afternoon some Russian. Portu- zese Ind Spanish folk dancing by some of Mrs. Haeuler'a pupils COMMERCE CHAMBER HAS GOOD MEETING The regular May session of the Highland Park Chamber of Com- merce, held Tuesday evening at the Green Teapot, was I fine success, with large attendance of members and much enthusiasm and interest displayed in the work and problems of the organization. The business meeting followed n splendid dinner served by the Green Teapot. In the absence of President J. W, Simone, Vice-president H, F. Kelley occupied the chair. Ravinia Woman's Club Annual Meeting Today Bannoekhunt Club Holds Garden Market The Bunnockburn Garden club will hold a spring market Ind fiower show on Saturday and Sunday, May 24 and M, at the home of Mrs. Arthur Harrison, in Bannockbum, Deerfield, Plants, shrubs, seeds Ind garden accessories will be on sale. Fine Talk on Advertising; New Members; Report on Sheri- dan Road Route VOLUME XIX T be Highlanh Park Press Mrs. Kellogg Speed was elected regent of the North Shore chapter at tho annual meeting held at the home of Mrs. E. B. Jordan, in Deerfield, last Thursday. Mrs. Speed Ins Just returned from the National Conner: of the D. A. R. held in Washington and brings to her new offlee the enthus- iasm and inspiration of the great convention. and a vision of the power and usefulness of this organization, in our nations welfare. _ Plans for a modern hotel building to cost about $500,000 and to be erect- ed on the site on Central avenue, of the McCrystle houses, just east of the Alcyon theatre, were presented to the Zoning Appeal bond Tuesdsy evening by Mrs. McCrystle. The question of zoning the site for such nurpose is the problem before the board, and it is reported by city of.. fieinls that there will be strenuous opposition. The board set Tuesday evening. May 19, as the date for I nublie hearing on the proposal. The building proposed is to be I very handsome and well equipped struc- ture, according to the pins sub- mitted. Many other oMeem hold their posts for another year but Mrs. Alfred Bur- dick succeeds Mrs. o. S. Peabody as corresprnding secretary, rl Mrs. Chas. A, Winston was elect: I direc- tor. Mrs. W. W. Reichardt ',',,nSl,',,rt, Eva Truax are making â€rang enta far the annual entertainment fo? the p‘tients at the Great Lakes hospital on Monday, May 26. Members and (Continued on page 47) Worthy Grand Matron, Neva Moore, will be the guest of honor " I upe- cini meeting of Cnmpbell Chapter No. 712, o. E. 8., Wednesday afternoon, Mly 21, at two-thirty o'clock. in MI. sonic temple. Luncheon win be served at one o'clock. reservations for which must be in not later thnn Maud-y, May 19. 0-11 Mrs. Catherine Levin for reservations. All Eastern Mar members are urged to attend. Mrs. Kellogg Speed Elected Regent Of North Shore Chapter Worthy Grand Matron to Be Honored Guest The fire department Wu allied out at 1:30 Wednesday morning to ex- tinguish a blue in a mum's" on I bed in the Got“: home on Burton Ivenue, canned by somebody trmok. ine a eiearet in bed. The damage was estimated It 375. Plans for Half-Million Dollar Hotel Building Before Zone Olliciéls Firemen Called Out by Blaze in Mattress HIGHLAND PARK, humans, Truman", Mar 15, 1980 Mr. Clancy Den-rum Modernism Garden Shown on Cover Page The Modernistic Evergreen Garden which we produced in an area 20 feet by 80 feet It the Central suu- Gal'- den show held in Chicago. was a gar- den of entirely new design in this country. and all It the plant materlal (with the except n of the potted annusls) was gro in our unnu- lea It Deirrt1eld, Illinois. and all a!" perfectly hardy in the mid-wear. I merely mention this ,to allow that the garden is practical and can be Inc- cessHlly constructed on any of the estates on the lake shore on a larger scale. All pupils from third [rude through eighth will take put. Seven groups will be playing 'slntultotemmlr, under pupil leadership. in the new Lincoln Park Ind the old school pity ground. In our of rain the feltlvnl will be postponed to the following Fridly. All who are interested will be vel- come. By Elmer L. Cluvey, Pro-idem P. D. Clavey Ravinin Nurseries, Inc. Berberil Thnnbergi Wu and u a shared hedge u tn edging for the two center. beds. The ever-[mu used were of the following variation: European, golden, wan-m. and pm- midul "bor-vitae; Kolter'l blue spruce; Piiueriatta, golden, Can-d- ensis. and Cum-m junipen; Alum“ and Maxim pines; dwarf Juan.†ycws, also tome golden and red cor- nus. The Pi Deltas, the new bullw- girls club, are sponsoring I moving picture. of nation lunch, which ll being sent to Highland Nrk by the Northwestern railroad. There will be two sets of pictures, one of the BUek Hills country and the other the uutomltic safety lylteln under which they Ire operating. These will be shown In the club room It the Y. W. C. A. tonight (Thursday) It g.. 15: The public In very com-ll: invited to come end no thou m- tion suggestions. A dunes will be given by tho Pup tricin club, Wednesday min, I†21 in St. Patrlck'l hall, Eeerete Mule will be furnllhed by AN Curly Honda. The public in invited, The schools in District No. too, Lincoln, Ravinia, Dru-id: and Wont Ridge, will close on Friday. June 13. Lincoln School to The Lincoln school in to hold I play festival on Fridly evening, In! 16, from 7 to 8 o'eloek. Motion Pictures to Be Shown, Y.W.C.A. Tonight The seats. gate, fiower eontainera, (Continued on page MO Dunes. I" ll Hold Play Festival WOMEN’S LUNCHmN MI SUNSEI' VALLEY Gott club was held loudly. In] 12. The members end their - present numbered Ito, end ell were enthusia- tie over the union end the pram. mud-u Elem The line luncheon was gently en- joyed by the petty of women but Monday and Prelident E, M. hilt. “drone. in which he outlined tres" end interestingly the hiitory of Sun- set Valley ciuh wu lie-rd with Inuk- ed expreuionl of eppmiltion. IN Women lilo were impreeud with the careful arrangement- suede by Pree- ident king and hi: enlist-ate tor their entertainment. The meeting In held in the un- (Continued on ply a) "We wear the poppy one: e year to expreea the feeling of reverence that in always in our henrta for the men who died on the poppy-etudded fields of France and Bey. w during the world war. The poppy ie their Bow. er. It new over their fresh (levee; the one touch of beauty end life‘ln all that region of deetruetion and death known " the front. Nothing een symbolise our rememhrenee ot the tuserifieeg of the world war deed in no fittintt a way u the veering of the poppy. “The lunch derived from the pop- " sale constitute the - eonree of revenue for the rehabilitation and child welfare work of the Legion and Auxiliary. The little poppy illh the gap} With the (undo from the pop- " eele the Legion end Auxiliary M in where the government eennot mach. When you buy a poppy let- urdey. Kay " think of the dieehied veteran in a hoepitel or were“ work-hip who hee {aahioned the little blood-red Bower. Think of the ma.. erleee {anally when ml- during the coming year will be M“ by the coin you drop into the poppy workerI' box. T “Forget there not! " "an go by, On our remembrance they rely, They are the maimed Death did It is plumod to have “other up in. on Monday, In] 10, It th- club house for the [tarpon of organising a woman’s summary of Sunset valley club. Highwood Legion Pout to Observe Poppy Buy on Saturday. March 24 First Annual Aim at Club It, Held Monday; AWN: List of Winner- Tho tlr.t maul 'lunchon .of tho women member- ol Sun-0t Valor Sunny-Smith Pout No. tot, and American. Legion Auxiliary of Illa- wood will hold thelr “null “Poppy Day" on Saturday. In " deny It's msl-frrshd, blind. they try Tofhtdmt-thttt-ttt- In Fluid." Fhld." Nun-n ll