Thurudny, May 15, 1980 _ Holy Crou Catholic Church l Woukegan Rood, Dtserf1ehi, Illinois Rev, C. L. McDonough, Palm Sunday muses, 8 and 10 a. m. In- struc'tion clones for children. Snturdly morning, 9 o'eioek-Con. fessions. Sound-y evening, 7:30 to 9 p. m. Members of the Holy Nome society will approach Holy commun- ion at the 8 o'eioek mass on Sundly, May 18. Forty hours devotion will open, after the 10 o'clock mu; Sunday. Mly M “Id will close ofter the 8 o'clock muss. "Vitiésday morning-There will be a high mus onhoth Monday Ind Tues- day mornings during the dgv9tion. - Confirmation will be administered the latter part of June and if there are my adult members of the parish who have not been eonfirmed, they no urged to conlult with pastor u soon as possible. - Friday" evening, May 23. card party will be held in paris11ull, Tuesdny evening, Mly 20, I regu- lar meeting of Holy Numo society will be field, Highland Purl: Preshrteritut Church Laurel and Linden avenues. Rev. Frank Pitt, mintster Church phones 688 or 46 Friday, Tno-Boy Scout meeting in' the parish housg. Sunday, 9M6-Chureh school; ll, morning worship; the pastor's ser- mon topic is "The Witness of the Spirit." 7:00, Young People's Soci- ety meeting; the topic for discussion is "How did we get our denomina- tions'," These discussions on the hits. tory of the churches and their rela- tionship to one mother are moat in- teresting. You no invited to attend. Vuondzy, 'soo-thunts Fire meeting in the parish house., __ -- Tuesday, T'.46--.The Young Worn, en's club will meet in the perish house. The young women of the church ere eordl-lly invited to join this interesting group in work and fellowship. Wednesday, 8:00 - Church night services. Following the "rviee and payer the pastor will lead e dilem- sion on the Jerusalem Conference, Thursday, (P.80--The members of the Drama Study Group will meet in the home of Mr. And Mrs. William Pence for dinner that which three short plus will be rend. Coming events - June 16th: The opening of, the vacation church school has been set forward one week. The school will begin on Monday morning, June 16th, at 9:00, and continue until July 18th. Redeemer Lutheran Chum-h _ West Central Avenue 1 Rev. W. P. thr, pastor [ Sunday school " 0:30. German service st 10:80. English service at 11:00. At a meeting of the congregation held last Friday it was decided to change the time of our Sunday morn- ing services, to the effect of having the German service follow ,the main service. The new schedule. which is to go into efNet on the flmt Sunday in June it), will he as follows: Sunday school " 0:30. English service " 10:80. 'German service at 11:80. The North Shore Zone of the Wal. ther League will hold a tally on the coming Sunday stun-non and evening " Niles Center. "CAlll0lll LLAC taut s A L L E THE PRESS that. cost just as much to operate The old Idea the a stable, power†at was expemlve to buy and operate I: being thoroughly dimnved by the liguree supplied by Cedlllee and La Selle ogttiert. Theshhtlvhighemtesnthlr payment, under the convenient G.M. A. C. plan, on not burdensome. And thin "sell additional purcilaaa price I: vapidiy camiiad by the am- priting saving: par Wad miles of operation. At the end of ",000 will“. you'll flnd that you have paid ttttte, If any more, tor operation and maintenance than you! present on com. N SM00 mllee the economy “View M" be even greater. Mch we mm the loch kn you: armidemtton? CADILLAC MOTOR CAI co. run-u H but. to. M M Sum