40 T M ha aging (WEN EVENING.“ Y. W. C. A. Notes Tho nrti Friday, May-16th, 1930 The SUNSET FRUIT MART trtixtir hlettdintr of rirh, fruits and Mick walnuts syn-cl ANNOUNCING the opening . 9 ICE CREAM WEEK titlts' BRICK SPECIAL Tutti Frutti Vanilla CREAM Black Walnut 9% sAra r\.’r 533 CENTRAL AVENUE HIGHLAND PARK 'trtt Anthony Lenciont as whole rubric! pa, 0 tr at urlzml jtw cu achieved the mmo as it m ine the club voted on one girl who man to be the delegate to the summer mnference at amp Okoboji, Milford, Inwa. July 1,'5 to M. Evelyn Soumi. president of the club will be High- lund Park representative. The club had its regular meeting Thursday night with I wienie roast. The girls all report a most delightful time. Mothers Club The Mothers club had their annual wnmical Tuesday, Mny 6. The Brand orthestra has played for the club for several yenrn and has been new immigration. There were u- umblieu for the student, business and professional and the industrial girl that they m-zht have an opportunity to discuss the problems of their pir- ticulnr need. p, feature much looked forward to, Mis, Edith Phillips gave I splendid ‘Frienbhip Club At the Friendship club’s last meet- " N. SHERIDAN ROAD am. selected ngsurtcd ultimate in this delicious. THE PRESS selection cf readings. Before the mu-‘ sical. there was a short business meet- ing, the nominating committee pre- sented .the following names as oib cers for the coming club year. Presi- dent Mrs. Louis Schemmel, vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Wm. Drake; secretary, Mrs. Frank Lichwalt; treasurer, Mrs. J. Rephola. Sunshine committee, Mrs. I Willis Gerkin. The president will ap- lpoint the chairman of the program "ommittee. Mrs. Arthur Trppp we) isppointed chairman of the farewell supper which will be the last club meeting of the season, June 3. . Pi Delta Business Girls Club I "The Pi Delta Business Girls club ilmd a moat interesting supper meet- ing May' 1, 35 attended. Following the supper Miss Dockstaeder of Chi. Cairo, Personnel Service bureau gave a most interesting talk on outstanding business characteristic and qualifies. tion, namely disposition, judgement, resourcefulness. alertness (mental) ciliciency and activities outside of business recreation. The pins were lordered and will be delivered atvthe next meeting, Gayle Borneman is chairman for the supper May 15 as- sistedv by the teachers from Deerfield. _ A representative will be sent by the h North. Western R.R. to give a travel- logue talk on Western trips. Three . new members Joined at the last meet. ing. Alice Anderson, Florence Glader i and Josephine Schneider. l Camp i The camp committee, Miss Adele Everett, Mrs. W. A. Alexander and Mrs. LAC. Gatewood are happy to announce the Y. W. C. A. will again sponsor a Girl Reserve Camp, June H to git. Because of the beautiful spacious lodge it will be possible to accommodate all Girl Reserves of the grammar school for both weeks. If planning for one week 1vtr,wjl1 ask the girls in the Swastika. Maldos. LL and Deerfield grammar school to sign up for June 14 to 2lst. The girls from the Cubs, Senior and Junior Makiolets, to sign for June 21 to 28. Registrations should be made as soon 'as possible. There will be a registra- tion fee to be paid by June 1, and which will be applied on the balance due. The price of the camp will in- clude transportation. There will be plenty of capable and experienced counselors. Care and safety of the child can be assured the parents. Lydia V. Hutton, secretary. will be camp director, guided by Hermina deHartog. Rose Opitz, art instructor. Marjorie Kendall, Alice Lindberg, Ind Myra Jane Hutton. Girl Reserve- The Girl Reserve Advisory com- mittee met for dinner at the Y.W.C.A. Monday evening with a 100% attend- ance. A hike was planned for all Girl Reserves from all organized clubs for May'24th. Those wishing to go will meet at the Y.W.C.A. It 10 o'clock with her lunch packed, tied to the and of a stick which she will throw over her .thoulder. The pace will he set hy the trail blazer. The distance there and back will not ex- ceed three miles, The clptaina of the hike will have charge of their own group. Should it rain, bring your lunch and come to the Y. W. C. A. Knickers or tym bloomers and mid. dy may be worn. Bring five cents for a treat along the road. - The last meeting of the Girl Re. serverelub will be a joint meeting at the Y.W,C.A. at fo r o'elock Wed- nesday, May 28, wgen the Awards will be given for this semester " well as those receiving awards for the entire year. Attendance will be count- ed up to and including thnt am. Makio and Mlklolets Last Friday the Makio and Maki- olvt groups of Girl Reserves had a joint meeting in the form of a beach party. All afternoon the girls thot of the tasty lunches so after our hike from school to the lake some girl wanted to eat right sway. We play- ed many games and sung and had racing _crontests-and even took pic- tures. By that time there wns an unanimous decision to eat! A fire was built and lunch unpacked. After our appetities had been» appeued Mrs. Hutton came and spoke to us about camping and camp life. The big question is where will we find a camp big enough to put all the en- thusiasm the girls have? The ring song and Ups were sung and thirtyulve happy girls tripped merrily home. __ -- _ Swastika G. R. The Swastika Girl Reserves Ire taking a two weeks' course in fimt aid at the Highland Park hospital under the. direction of Miss Irene Rietz. The same course will be given the trirls at camp. _ Tie Deerfield" Girl Reserves are planning a hike and supper in the woods Friday evening. _ A The L L ind Cub; Jr. have both enjoyed outside activities this wgek. The Cubs Sr. gave a party to their friends Monday evening, each girl was privileged to invite one girl. Pl Delta Buslness Girls Club , The P1 Delta Business Girls' club are having a supper meeting Thum. day evening, follownl by moving pie- tures at 8:15 o'etoek, “Suggestions for a Summer Vacation" on a trip in and through the Black Hills, spon- sored by the North Western railroad. The lecturer is a man familiar with the country and promises to be a most interesting evening. The club extends an invitation to the public. The members of Frien'dshiir club are serving toast the Y.W.C.A. on Sunday afternoqn, May 25th, at 4 n'clnck. A special invitation is ex- tended the church groups, responsible for the lovely Sunday afternoon teas served during the winter. . A new committee was thought need- ed by the board of directors to render eftieient advice to the community. Mrs, F, C. Noerenberg was appointed chairman of a room registry com- mittee. This committee is to help make a more eMeient service to both the housekeeper listing her rooms and to the persons requesting lodg- ings. At the 'first meeting of the committee it was decided to give a housekeepers' ten May 21 at 2:30 o’clock in the Y.W.C.A., where the functioning of the committee in co- operation with the housekeeper will be explained. Invitations have been sent to those whose names are on the list, others interested are most cor- dially invited, " mime St. Highland Put J. SMITH JUNK TELEPHONE 410 Thursday. May 15, 1930 Beulah: