BRIEF NEWS ITEMS FROM LAKE COUNTY Interesting Happenings About This Part of North Shore', County Seat Thursday. June 5, 1930 Nurses of all kinds throughout Lake county are looking to their starched collars and little white bon. nets preparatory to attending the bi. annual national nurses' convention which opens June 9 at the Schroeder hntel inntilwaukee. Michael Murphy, of Lake Villa, is circulating a petition for his candi- dacy as president of the Lake Villa village board. C. B. Dick's death recently created the vacancy. “lrs. Mary Pulnteteer Funk, proba- Hun officer of the mumy court for . number of years and one of the out. standing welfare workers in the mid- dle west, has been elected president of the state probation society for a second time. Elimination of all speakoasies, stills and breweries in Lake county is plan- ned in a driw that is being fostered by State's A orney A. v. Smith and Sheriff L. A. Dorrlittle, it was dis- closed last week. . Tho city council of Waukegan last week announced that, in the future, all contractors will be required to post a guarantee that they will em- ploy only local. labor on city jobs and that they will use only local products where the required product is provided by a local Rrm, before they will be awarded contracts for city work, Isaae Bradley, M, of 32466 Orange avvnur. Chieagir, friozht conductor on the Chicago. Milwaukee and St, Plul railroad, was instantly killed at 1 n‘clnck a.m., May'? when he fell from his train at Random. Thirty Imx-cars passed over his body before the train could he brought to a stop. Waulteean's Lake Shore drive im- movement, twice voted down by the ritizens at general elections and now being built by piivate subscription. is nlaine ermipktion in front tit the Nreth Shore Coke and Chemical com- pany. Overcome hy carbon mimoxide gnu WARDROBE HAT BOXES $10.00 up hum '" I... CHCAGO. VACATION LUGGAGE WOMEN'S CASES $5.00 to $30.00 and on the point/rf de_thittriHkin- ner, 22, an employs on the Whitney 1toekenbaeh farm between Wlucondn and Cary. last week was rescued just Lofore life had ebbed and was rushed to the Panda" Memorial hospital, Lib. ortyvillo, whore ilrwas said today that he would t'eeryVer. Wnukogan water rates, which 'were raised of necessity several months "It" on account of the Expense: ae- erulmt on the new fWittion plant, will be decreased within the year and will (-nntinue to he lowered in suucoodinz years. according to Com. missinnors A, F. Carney and R. J. Peavsall, A swimming victory for the county, that may bear fruit in obtaining right- of-ways for paving projects. was won but war-k in the circuit court when n jury of property owners decided mm- five hours deliberation that State Wing Wauconda Right-of-Way Cases; Appeal Is Probable ptoperty once priced to the county at $24,500 was actually worth $2,646.83. In each insurwe the jury awarded iris money than the county had ofter. ml originally when members of the hoard of supervisors and the engi- neering department deemed thit I lavish offer Would be better than the expense of going to court. Thole tvndcrs all were spurned. Tho case. brought in the name ot) the state highway department in be- thf of Luke went-v0 and alert",,",.')',', ),.r:ivenne1ui,ts',vap,u,ig,"1er1,1'li'i), "v"ie/ l IHE GREEN. IEA POT i nun I). Kimlail and H. C. Hughes. The defendants plan to carry the', " "on": IMIIIDAN Iona menu-no rant. ILLIIOII 0-m- tn the state supremo court. thoirl attorneys reported. (L--.-.------------------------) I I I I I g 'ii, First Church of Christ, Scientist, rl il, ' " of HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS ii ii ri/ announces tt is I I ' . I I I I I 'il, Free Lecture on Christian Science g; ll by a: I I I I ii BLISS KNAPP, C. S. B. 'il, il of Brookline, Massachusetts il " Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of II " Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Munchusetts E: ii to be held il I a: In GORTON HALL i',l, II McKinley and Illinois Roads E: E! _ LAKE FOREST, ILLINOIS I E II . - IE! ' Thursday Evening June 12, 1930 il, il,",, " 8:00 o'clock id I I - ll, . The Public Is Cordially Invited to Attend E: ll p, THE PRESS Bow Illinois Cities Rank in New Census; Many Show Big Gains The decennial roll cull of the bl: American family nearing nn end, and the Illinois eities are taking I lmekwnrd look. Thus far the inventory of Illinois has shew-z . Peoria the' second city in Illinois m attain the 100,000 rank. East St. Louis displaced by Rock- ford an the third city in the mu. Aurora Idvnnced to the “Big Ten" ("ties at the expense of Juliet. Tho Chicatro metropolitan urea gaining at the rate of M per cent. A dozen new cities rent-lied the IO,. 000 class. - m tor jaded appetites, The mater the savory and the wholesome IT two I " of tho food at am blend: wit h perfect plwro and ottkient Hawk! strikes the dominant hand of the culinary artist 4V6 oir old places In the Mth Ind CW tpeetivel.v, among the cities ot ttli- 'is, tho lttrt decade In: all Just an chanttes union: the hsadlttq an unicipalitien. Chkm mid Peori- lmuin on top, the downluu metro. .lin ruining It: head above the mo.- to mark for the ftrat time Vith MU,. i in tho preliminnry can": “my. Mann and Cicero have not com- and the charming atmos- Du Nee mam the common nin ct nearly no per cent. Coneedinit ttprirtefleld ml I After Cicero camel Olk Park, Ev.. 1Mtttt, Decatur. Aurora, Berwyn, Ilium. Quincy. Rock Inland, DattviN, Mn. Wlukenn. Moline, Blooming- m. Alton, Galestturtt, Bellwllle. I'm-port and Chamrutitrn, piquam ' de nothing cunt to 1001 al& desired Room note tia vor 'ttttr with Cl