$15 Your oId - healing ttft',',',"'.' will be when no FIRST PAYMENT who. you y any all salon ... water healer. Gives You The opportunity to, SAVE MONEY When You NORTH SHORE GAS COMPANY Exchange your old water heat. ing equipment f or a completely automatic, carefree, durable allowance will be made on your all "In heating app-n!" when you by nny PITTSBURG .0" qetior, [u vat. healer. You mm BUY NOW b uh ndnnule of thu - "art SELF ACTION GAS WATER HEATER What time like the presrnt to'rhange from antiquated. bothersome water heating methods to a mudu-m. auto. matic, "hot water at the turn of the tap" system! Never again will you experience exasperating delays-nor turn a hot water faucet in vasin-- when a SELF ACTION GAS WATER HEATER is on hand to supply you with all the hot water you want when you want it. NOW you receive I special liberal allowance on your old water heating equipment when you have us install a SELF ACTION GAS WATER HEATER in your home. Payment for the heater may be ex- tended mm I2 months on our EASY PAYMENT PLAN. Art Now! - and have all the tsitra comforts con- venient hot water service will supply. Come in or telephone. Telephone Highland Park 3300 THE PRE With no mnhoniun to Mt out of order no noiue of any kind In disturb anyone in your home and with no attention unwind the Ell-cumin GAS Refrigerator luring. you " umun no other refrigerator an Mrer. Permanent, auto. unlit: cold; I plentiful lupply of ice cubes [mun quickly Ind clelnly; a "hint-lion procen that is the height of duplicity And conlllncy; these are but I law of the very definite benefits that In your: when In Eicclmlul GAS Refrigerator is in your kitchen. You on it to tour all to know the adv-mne- of Eleclrolul before you buy any Iulomnlic re: fri armor. Come in and we." be glad to demon In" it to you. Several node]. In on diaplny in on! no". Exchange your old ice box for the unequalled refrigeration service provided by a modern. economical GOIVEIIEIT TERMS Mule only I “All. DOWN PAY-Y-tbee pay stat',"""-'"'""'"-"'""" - E LE CTROLUX THE all" It any for ya; to own In Show“ REFRIGERATOR