POTATOES BACON 4lirllLlliCllilD, Rib Roast. Native Beef the pound - Pot 'toa.u,,Nat'tve Beet the "pound T Round Steak. Native Beet, the pnund Native'Beel Rib Rout Short Cut. the pound Native Beet Sirloin Steak. the pound Native Beef I'orterhouse Steak. the pound Native Beef Rump 1 Roast. the pound a Nat. Beef Boneless Rolled Rib Roast. Ih. Prate Corn Beef ' the pound Native Beer “om-lewd Rolled Sirloin Roast. m Ihnelcm Rump Corn Beer. the pound Native Beef Male Beef the pound Best Hamburger Steak the pound Native Beef Stew. "um-less. the pound Flank Steak the pound Fresh Beef Tongue the pound SUGAR PURE CANE, LAMB 2l NORTH FIRST STREET HIGHLJ eef 39c "2Sle 3Sle 3 32c 43c "UNe Sh: 39le u 395C , 38le 18c 7» 33e 29c leef 18c eak 22c 3Se 35c AND P STREET . ARK ' ' ll‘oin Pork Roast the pound Rib Pork Roast the pound Dold‘s or Wilson Hams whole. the pound Armour's Star Hams, I whole, the pound _ Swift‘s Premium Hams, whole, small size. lb. Swift‘s Premium Hams, Whole. large size. California Hams the pound Sugar Cured Bacon Squares. the pound _ Ham Shanks. 3V; to to 4 lbs. each, pound Smoked Butts Boneless. pound Fresh Little Pig Hams the pound _ Fresh Hams (whole or half), pound Pork Chops, large cuts the pound Fresh Spare Ribs (the pound Pork 1930 liilimllMtUARX1lilRS, each $4.50 SPRING lti'OREQUAR5NilR% gach $2.50 THE Fancy Large New The Peck 26le Eilc 25le .27ic alle alle 19le 14le 19lc 39le 18ic 27le 25c 18c lde 18c 39c 29c 25c cloth bag " pounds (with order) " Smoked Fillets V the pound Smoked Whitefish the pound Fresh Pike F the pound Fresh Mackerel the pound Salt Norwegian Herring it! for Fresh Whitefish the pound Fresh Halibut Steak the pound Salmon Steak the pound Fresh Fillets the pound Fresh Shrimp the pound Fresh Trout the pound Fresh Perch 'the pound Fresh Herring the pound Salt Holland Herring 6 for Salt Mackerel the pound Gordon's ('odlish I lh. hor, each 3 pounds for Fish 29ltr, 2shii, 35cf 35cy 33c 29%t 23le 19c 29c 35c ii; 29c1 29 Illu- [mum ci Shoulder Eid, 36d 38c I Fancy Cupons ithe pound _ Fancy Broilers Aho pound _ ‘Fancy Frying Chickens the pound ___ H l Fancy Roasting Chickens, the pound Fancy Stewing Chickens. the pound H Fancy Ducks the pound _ Lamb Steaks the pound Lamb Stew the pound Top Leg Lamb the pound Short Leg Teal the pound Itu'mp Roast. Veal the pound Breast Veal the pound Shoulder Veal (S-lh. cuts), ll). _ Boneless Rolled Veal Roast. the pound Veal Stew. Boneless the pound ' Calves ylweethreads the pound Thursday, June 12, Poultry 's 69c Lamb Veal [3E 1930 39le 39%c 38lc 35%c 3Slc 35le 28c 32c 19c 24le 35c 35c 85 Nie 35c 32c