Thursday, June 12, 1930 growth of Wankegan, which shows a present population of 33,434, with I 74 per cent increue. Highland Purl: shows, an increase of 88 per cent in the last 10 years, the highest increase in the county, but the figures hnve only a small hearing on the total re- suits. Other Luke Co. Cities, Population tittuns .on other mojor cities in the county show: Zion .m_r....rmmmrrmrtmtrt_.t................t....... 5,995 Mundelein ..rrr.rr........_...rmP...F..........t 1,007 Grnyslake .a..r_-"P'P."e""rer...'r"......... 1,119 North Chicago .rmrrtmrWmmmrrmrrm.rrmtmmmrt 8,495 Highland Park o....................-..), Lake Forest .r_r_sm._._mtrFr..F.a_wr.__..PFm.. 8,137 Lake Bluft ."'.....r_.FF_w..rm_r_r_....m...... 1,411 Highwood -mrr_rrr.rmr.r...mmrmmrrmtmmrmttretm. 3,625 Antioch PFw_F.-VF_. 1,090 Libertyville .r.a.t.t.....F.._.m.._............ 3,787 Larger Silurian Possible’ The offleial announcement that the county is at least over 100,000, opens the way for pay incresses for county offkeris, it was pointed out, if the county board sees fit to vote them, in accordance with the stste statutes. This is not compulsory on the board, it is understood. Judges Perry L. Persons and Mar. tin C. Decker Ire eligible to I salary of $6,000, a raise of $1,000. Col. A. V. Smith, state's attorney, is eligible to the same raise and "lary, Circuit Court Clerk L. J. Wilmot. Probate Clerk John R, Bullock, Coun- ty Clerk Lew A. Hendee, end County Treasurer Jay B. Morse will be eligi- ble to a mile of $500. POPULATION OF ll. P. NOW 11,305, REPORT The local club has several new players, all of them showing prom- ising form, and with four successive Sunday gnmes and the 4th of July game to be played on its own grounds, Highland Park hopes to hold Leommnnding lend by mid-amen. H. P. Cricket Club in Good Form Wins Last Three Games After losing the initial guns of the season to Washington Park, the Highland Park t Cricket club has found its form, and In: continued with I winning streak of three zones, defeating Lake Forest (at Lake For- est) by 92 to M, Pickwick: (at High- land Park) by 140 (for 7 wickets) to 67. all out, and Oak Park by M to 40. The public is invited to come And watch the gumes on Sunday uter- noons. beginning " 1:30, on the Sun- set Puk grounds. Playing members or honorary members ere cordially invited, and should eommunleate with the "er.. tary, Mr. Alfred Allen, box 128, Win- netkn, or with the president, Mr, Wil- liam A. Shurpe, 624 Chicugo avenue, Highlind Park, phone 1184. Mr, and Mrs. Ed -Dufry of Laurel nvenue have returned from 5 two weeks' motor trip through Wisconain. Miss Priscilla Le Pelley returned tron Francis Shimer school in Mt. Carrol, We1ittesuitty, She expect: to be at home Ill summer. The Junior Mar club will meet Monday evening " the home of Mm. Roy Howe, 1721 Plenum venue, Ravinia. " (Continued from page 3) 5,995 1,007 1,119 8,495 11,305 6,137 _ 1,411 3,625 1,090 3,787 Deerfield Resident Dies Suddenly While on Way to Hospital Frank A, Hubucher, 60, I resident PRICE VERSUS QUALITY " Again-a dry ley pri " 'it',',,':,",',":,::',',':,',)",',',',,',',',',',,',',.,' " not . . . but- THERE'S DANGER IN DOLLAR CLEANING FUR STORAGE TELEPHONE MOLDANER G: HUMER Which Shall It Be} " " " " 00 " " " " " " Highland Park 3400 " " TE! PRES! Again-a dry cleaning price wards on. The guns of certain cleaners are belching forth a barrage of dollar cleaning proposi- tions, etuttouLured by promises of quality workmanship and what not . . . but-. Dollar cleaning means ttti-Orneta must he cut. cheep lune- dlents must be resorted to. work must be rushed through on the “sweat shop" basis. with your garments subjected to extra wear and tear-and all this to make it seem that you are slvlnc u pol- Bible Me or Mk. Whereas-by paying the Shore Line 81:25 for men's suits and $1.50 and up for ladies‘ dresses. your garments are handled with painstaking care, besides being cleaned in Miraclean. which la so pure, so odorless, so crystal clear that perfect and superior clean- ing is a natural result. Furthermore. Miaeiean, is economical be. cause lt makes clothes wear and stay clean longer. Re-ber-- only at the Shore Line Cleaners can you gel Miraciean in High- land Park. ' FOR YOUR PROTECTION COOL AIR IN OUR OWN BUILDING of Deerfield nnd I tetired soldier, died sudden] tig Think It Over Before Choosing Your Cleaner 3', while being tampon.†to the spital at Fort Sheridan 1mm his me. He hid been ailing. H. is SHORE LINIJCiEANERs WI 5 Washington Avenue "tian a; bkdth af may of heart trouble Mon ce metery char 3 0 funer- :lock It the Ind burl-I , by w“ held Wednesday bk wife and two â€I. C. _L. Boo-a Frauen! olNCv Sheridan he (I