Sunset Golf club continues to " tract many players these ttne days and the attendance in the int week “as large. The course is in fine con- dition, thanks to the eMeient care of President Laing and his assistants, and their efforts are fully appreciated by the golfers Who enjoy playing this fine course. The Ladies Auxiliary of the club continues its activities with many participating. The show is to take place in the Lake Forest estate of Mrs. Edith Rockefeller McCormick. Saturday afternoon, June 14th and Sunday, the 15th. Visitors will be admitted to the estate between noon and 8 p. m. on. Saturday and between 10 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. on Sunday. The roads leading to the McCormick estate, which is located in the southeast cor- ner of the city, will be marked for the occasion. so that people motoring to the show will find it easy to access. A rapidly growing entry list mikes it seem probable that the Spring Flower show of the Lake Forest Garden club and the North Shore Horticultural society, scheduled for this weekend, will surpass its pro- decessors, and that will be saying something, for the North Shore so- ciety women have put on some splen- did' shows which have attracted In many as 5,000 people. Many Players Enjoy Sunset Golf Course The day at camp is divided into three ptsru--military training in the morning, sports in the afternoon, Ind (Continued on page 48) - Two thousand of these will be tre- commodated at Port Sheridan, 1,200 of them from Cook county. The Chi. cago and cook county quota so in shows 581 applicants, and national headquarters, which is located at 6 N. Michigan avenue, where applica- tions may be filed, is urging those interested to file applications as soon as possible. The rest of the quota will come from northern Illinois and eastern and southern Wisconsin. Hold Special Days Special attention is to be given to the Oath of Allegiance day, August 2, and to Chicago day, August 5. Other special days are North Shore day, August 7; Governor's day, Au. gust 9; American Legion and Auxil- iary day, August M; Patten day (for Mrs, James A. Patten, donor of the athletic field), August 19; D. A.0t. and Chief of Staff day; August 21, and Visitors’ day, August M, l Annual Flower Show at Lake Forest June 14-15 The 1930 Citizens' Military Train- ing camp for the 6th corps area. of which Chicago is the center. will open at Fort Sheridnn on July 31 and con- tinue until August 29. This is but one of 52 camps. The camps are ex- pected to train 40,000 boys and young men in the basic art of military dia- capline. ' URGE YOUTH TO FILE CAMP APPLICATIONS Now Is Time to Join; Military Training Starts Ft. Sheri. dan July 31 Thursday, June 12, 1930 Trap Shooters Meet The Northern Illinois Trap Shoot. ers league will hold I meeting " the Deerfield Gun club, Sunday morning at ' o'clock. All those interested are invited. _ An ordinnnce for increuing the pressure of the city water system, and for sewer 3nd urban disposal have .130 been approved by the coun- ell. A survgy is also being made pre- paratory to the intrtahtion of an or- namental street lighting system, it is reported. . Some bppoiiiion wu encantered to the passage of the building and won- ing laws but this was finally ironed out. Under the ordinance commerciul establishments will be eoniined to two streets, Waukegnn avenue and Rail- road avenue. It I150 provides that dwellings must be erected on property having an area " 7,200 EQUII'O Net, Provisions are also made for duplex " multiple type of dwellings. The Vordinanc'es provide for a zon- ing law, building code and rules gov- erqipg the instillation of plumbing. Restrictions on location of commer- cial buildings and the methods of construction of all types of buildings are provided in three ordinances ap- proved by the Highwood city council recently. Clu- Illa-n Beryl David Shapiro. Ethel Mnrie Swind- 'rn, Inn: erll Culbrl. Rerus L. Pint-l. Roe Alml Roth, Marvin Charles Brownlee, Dor. "thy Marie Grin. Bernice haul» Swan. In" Doll: Bertaeehlnl, Fried- Mhecu Gllll. Tull. Pincchi. Reno (unnatural. Ved- erthl Att. derwn. Margaret Cnl0relll, In" Anna TIM- Highwood Is Enacting New Zoning Ordinance Lint " Grunt!- Gilberu Henrietta Anderlnn. Vedn Murm- Anderson, Alan S. Anon. Dink] D. Bnrutti, Irving D. Brrnardl. Albert Fred Bollnlherl. Mary'Delln Bertnaehini. been: Annll Berti. Alfred Jamel Bertueei. Fred A. Bertuccl. lur- vin Charles, Brownlee, Lena mm Calbrl. Murine: Caldnre0i. Hello Cllnpunl, Ellen Fin-um Carlson, Peter Chell. Dorothy Mule Crist, Chum C. Crovetti. LI Verne Duvid- nun. Del“ Erma Doretti, Enw Joleph Dor. etti. Ellubeth Willodene Drew, Tull! Fioeehi, Rnymnnd Dominic Fini, Fidel A. Ghlni. Rena Ghnuiorll. Martin g, Glider. Frledl Rebeca Glass. Marie Guidntti. Anker KArlenaen Jen- Men. Geome Ceell Klein. Loui- W. kundrnth, Ettore Lenll. Mary Mnearl. Ralph Lionel erquez. Dorothy Klthryn Minorini. Dominic Jonah Monhrdlnl. mid. Funnel lordlnl. Edward Arthur Ohon. Marl-rel. Eva Olbrne. Renn L. Pinul. Marie tamine Pier-Mani. Marin Plirrustart, Normn Annn Rolando. Lllly Mary Run-HM. Rose Alm- Roth, Merle Ellrn Russell, Beryl Dlvid ShIDiro. Ruin-1d Thom†Sir-tram. Arthur Franck Mutter, Ethel Mule Sventlsen. Bernice lmulu Swan. Inn Alnn T-mnrri. Lenore Audrey llgnllnl. Ella-both Margaret White, {Egbert Wtekioder, Nellie Loin hulk. Chm: Clu- Choa Vlllry'. Commencement exercises for the eighth grade graduating class of the Oak Terrace school, Highwood, were held last evening. The prugrnm pre- sented and the list of graduates and those receiving clue honors follow: -- Pm!!!- _ - _ - _ Bernke Sw-n Ind Len- Culbrl Clnu Will l . Fidel Ghlnl Mullc. "Alma Mater" T _ Clan of "so valedietorr _ Len- Cllhrl Pmentutlon " the Clu- Wayne A. Thom- Presentation of Diplomu Ruth M. Bell]: Reunion-I . Clan ot 1980 Pfocuunnll Clu- ot 1930 hte; "Song of the Open Road" Clan ot 1980 'slut- T Beryl Shapiro Mule. “Fun-well Son." 7 Girls of 1980 Clnu- Prophecy . Peter Che" Duet, "June Song" T ___ T TtPt? Made Oak Terraée Graduating Exercises Last Evening; Program and Graduates Motto: "Bnekbtttte, Not Whhbnm"'\ Colon: Scarlet Ind White. Flowers: Red Rona Ind Lilies of the V Hllhwood Clvlc Band pirated br.Aldts any _ _ THE PRESS Virginia Perkins is leaving today for Greenwich, Conn., when sh. will be the mint of Joan Chum“ until the latter put of July. The Chap. mnn's were former relidenu of ma- land Park. _ Richard N., non of Conn-cum and Mrs, Carl R. Chlndblom, wu graduated Tuesday with the degree of ILS. from the Munchueettl Initi- tute of Technology " Boston. m. mother, Mrs. Christine Chindblom. went to Boston to attend the [redun- tion.' She herself was born in Boston. Congressmen Chindblom Wu unble to leave Wuhintton at this time on tM?Count of the utm- of work. Ruth Christine, daughter of Conneumen end Mn. Chindblom. wee graduated from the College of Liberal Art: of George Washington university. Wuh- ington. D, C., Wedneldey with the degree of BA. Her mother Ind broth. er returned to Wuhington for her commencement. 21, and for the performance of Sun- day night, June 22, the sulmeribers to the guarantee fund have the hat call for tickets, and untlltheae have been servd. it is impoaaible to deter. mine what seats will be available for general sale. If mail orders cannot be filled, the money will be refunded. Gives Required Information For the last two weeks Mr. Eek. Mein has been deluged with inquir- ies from those who expect to attend the performances at Ravinia this season. For the benef1t of these in. quirers he has issued a statement Bet. (Continued on page M) in a large number pf entries from both the Chicego district Ind many other rities in the country. The commit- tee in charge reserves the right to give precedence in the titanium round to players having scone of ttt, or better. The qualifying mund of the " tinml Open Golf ttturttatttettt will be played 09 the Etienne course. It Deerfield, on Monday, June 16. There Chindblom's Sent: for the flrst week of the new season of Revinie Open which openl Saturday night, June 21, Will be placed on sale for the generel public It the box-office It Revinie, Seturdly morning, June 14 " 10 o'clock. Mail orders will be received by The Revlnie compeny " its oMee, M S. State street. Chic-co, up to the morning of June, 13, end prospective pantheon who desire thus to order tickets by mail should enclose check payebie to The Revinie company. It is necesury to Idvine the pub- lice that for the opening perform-net of the season. Suturduy night, Juno Qualifying Round of National Open Starts Monday " Briergate Tickets for First Performance on June 21 Then Available; Other Information RAVINIA SEAT SALE STARTS ON JUNE 14 Iom’s Son and Daughter Graduates Highland Park 505 Elm Place Phone H. P. 2830 Penal-chainsaw“ aUBU'tMatmn+exh.a-,grqx Auburn - Cord Sela - Service _