Frederick Golden Jr. is leaving on Saturday for a two weeks visit with Billy Streib in Clinton, Iowa, while Gloria will leave at the same time for Green Cake, Wis., whereshe will visit Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fossum " Lew- isnnla. Mrs. William Pearl will entertain the Friday night bridge club this wotrk at her home on S. Sheridan road, Harry Hall Jr, is spending a few weeks visiting relatives in northern Wisconsin. Betty Nehert who makes her home with her aunt, Mrs. Harry Hall, left Friday to spend the sum- mer with her father in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Abercromby and family and Mrs, Helen C. Golden are planning to leave for the east next Wednesday, stopping at Atlan- tic City, where Mr. Abereromby is representing tho local chapter of the Elks at the convention being held there the sixth, and lasting five days. They will visit other places of inter. est in Schenectady, Buffalo, Cleve- land and Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. M, H. Conrad and daughter. Eleanor, will motor to St. Louis tn spend the Fourth with their son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Irv. init F. Conrad. . Mrs. Lyman Murphy of Ft. Sheri. dan entertained at dinner on Friday for Mrs. Demon of Texas who is vis, Min: here with her daughter, who is ill in the Fort Sheridan hospital.. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Decker and children, Lois, Dettattd Bob, and Mr. Theodore Juergens of Chiclgo were the Sunday guests at the M. C. Conrad home on McGovern street. Harry Hall Jr, is spending a few Mr. McDonough has returned to his home in .Madison after spending several weeks in. Highland Park u the guest of the Canright family of S. Linden avenue. The board of the Y. W. C. A, were the guests at Camp "Merry Days" at Druce Lake, last Thursday. Mr, Philip and Miss Martha Rapp motored to Terre Haute, Ind., to spend the week-end with their mother, Mrs. John Rapp. Mrs. Floyd Koon and son. Elmer, left last Friday for a motor trip to New Orleans where they will visit Mr. Floyd Koon for several "tks. The Misses Abigale and Elizabeth Johnston of Chieago were the week- end guests of the William Denzels of 8. Second street. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Kurlzon of Cedar avenue entertained ninety guests at a garden party, Sunday, June 22, in honor of the doctors and directors of Mt. Sinai hospital, of which MnKurtzon is president. at. commencement lust. week, with the diploma for completion of the general course. Miss E. Louise Kendall of Prince- ton avenue was graduated from the School of Library Science of Western Tleserve university of Cleveland, o., Eileen Zimmer and Naomi sttttthoff are arriving home Suturday from Ctunp "Merry Days" M. Druce lake, where they have been for the past two weeks. Thursday, June The Luther league of Zion Luth- eran church will meet tomorrow eve- ning (Friday) at the home of Mrs. Harry McClure of. Central avenue. Local and Personal M 1930 Mrs. Richmond Dean of Sheridan road is entertaining at a luncheon and bridge today (Thursday) at the knoll. wood Country club. _ M, at Saint Stephen's Episcoml church, Hollywood, Calif. Mrs. Thos. Berry was formerly Miss Grace Adele Lasher of this city. Mr. and Mrs, Samuel H. Bingham, who have been abroad for several Mrs. Charles Brace of Bloom. street attended a luncheon of the Round Tit- ble Instructresh dub It the Medinnh Athletic club, Monday ty.d friends in Highland Park of the Lasher family will be interested to hear that invitations have been re- ceived from Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Berry of Log Angeles to the marriage of their daughter, Lhcilo, to Mr. Peter Whitehill on Thursday evening, June THE PRICE CUTTING CLEANER ANSWERS WITH A-NO! ' MIRACLEAN ANSWERS THE ABOVE WITH A-YES. TELEPHONE 44 AM, Highland Park AM 44 3400 THE PRESS IO. ll. 12. The above speeifheuions are rigidly lived up to in every Mira. eletuted garment leaving our plant. and " only a slight increawe in cost over the price cutting cleaner. This superior workmanship costs $1.25 for men's suits and 81.50 and up for Indian“ dresses. 6. I. Are the shoulders of the ml well shaped; free from wrinkles? 2. Are the lapels pressed to "roll"-mot creased? 3 Is the collar reshaped to fit the neck eorreetiv? Are both coat fronts ahaped to the chest'.' Are pockets free ttom sag; ttarm pressed without leaving marks on the coal? Is the lining well pressed; free from wrinkles? ls bagginess at the knees removed; does a t1rnt sharp ere: run the length of the trouier-iett from mid pocket to out! Are trouser-tops pressed and wrinkles removed? Are perspirath odors removed? Is the cloth soft and lustrous; the nap raised? the wearer desired? Mr. and Mrs. 'D, S. Bruce and daughters, Constance and Magnet: of Glencoe avenue, left Monday morn- ing for I motor trip through Europe. They sail from Montreal on June 27 on the Duchess of Richmond, During Does the coat back hang smoothly? Are the sleeves free from wrinkles. with or without creme. an Mr. Bruce's absentee his buiineu in being carried on by Mr. George o'Calitttthatt. They will be gone three months. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. 0hrmund and daughter. Ethel, of (Home avenue. spent the week end with relatives in Fond du Lac. Wis. months, returned to Saturday. Sgt. Ernest Keeling left Tuesday evening for a trip to California. Mr. Edward Le Pelloy of Venice, Fla., is spending the summer with Mr. Ind Mrs. Frank be Pulley of C7ii"ii.'ii' _'ciii"iiiiiiD SHORE LINE/CiEANEns 1215 Wuhinlton Avenue view: an: Jbkigk oprritg Highllnd Park Mnry Beverly Turrilf went u few ad. lost week In o" Plrk. the - of Minus and.» ileum. Mr. Arthur Victor left Monday on a fUhittg trip in Northern Wincomtn. wr eks Sheridan road Friday. ' Ht lies Mr rury Mrs. IN rank isit expects to be "my about than father and sin! daught Loni: Olson. “comp-n t Lee Fisher " St. Innis. Ho, m the Udell and Cape uni aw day: of this week. 'Il ll. kawoll entertained party last Thur-day for 'r, Juno's, birthdny anni- trip , L, Roan: Pres any t He unwed here In! (‘unnd't left for . Iâ€. - a two .mdly