Thursday, June 26, 1930 LAKE COUNTY NOW gm IN POPULATION Formerly 12th; Among 102 Counties of State; Moves Up in Last Census Lake county has moved from 12th to 9th position among the 102 coun- ties in the Ma in population. Cook county???“ its 3,987,058, m- turally holds first place with all-neat half of the state's population of Te 635.905, and St. Clair. in second place a decade ago, remains second with 157,338. Lake county, since 1920, outdist- armed Rock Island, La Salle, and Ver- million counties. The record for the flrst 15 counties in the last 10 years is as follows: 1930 1920 1. Cook 3,937,058 3,053,017 l 2. St. Clair .. 157,338 136.520 1 3. Madison . 143,132 106,985 4. Peoria P-te 141,639 111,710 5. Kane FF._F_Pr 125,258 99,499 6. Winnebago 118,301 99,929 T. Sangamon 11,800 100,6626 8. Will .tt.e... 110,842 92,911 9. Lake t_-__-_. 103,350 74,285 10. Rock Island 97,869 92,297 ll. LaSalle 1. 97,096 92,925 12. Vermillion 90,225 86,162 13, DuPage .. 85,386 42,120 14. Macon TTV . 81,691 05,175 15. McLean .. V 73,093 70,107 The increase in the" past 10 years for the counties was as follows: Cook, 934,041; St. Clair.‘ 20,818; Madison, 36,147; Peoria, 29,929; Kane, 25,759; Winnebago, 27,372; Songs- mon, 11,174; Will, 17,931; Lake 29,- 065; Rock Island, .5,572; LaSalle, 4,- 171; Vermillion, 4,063; DuPage, 43,- 266; Macon, 10,516; and McLean, 2,- 266; 986. .or the eight counties ahead of Lake in the listing it gained on all but Cook, Madison, and Peoria. In the counties trailing Lake a greater gain was shown by DuPage with its 43,266. -Cheer up. More automobiles were made in the United States in April this year than in my April in our history except April, l929. And not a single one of 'em was I Model T. Arrest Youth in Zion For Smoking; May Fight "i'll carry the fight to the highest court in the land," said Lloyd Cun- ningham, father of Hurst's chum, and who posted a $400 cash bond fol- lowing the youth’s arrest yesterday, after Hurst had spent two hours in jail. Hurst was standing on the plat- form at the Salem boulevard station of the North Shore line, waiting for a train. Pulling a package of cigar- ettes from his packet, he lit one and tcok several puffs. Policeman G. T, Miller lapped him on the sleeve. "That's Iglinst the law," he said. "You're under arrest." The Zion anti-cigaret law, which was held invalid by the supreme court 16 years ago. will be again tested before that body of Francis Hurst, 19, to be tried Friday on charges of smoking I cigarette, is convicted. Hurst was taken to the police sta- tion, and was allowed to call Cun- ningham, who produced bail for him. Peoria Pe-e Kane cF____r. Winnebago Sangamon Donates Lake Villa Home for Invalided Children Is Report Donation of a fine summer home located tm Crooked Luke near Lake Villa to a board whit will use it u a home for invalided end under- nourished children, by Mrs. Maurice Reynolds, Mrs. William Reynolds Ind Mrs. W. W. Haether we: announced last week. 'The home is to be estab- IT IS THE that makes the recordpossflolei. it. u u a. Cur-l m In", W M Mind-y "in. on _ii3iTtGlcfrn0Il) 'llllN]Nll' 'he Monitor Fr-you will "war-in it In In instant by in attractive modern demitra.Within in den-l WI"! ttse Whig- enlar‘o entire mrehaimm in hermrti. mily nailed-walla! forever from dust, moi-lure Ind rust-union! frorit every- thug that an»: trouble, mm and exprmr.Thr Monitor Top iu your “nur- unne of unfailing ctlicieocy, 'our [promo GENERAL (lllt ELECTRIC ALL-STEEL niawnmanxron lished u I memorial to their mother, the late Mrs. C. D. Peacock. the wife of the Chicuo jeweler. The institution is to be known as the Emilie W. Peacock camp of the Children's Memorial hospital Ind the board in charge will be heeded by Mrs. August: Maxwell. Phone 3800 " The home located in a large tract and surrounded by beautiful gardens, Besides donning the home and spacious ground, the three women will also furnish it and nulntuin it. woods and the lake will pr VIC. J. KILLIAN, Inc. Exec l, 19 North Sheridan Road Itil/Ill tion again“ u-m-lly repair bill; your murmur of lulu-Mm my. " "In-ting your eiseric, rdripnm. “it for the Monitor Top full of I". 11. Murmur Top is " evil-Eve than .. Gnu-rd I'eric Refrigemlun Ca- in, and let u nhw you bow W live they no to own. " kin! spot for “lengthening the link bodies of childxjen. Children to be housed in tho but. partment of the hospiul. They "I to be under the expert guidance oi Mrs. "net Burton's. a tactful. lyn- puthetic woman with I background oi training in chiology as well u witl years of anemia] emetic-cu tt handling lick and eotttraieiseent chi] dun. be utuccoe oMN.l.C-.u§ home this theme ll uervice summer I" de h