Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press, 7 Aug 1930, p. 3

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HIGHLAND PARK DOLLAR DAY, WED., AUG. 13 VOLUME XIX LIBRARY TO OCCUPY OLD CITY BUILDING At its regular session Monday eve- ning the city council granted the H. P. public library use of the old city hall building for one your while the new library building is being erected. The library board was given per- mission to occupy the building on the corner of Central and Green Bay with the 'understanding that it be turned back to the city in the same condition as obtains at the present time. The agreement is subject to the stale of the building by the city, in which event tho permit to the li. tmiry may be revoked on BOduys’ no- tice, according to the action of the council. Tax Levy Ordinance The annual tax levy ordinance was presented and placed on file for pub- lie inspection. as required by law. It carries a total of $311,207.50, the amount to be levied by city tax for the ensuing year. the ensuing year. Acting Méyor Reay appointed and the council approved a mosquito abatement commission tn he compos- ed of the following members: Cart Moran Brothers were given a re- fund of $11.40 on water pcrmits is- sued for 151 and 153 North Grovnbay road and 544 Elm place. Referred to Commissioner Application of the Public Servicv Company of Northern Illinois for a permit to construct an addition to their substation on St. Johns avenue (Continued on page 30) A7 Peterson, chairman; Robert Larke, Gordon Buchanan, John Mitchell and Earl R. Jerome, 'ertttissiort by Council Given Un. der Certain Conditions; Other session Details Thursd-y. August ' 2 pm. Evening Draw with Bourskuym Mart Angeli}. an»); Mar Olivierm mum-L Friday. Aum 7 "The Entered Bride" with Rothbrrg. Chnmqu, Windhrim, D'Angrln. Mu- well, Bnunkaya. Palm. m. Snurdny. Amt. 9 "The Barber of _Sevillt" Snurdny. Aum 9 "The Barber " Seville" with Much-(h. Tokntytsrt, Bulnln. anuri. Treviun. Flo. Ollvlcrn. Sunday. Aux, ttr-Attrrnoon, ram-m: ove- nine, "Madame ButtrrtV" with Rethherrt, “hunk-u. Martfnelli, Buick. Oliviero. Cnv. Indore. Ceh-nnvuky. Film. Anlniun. Monday, Aug. It "Animn Alix-urn" with Devi. Chunk-c. Windhrim. Mucheth. Bours. hn. Treviun. Monti.Gorsey, Pawn. Film, Oliviera. Anuniln. Ceh-nov-ky. C-vadore. Tuuduy. Aug. It, "Plus!" with GO. John. son. Rainier, Danise, Pnuui. Palm. Annninn. Wednesday, Aug. " Double bill, “Caval- Ierin Runtlcunl" and "Pauli-ed" with num- bertr, Chnmloo. Bn-inh. Fade". Mario, Mutin- elli. Dani" uni others. Thunduy. Auk. " Children‘s runcert m Human"; evening. double bill. "Thu Sreret of Sui-nu." and "La Vid- Brave" with Bod. Toknnn. Windheim. BnurIk-yl. D'Anneln, bdrm. Phtgstr. Ollvkgo. Cehnnovulty. RAVINIA OPERA PROGRAM CUT OUT FOR REFERENCE 'rdrnli, it w:trir" "Carmen" Munimlli. Mnmi-Gnney. w. Mnchll. Film. Cehnnuuky. T be Highlanh Park Press children's pnmrnm W With the National Air Rue! ut' Curtiss Field, near Glenview, eched-‘ uled for the latter put of this month,' the Highland Park Chamber of Com-3 mercc has planned. n srteeittl.proirrattt , at its August meeting, Tuesday eve“ nine, Aug. 12, at 6:30, at the Green Tea Pot, where the usual fine dinner, will be served. i A feature of the program will be a 3 talk by R. W. Ibenteldt, president of the Junior Association of Commerce and the speakers' bureau of the Na- itional Air Races. Mr. Ibenfeldt will t‘describe that colorful panorama of {aviation to be stunted at Curtis: Field lAuuust 23 to September l, a feature pd which will be an All-lllinois Day, ‘on Sunday, August M, intended to (stimulate interest among all chum- ibers of commerce in the Mate in the {great national air spectacle. The speaker will outline the scope of ithe air pageant. with special empha- sis on tho elaborate preparations be. "nit made for All-illinois' Day. ', All members of the chamber are (urged to be present at the dinner iand meeting Tuesday evening, Aug. , w., as this program will be especially iinttwesting. The National Air Races (the great annual aeronautical assem- Talk on National Air Tennis Tournament At Races at Chamber of RariniaGtarttr Aug. 16th; Commerce August 12th Slow Motion Films, 28th the great annual aeronautical assem- bly of the your will bring to Chicago and Curtis: Field the nation's great- est aviators, stunt fliers and the pick of the army and navy ships and pi- lots. The big navy dirittible, Los An. miles. is scheduled to visit the field, and hundreds of contests and spec- tacular achievements of army and navy contingents and famous com- mercial aviators will comprise a pro- gram hitherto unequalled in aviation history, it is predicted by those fam. ilinr with the plans. lElks Golf Tournament 1 Columbia Club Aug. 13 A number of the employes of Er- mine Cleaners, Ine., of llinhwnnd, en- joyed a picnic and outing at Lily like last Sunday. Tho afternoon was stunt in boating, swimming, playing baseball and other amusements. Re- trr shments were abundant. and the outing throughout was greatly en- joyed by all participating. Employes of Ermine Cleaners Have Picnic The Benevolent and Protective 0r- der of Elks Lodge No. 1362 “Lil! "tre a golf tournament It the Columbia Country club on Wednesday, Aug. 13. Members and their guests are in. vited and are promised I full dly of good sport and entertainment. HIGHLAND PARK, lumoxa. THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1980 The Mid-summer Open tournament of the aninin Tennis club will mm definitely Snturdny. August 16. There in no entrance fee Ind there will be men's singles, women'l lin- (In, Ind Junior singles. Junior sin. glel will take boys up to " you" of Age only, The courts will be open to than who enter the tournament for practicing: starting August H, until Inch piny- erx Ire eliminated from the inurnu- ment, or win it. Prize: will be given to the three clause! and it ll hoped that any and all north shore players, " well on those in Highlnnd Park, will enter. Place.your entry by culling Mr. E. E. Koran. phone Highland Park 4066 on or before August Nth. A grout deal of interest ha been unused by the ttlow-motion tum which the club is going to exhibit free of chum.- At the Ravinia nudi- torium Ann". bl. The United States Lawn Tennia association, who furnish these Rims advise that the interest " over the country his been very (rent And they Uve not been Able to supply the call they hive hld for the filtttts, . The t1lms ate being shipped to the Ravinia Tennis club from Portland, . The film» ate being shipped to the Ravinia Tennis club from Portland. Ore., And we going buck to Mill Val- ley, Calm, after the unvinin Tennis club has finished with them. Evi- dently, the Wart Count intends to maintain their prestige in tennia. An unusual feature hug been intro- duced at the aninia course through Mr. Kern caning to spend some time (Continued on page Bl) ' SPECIAL DOLLAR DAY EDITION Highland Park Next Tuesday Watch for Press COMMERCE CHAMBER IS SPONSORING l'l' Met-dun“ “In to Give Excep- tional Values that Will Appeal to " Indications throuhout the buninou district Ire that Wednesday, Aug. M, will prove the moat yucca-(III Dollar Dly ever held in lithium Park. immediate nnd enthusiutlc mponue has come from partially all buli- not: houm of the city to the plan outlined by the chamber of comment which in monitoring the Dollar Day project, and manhunt! throughout the city IN planning to mm Aug. " an outstanding date in the met- cantile history of lithium Park. . day which will long be nmemhend by their patron: u setting the pace for ofteritttm Q! morehnndiu item! of high clan " twill Dollar Day mien- hithertoo “unwind on the prim-n nurth Wain-lay. Ann! " Wednesday, August lath. date win-ted by the Dolllr Da mittee of the chamber of com for this event, and the N-oll of all business houn- ie and committee ls composed of J. L helm, Julian Smith, and A. I All the initttettee And "mums chunk-r of commerce It! Ital crud to unite the. with the support there in every ttrr will prove u day t out to all who I will prove a day of exceptionul inter. est to all who appreciate splendid values and anon-bl: when. In order to provide minute opportunity tor advertising (Continued on page I!) North Chicuo Days to Be Celebrated on August Ninth & Tenth North Chicago in planninl a his celebration of two North CHeaao days, Anna! 9 and no. In Foa- Park under the auspice. of Shaw“: pod No, 897, American Mon and the North Chicago Chamber of Commerce. The program will incl“: parachut- Jumps, vaudeville. dancing, Kyle shown, exhibit tent, drum and bulk corps contents by the beat corp- In the state. national rm... and oth- er entertainment noveltlaa and a mun- ber of now quake". One of the -ouutartdine future: will be ploblbly the m OW public “Mm: swam raver Install“ in lake county which in lulu Ir- runged by engineers of the Harry Alter Co. of Chicago. distributors of Majestic adios. Three microplwnu and ten loud speakers and 10,000 (out of wire will be mill-d. and one of the but known of Chicago ”munc- en will be In chum of this lawn. pro-m a lumen. amt the manhunt- t that Au. " tendon-l inter- seiate splendid Nun-n 28. an: beintt cooperation commerce Mo This Wer- the the

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