Faun! Pnybonnki was killed new be» He â€1:30 The sHoREious co. 'tll Phone Glenview 28 W. 1 “1'11 has the M&W_._ l a mil "or of the thunk, and hi t, Rev. J. Leehert. ' The pullbeunrn were May . L. Atkimum of North oresertUtive Richard to This car has excellent rub- ber and is mechanically o. K. RECONDITIONED 1929 Chevrolet Coach wHAT. WILLIT.“ lll'SIIUN W W" 7%: iiyiit PI u-rvices for Mrs. Max of, North Chientto, who in In automobile tteeident Plnlncs Wednesday after- held Saturday morning at " at. the Huty itosary Nth wtreet, North Chieas ev. A. Suwulski of Akron, It-r of the dun-used "mei- mun wmelery unty John Phoru V" and Sr W W rth Ch Muyur W Jul irzeai r unk be: I’M! "btt.h" - " ". "Ill! mun CD. " lhIluId Pith. I... COIII’. who“. My: artghlatdr Thsrk 9mm "mm-mm _...-_ ,,, .._,, ,, - -eeH -'"q.. _ s,'1g'",','tg't"htl'u'll'd1 t, Treed d Mr. and Mrs. lint Fisher and Arutrle. tor â€Wham" mu "uh tho d“... aughter Patty May of St. Louis, " wanâ€, men tn 5mm opp-um in Mu., visited the John L. Udell family menu has of Oak street Tuesday and Wednes- l-oluuou or mandolin... and. of thank. day on route to the Dells, Wisconsin. ennui-n. noun. " nwwmu at and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zahnle, Mr. “W" Vh‘" " “I'm"m - h - and Mrs. Joseph Derube and Mrs. -, wttt h “m " - “m Attnes nutty spent the week-end in i" m“ Fund du Lac, Wisconsin the guests of a. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Short. ------" ,7_7-_.._ .7 - t----- The Misses Margaret, Katherine ’I'NVMDAY Autrost It, t9'd9 thr. 2' and Isabel Dowel entertained at - ___ ' -r--P' -r-'-_ --- ---.- - -T- three tables of bridge on Friday eve. ...<.,.,,A. 1.....1. . nine at their home on S. Second Club-lo diet: ' h iiiiiiiiaurmoN rule: out uvunuo. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bridges and Gutthter Juyee left this wvek tor%ib- erty, luwu. where they will spend u month visiting relatives-i. Mrs. Murry Jacobs of Bucna ter. iortnt Mi been rim and Mrs. N. t, the sumnwr sidv. Mich., slwnd'mu ', the [most “N3 Cared MIN at Jnhn "HIE Miss Gertrude Monash, who has wen the “cunt. nf Mr. and Mrs. Miuo jee lli‘rsch at Dean avenue for the ttgrit tour weeks will leave next week 'ur her home in New York. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peru: and am Harry Jr. left Saturday for At- antiv City and other cistern points, stoppin': on mun- for a few days in Lul-nvt-llv. lml.. where they visited nr thr, mother Mr. v"eati hall. Thursd Mr. and Mrs. Edward Morrisy of S. Grven Bay mad no the proud parents of tt sun. born Friday, August " at the Highland Park hospital. Mr. and Mrs. George Chureh of I'm-nivld. Illinuis are being congrat- mun mum" at no: ml by I'll "BILL PILN‘I'ING COMPANY '" Canal - lulu-d Put. Ill. Tm mun-d Put “him MI Imivm. Mr. and Mrs, Mr. unily Mum: The M M rs. W ml" Mrs. l Highland Park Local and Personal avenue. . Drama Workshop of llaviniu L'illlink u couple of plays for the M's and their friends at three a Sunday afternoon in Mrs. J. wvlls garden on Caryeavenue. rgurut Egan of Chicago is line a tew days of this week as guest at Jaequvline Kramer of im [wow hrs!" Vivtor Muss-er is enjoying a It from hls duties M the City Ind are Mrs arr Ilium trom mu rt nicely. Mrs. M: M. Kutzcr and [ motoring this week td where they will spend two wk! visiting Mr. kutzer's Irs.. lit-man] Martens of B. c., are visiting Mr, P. Mertens at the Mor. ' a fpw weeks. Muslim, who in spending at her outtake in Lake- 'pvnt a few days of this ' huinw. KIM South St. S. Taylor of Chicugu Highland Park is the Itaniel Cobb of Laurel Minn Michigan Ave. But. "" Tm arl returned home fuur weeks' May n. Her health is nd she is getting of m 6mm. THE PRESS tainted on the birth ot a baby boy, born Monday, August 11 at the High- land Park hospital. Bubbles Roth returned on Satur- day from Camp Makajawan where she was the guest of Mes. Curl Me. Menus for the past ten days. Mrs. Fritz Bahr, Jr and two chil- dren have returned from California where they have spent the summer visiting with relatives. Mrs? Avis Gay, who has spent the summer at Exmoor returned yester- day, Wednesday, to, f'hieairr. Mn and Mrs. Edward Loos of Grnveland avenue are receiving con- gratulations on the birth of a baby girl, born August " at the Highland Park hospital. ning street The Ladies Aid of the Highland‘ Park Methodist church will meet Fri-) day afternoon at the home of Mrs. R C, Evans of Skokie avenue. She is being assisted by her daughter, Mrs. Leslie Fuller. Mrs. John Lester at Macon, Ga,, ls the housinguest of Mrs. Ferdinand Wiettand of Waverly place. A num- ber of luneheons and dinner parties are being gin-n for Mrs. Lester by her north shore friends, many of whom have visited her in Macon. Mrs. N. Williams entertained her 500 club, Tuesday evening at her home on Pleasant street. The prize winners were Miss Zita Kvhrenback, Miss Grace Johnston. and Mrs. Ed. H. Lehmkuhl. The Misses Marie Berube and Cor- raine Zahnle are spending two weeks as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Char- les Short of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Laura Mae and Betty McMahon returned to their home U!) S. Second street'after spending two weeks with relatives in Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. James Lowellyan or Washington avenue, Highwood an- nnunce the birth of a son. born Thurs. day, August 7, at ttw umnmnu rum hospital. T Mr. and Mrs. Gciurgo Herman of "eerfield, Illinois are the happy par- ents of a sun. born Thursday, Au. gust? at the Highland Park hospital. Miss Gladys Kmak of Comstock place entertained eight guests in honor of her birthday. One of the gurus included her cousin, Miss Mary McQueen of Milwaukee, who is visit- ine with her for several weeks. Mrs. Cawley and daughter Mrs. Mann spvnt the weekend in Adrian, Michigan visiting Mrs. Clwley'n niece. Sister James Margaret. Mrs. Robert Black and sons Robert and James at Bloom street arrived home Saturday morning from a two weeks visit with Mrs. Black‘l father of Palmyra, Illinois. Miss Florence E. Boehmer. who spent the past yen-r at Columbia uni- versity in New York is arriving home her mother at her home on Bloom Saturday to spend a few weeks with sum. August 7, at the Highland Park I Merchandise _â€" Raymond Roth, ‘Highwood pharmacy, Shannon gro- cery, Chas. Fiore nurseries, Piucenu 131mm, Depot garage. Pasquesi Bros., Sheruny hardware, Laegeler pharm- acy, Crist’s bakery, Leonardi. Robin- son's barber shop, (‘o-opcrntive Dairy company, Simona barber shop, Santi Bros. grocery, Ashurst clothier, V. iKillian, W, A. Thomas, Sanli dairy, Mrs. E. H. Dolan of Cloverdale road entertained the Happy Hour Sewing circle on Wednesday eve- ning. The evening was spent in play- ing bunco it being Mrs. Dolan's birth- day anniversary. Prizes were award- ed to Mrs. W. (Nader, Mrs. R. C. Cam. eron, Mrs. Pranzini and Miss Agnes Pranzini, after which delicious re- freshments were served. The Board of Education of Dis. trict 111 wishes to thank all-who as- sisted in the making of the Oak Ter. race school carnival a Success. Also the merchants and friends who made donations. Following is the list of people who contributed to this affair: Oak Terrace School Board Extends Thanks to Highwood Merchants Pa, Oil cumpnny, Ed Crowley, Er. mine cleaners, Burke's filling station, Sheridan News Agency, Mike Tur- elli, Adelmi barber shop, Bernardi hardware, De Santa shoe repairing, Swedish Home bakery, De Bartol barber shop, Mrs. Ellen Henderson, Marvel beauty shop, C. & A, lunch. enette, v. Quarta (Bartlett theatre), Highwood lcecompnny, Skokie Val. ley laundry, Guy Viti, Shapiro’s dry goods, Emilio, barber shop, Colum- bini & Some-mi. Charles Glass, Mena oni & Mecogni. Benny Lundgren, Highwuod cafe, Rollin Stanley and Harnurdi & Baceini. Cash-Ermine cleaners, Dr. Ris- jurd, Dr. Berg, John Loonnrdi. Joe Phillipa, Dr. Ugolini, Scornavacco, R. O'Connor, Dr. Postcls, J. Planni- zan, Highwood State bank and the Bari cafe. An estate of nearly $600,000 left by Gem-2e B, Hart of Highland Park, who died December 21, 1929, is to be shared by his widow and twu children, according to report filed with the county clerk today by Miss Marie Griffith,' the appraiser. Mrs. Florence Jenkins Hart is to receive $237,884.69 of the estate and the children, Jane Jenkins Hart and James Abner, Hart, are each to get $114,855.65. The inheritance tax due is $14,656.72. George B. Hart Estate Exceeds Half-Million Future trading in citrus fruits may he the next development on the Chi. cago Mercantile exchange if recent conversations with Gov. Doyle E, Carlton of Florida materialize, the Chietuto Association of Commerce an- nounces. "Florida fruit growers and shippers are studying modern market. ine methods," Gov. Carlton told ex- change directors, "and if you can sub- mit a practicable method of trading for future delivery in oranges and grapefruit we shall cordially wel- come it." Plan Future Trading in Citrus Fruits, Etc. Thursday, August 14, 1930