Ea ",,li',1,,'if'i' li'ltitv't ESQ)?“ tttttttt E5 serve had always been spiritual and must remain forever unchanged throughout eternity. Her thought about it was all that was being' changed. She was becoming adjuste to the facts af Spirit. No other con- clusion could be reached than that her former inharmonious material, sense of things had been a mistaken one, and she set about correcting her thinking in every particular. Through reason and revelation, Mrs Eddy had arrived at the con- clusion that divine Mind is the one omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient Gui: that divine Mind's infinite ideas, perfect, eternal, spiritual, and mental (like their creator) constitute the one and only creation, the spiritual uni. vr-rse. including spiritual man. Divine Mind Available to All Even the litt'e children may un- stand in some degree and use this truth that God is the only real Mind. A little eight-year-old Christian Sci- entist had an examination in arith- metie which lasted for one period of each of two days. Talking to her mother about it later, she said, "The first day the problems looked so hard when teacher put them on the board that I thought I eouldn't do them. But I tried and tried, and finally I thought of something. I said to myself, 'Well, this is fine, trying to solve problems without God.' And then I thought.< 'God is Mind, and He Rives me intel-l ligence to do what I have to do,' andl I solved every problem, mother, anal tent-her gave me one. hundred. The; next day, I had finished all the prob-' lems and then I thought, ' I just wish' God would tell me whether these‘ problems are right.' Something led me to look over the seventh, and l; Thursday, Aug. 28, 1930 I; kiriiiad 4t "ia'H, The same fact of being which en- abled this little girl to solve her problems in arithmetic is available to at of us. This truth that God is the only Mind, is intimate enough to en- ter into our smallest personal prob- lems and big enough to solve the clashing questions of the nations. Can one amrd to be apathetic to this great revelation that Christian Sei- ence has brought to human conscious- ness. namely, that God is divine Mind, the one and only Mind, and therefore of necessity his Mind? For the Mind which is God-- the only Mind-is all that exists by way of mind; it consti- tutes all there is in reality to your in- tellittenee and to mine. Evil or Mortal Mind In human experience, we are com- pelled to take cognizance of another suecuslled mind, a limited, evil, human mind. Mrs. Eddy arrived " the con- elution that the human so-called mind with all its beliefs in mnteriality-. ease and pleasure in matter, chance and change, sorrow and suffering, dis. ease and death-- is not really mind at all, hut only a false, deceived, and de. wiving sense cf mind. This dream- mind, which seems to ape the activity and dominionof God, she named mor- found a mistake in it and corrected it, and that's how I got two one hun. dreds in ttrithmetie." tai mind. Christian Science reveals that the carnal or mortal mind's nonst- of existence is a compound of mis. crmeepiions, a perverted or inverted some of the real. These misconcep- tions. oljeetified,_eompritse all there is to what mom]: term matter, and constitute the material world, inelud. ing mortals, with all that is (-rroneotLi or fieetintr. Unlike divine Mind, THE PRESS Every lie his to be u lie about something. Therefore what the ma- terinl senses behold counterfeit: I better original to be found in some divine, eternal, spiritual fact. It in the part of spiritual worship to trang. iate every materill concept tack into it: better original. Enough ha been said to allow that Christiin Science is divine tttetaphrm'tu. Our Under tell: Ill thnt “metaphysics resolves things into thoughts. und exchange: the ob. jecta of Ienn for the ideu of Soul†(Science and Health, p. 209). This in Christian Science shows that the inc-culled human mind is not an in- etrumentality which records and be- lieves in what it sees, hears, smells. tastes, and feels, as in commonly and ignorantly thought. The revenue of this statement is found to be more exact. that ia, that the human. mortal mind Bees, hears, amellu. tastes. and feels that only which it believes. Thus through Christian Science. all ma- terial obfecta are found to be merely the false y mental creature: of mortal mind itself. Outside of mortal mind ot error, there is not a single ttnite object or concept, Salvation through Christ Now Christian Science teaches the tseientitie way of changing or correct- ing mortal mind wit immortal Truth-- of srpirittmlleinir and purify- ing thought. This (‘hriatianly scien- tific procear of instructing or educat- ing mortal mind with Truth in the way of salvation through Christ. Through Christian Science, the human or’mortul mind in not exalted or in- flated with belief in ita own ttreatttetur, nor is it taught to contemplate with satisfaction its manifestation as mat- ter or finite creation. Quite to the contrary, through Christian Science, mortal mind in educated to diacern its own perverted falae acme of the ical, the spiritual universe, and hav- ing gained a realization of its own ft'?',',",,';,",'; and ttothintrnetus, to give up its delu ed sense for a better belief. a more nearly true estimate of the real, the eternal. Christian Science in not educating mortal mind to be something. but to recognize its own falsity and to correct its misconcep- tions. Finally, all erroneous concepts will disappear. having given place to the infinite, spiritual expression of divine Mind. mortal mind in ignornnt of itself nad of its own crention‘l. Misunderstand. ing the origin of matter, mortal mind futem upon unmet itI own nine be. lief in sub-tuna " an object for wor- ship. It endows nutter, in belief, with the power Ind nbiiity of Deity, to create, to sustain. to enjoy, And even to destroy. Matter is believed to be Able to enforce law: of its own creating, through intelligence. force, 'e'd energy supposedly existent in it- se . As mortal mind, through the cane- loss npplication of spiritull under- standing, continuum! chum- from (inc apparent false belief to one a lit. tle better, until it eventually vanishes, its oNeetified physical forms will ex- press less Ind less disuse Ind more and more harmony; leu fear Ind more dominion; less mnterlnlity and more mentality, until perfection in creation apps-rs and is found tan. gible,~not u matter, but u divine Mind's spiritual ideal. Divine Metaphysic- Just In reusnn and demonstration in '.8tysierle.itne, have enabled us Just as reamn and demonstration in physical science have enabled us to discard belief in a flat earth for the more 'itrittttifkitlly correct one of a round earth; belief in a stationary earth for the more nearly correct he. lief in a quickly moving one; one cen- tr? of movement of the stellar uni. verse for another, in the same way. revelation, reason, and demormtratun have enabled II! to give up a false, material sense of God and creation and to behold them both in their eternal. unchanging. mental, spiritual nature. mun-n of moral of mortal mind t a single ttnite the definitely .c.utttihe way to think and to live, a way out of the mum of mnterinlity into the spiritual feet- " being. It in plain “the“. “on of Soul mult replace ohm of sense when one con-idem the un- stable, 'Uetitttt nntnre ot WWII sense and the reel. eternal - of Soul. The ideu of Soul and the ob- jects of some do not mnetitllte two different end distinct creation, for there in but one creation. the spirit- ual. Neither are they two ectull (Continued on page It!) howl home Chicago's Smartest Near- Loop Apartment Hotel Loop by Sqaee, Bun oryour on» at. . Hott- loud: (I‘M PsA nod every MM ennvrniem nub" the ' [Mn Mng ennvr In." indie PARK. IDEAIRIBCDIRN â€Mil-Q rental otttroetunityf with"! with BARK BERN)“ q nullity 2a7JG%7igriuTia7arGira. Be quidud ble lulu" winter mu- 'r.uuruttt tnt. I Ion-I noon-I u tow In Wro.o per month. um ah“ mum“ dealings.†m4 up 4-in an! we nation. the will your . ll - Ocu- to the "- Whiteln" an ll c9rc-'/ dto the $80.00 an! up. bedroom abutment» . hotel room-s. g". utmost of Me duh-u interior d "Mi duly immedUte mteq, luv II $00.00 rrutroetey I): luau nul- minute. lh tui nit: mtért redo] smog-ad oatitw Gill an: In elm ottlte " ll in» ot