Thursday, Sept. 4, 1930 Guests " the F. H: Meyer home over the week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Protine and daughter of Elm. hurst, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norton of Harvey, Ill. _ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Youngs and daughter Joan spent last week in Minocqua, Wis.', Mrs. Grace Cotrell and Miss Myrtle Cotrell spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Young. Mrs, G. W. Miller and daughter Janet after "spending the summer Janet after spending the summer near Minocqua, Wis., returned to their home on' Hazel avenue on Sunday. Miss Miller left Monday evening for Milwaukee, Wisconsin where she will supervise the kindergarten depart- ment in the "School of Woman’s Work" for the third term. Mrs. E. H. Willman had as her guests on Friday, Mrs. H. Hoffman, and son Andrew of Lake Bluff, Mrs, Chas:. Gartley of North Chicago, and Mrs. A Longe of Evanston. Mrs. Eugene Ender spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bingham at Irvine park. Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Willman and two sons Dale and Jack of White Fish Bay, Wis., visited relatives in Deerfield, Friday. Mrs. Margaret Craig of Liberty, Mm, who teaches in the Wilmot school is again making her home with Mrs. E. H. Vinyard. Mrs, Scofield-of Chicago was a guest of Mrs. E. Finder on Thprsday: The Altar and Rosary society of the Holy Cross church will hold their regular meeting in the parish hall. on Friday evening, Sept. 5th.. A social hour with refreshments will follow the business session. Mmcs. Fred Horenborger, P. J. La- bahn, F. Schwab, A. Winter, Esther Schmidt, J. Rommel, R. Koebelin, Minnie Willman and Louise Huehl were guests of Mrs. J. _Lueder at her home in Elmhurst on Wednesday. Rev. and Mrs. F. G. Piepenbrok and two sons are expected to return to their home on Thursday, Septem- ber 4 after spending three weeks near Tomahawk Lake, Wisconsin. Ming Frances Biederstadt returned to her home on Tuesday from a four weeks vacation at Valley Ranch, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Rose moved urday Mr. Mrs. J spent motor Mrs. J. J. Yore of West Lake Forest spent several days last week on 3 motor trip to Dubuque, Iowa. On last Thursday evening, Mrs. Joseph O'Connor was given a pleas- ant surprise party at her home on th" MRS. LORETTA WILLMAN, Local Editor Lincoln Ave., Deerfield, Ill. Tel.' Deerfield 163-11 DEERFIELD NEWS AND PERSONAL ITEMS r Frost had her tumsiles re- at the Waukegan hospital Sat- morning. and Mrs. Earl Frost, Mr and Deerfield Locals Send contribution: to local correspondent before Twel- day noon. Help her to man thin section interesting. DEERFIELD NEWS-FLASHES I Mrs. Harry Muhlke entertained the ‘Tuesdny evening Sewing club this lwevk at her home on Central avenue. l R. E. Pettis and C. G. Pettis spent Friday in Gary, Indium. ierman avenue by a group of Indies, members of Mrs. H. MeGuirehs circle of the Altar and Rosary society of the Holy Cross church. Bunco was the feature of the evening and Mrs. McGuire was awarded the prize. Miss Marian anrent: of Liberty- ville visited Deerfield grade school class mates Thursday. _ Mr, and Mrs. G. Albert Willen of springfield avenue spent Thursday at Grass lake with friends from Wil. mette, Mr. and Mrs. James Wnring and family of Indian Hill were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Gal.. loway on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Anderson un- nounce the birth of a son Ward Reich- elt Anderson on Thursday, August 28 at the Highland Pnrk hospitll. Mrs. Anderson is the former Elin- beth Reichelt. Misa Miriam Stryker R. N. has been on duty at the Highlund Park hospital thin past week. _ -- - __ Mrs. Oscar Beecham of Palm Hur- bor, Florida who is visiting at the home of her brother James Wuring at Indian Hill, was a guest of Miss Sadie Galloway on Tuesday, Miss Irene Evensen, Mrs. D. W. Meyer and Mrs. Harry Muhlke ut- tended the Teachers Imrtitate It Wat" kegan on Friday and Snturday. Mr." and Mrs. Alfred Myers of Milwaukee spent the week-end at the Jack Myers home on Rosemary ter. NICO Miss Zoe Anderson of Glenview has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Ray- mond Meyer for several weeks. Burton Hagi and his bride have re- turned from Tennessee and are liv- ing with Mr. Hagi’s parents, Mr. end Mrs. Albert Haiti on Ostermun IV- enue. Mr. Wallace Ward Reichelt spent the week-end " Slocum like at the Bellaire Country club with Mr. Jack Williams. Mrs. B. J. Dickens and Mrs. Patter of Chicago, were the guests of Mrs. J. A. Reichelt Jr. on Sand-y. Guests at the A. J. Johnson home last week were Mrs. Ruth Harris and son Jack of Berwyn, 111., Mr. otd Mrs, E. Peterson, Mr. and Mn. Fred Lundin of Chieturo, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nelson of Chesterton, Indiana. M THE PRESS Fifth grade: Lewis Ind Rawland, Reader Book V, English for use Book ll, Strayer. Upton arithmetic middle grades, Progressive Word series, (In- termediate and Advanced). Our Be- ginnings in Europe and America. United States and Canada, Healthy Living, Book I, Wilmot School Will Open Next Monday; List of Teachers The books needed for each grade are: Firat grade; Fact and Story Primer; mend grade, Fact and Story Render. Book II Number Friends, Playmad to Health, Progmaive Word Series (Primary); third grade. Fact and Story Reader, Book III. English for Use. Book I; Slayer- Upton, arithmetic. Lower andâ€, Progressive Word Beries, the Play- rond to Health. _ Fourth grade. Fact and Story Reader; Book IV, English for use Book I, Slayer Upton arithmetic, Lower grades, Progressive Word Ber. ies, Journeys in District Lands, The Land of Health. Seventh nude: Lewis Ind Rowland Reader, Book ti, English for ule. Book m, Strayer-Upton arithmetic. Higher grades, Progressive Word Studiel (Int. and Adv.) The Making of Our Country, Dictionary. Sixth grade: Same " fifth nude, Websters Elementary Dictionary. Eighth (rude: Lewis nnd Rowland Reader, Book ti, English for Ihse, Book III, Strayer-Upton Arithmetic, higher grades, Progressive Word ur- ietr. The Mnking of Our Country, Brighun and McFurlum'I geography, Book Il Webster: Elementary Dir. tionlry. Books may school from 2 September 6. All children whotre six yen: old before Jlnuuy 16 mly enter at the beginning of the term for tirtrt grade work, 5 from Deerfield Post Go to State Convention Cherie: Kupuhull, eighth distriet commander; Dan Hunt, editor of the Luke County Legionneire; Gun Klemp, of the Automotive Service cur-3e; Cappy Hout, newly elected commun- der of the post, And Clarence Huhn. Deerfield village clerk, will represent Deerfield post No. 738 at the cute Ameriean Legion convention to be held at Aurore Sept. 64). The puny will drive. be purchased at the until 5 p.m. Sunday, Kindergarten. Marion Mm; [rude IB, Chrllty Rank; grade IA, Genevieve Card; Grade 28. Dorothy LidIerwood; grade 2A, Mildred New- ton; grade 83, libel Ablard; crude tA, Eliubeth Schiletu; grade " Jenn Nyurd; - 4A, Hut-m Hunt; (rude Mt, Irene Emma; [rule th, Nina Anderson; trade GB. France- Brown; - TB, Hue] Mll- Ier: pritteipal, Carl E. Bites. Pupils in the "A" union of Old! grade will do approximately one And one-half year's work thin you. no that there will be no mid-you lec- tiom After this yen. No pupils will be umpted It mid-year, this wheel term. Pupils will be tempted for the kindergarten who are 4 yenn and " months old September I, 1980. Pupil. will be accepted for the grade 18 who are 5 yen-- and " months old September l, 1980. Deerfield Schools to Open Next Monday About two weeks no, a qr be. longing to John lornn of Haul Ive- nue, Wu stolen while parked on Deer- fUid "cape, in Highland M n. ctr Wu locum in " Pork. ttad., and was numbed to Mr. Koran on lon- day. month old September Pupils will be at [rule " who are 5 month. old September At the annual meeting of the Deerfield post American Union No. 73R held int Wednesday evening at the Mosonie temple, Wesley K. "out we: elected commander to nuc- ceed, George Brian, A. G. Klemp, senior vice-commander. Harry I": junior vice-commander. 'ttmae. ot. tleer Marshall Pottenger, newt-av arms, John Fnrner; ehnplnin Carl Butt-I. Install-(ion will be held at the next meeting which in September 10. W. K. Rout and A. G. Klein]; were chosen In delegates to the m convention to be held at Aurore September tl and 9th. Elect New Ollicers It Meeting Wednesday Postpone Auxiliary Meeting One The Deeraeld American Auxiliary on amount of the tion " Aurora September , will poetpone their regula- one Week or until Monday September 15. Mrs, John Flmr, newly Meetad president, Mrs. Harry Haw. retiring president, In. George Jacob- and Mrs, H. G. Clone will repruent the local unit at the annual emulation. Car Taken 2 Weeks Ago Is Returned Legion conven- nnd tr, meeting evening Week "