Thursday, Sept. 18, 1930 Mrs. W guests or Lancaster ertyville. Mrs. Albert _ Ostermnn and two‘ daughters, Ethel and Margaret of Ber-l wyn, Ill,, were guests of Mrs. E. H. Willmttrt on Sunday. Archie Antes, Lloyd LIegeler and Arthur Landwehr of Northbrook left Sunday evening for Seattle, Wuh- ington for a vacation. Archie Antes will visit the Jacob Antes family. J. E. Woodman, who spent the sum- mer at Griswold camp, Wisconsin. visited in Deerfleld last week lenving on Monday for his home in Palm Hu- bor, Michigan. C. W. Getty spent several days this week in Louisville, Kr. Mr. and Mrs. l. I. Seofield of Chi- cago were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs Eugene Ender on Sunday Mr, and Mrs. E. J. Bingham and daugh- ter, Mrs. Amelia Pyle of Irving park and their house guest Mrs. Agnes Hen- neaay of Oswego, N.W., also visited) at the Ender home. Mr. and Mrs. G. A, Miller spent the week-end with relatives in Michigln. Mrs. Harry Clavey will entertain twenty-tour ladies at a luncheon. bridge at the Columbian (Borden: Country club in honor of her twenty- fifth birthday onnivernry on Thurs. day, Sept. 18 (today). Michael Gregg we; pleasnntly sur- prised when he received I sumptuoul birthday cake from one of Deertieids prominent ladies on Sunday when he celebrated his 69th birthday annivers- ary. Mr. Gregg lives quite I lonely life inasmuch as he has no relatives in "tiii-viii/ity, but Michael know: now he has I few friends. _ -. "%iiisrEireii, Miner, Carr and 01- endorf spent Friday in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. - _ Mrs. Eugene Ender left Thursdly morning for Rochester. N. Y., where she will spend three weeks with rela- tives. On her return trip she will stop at Garrettsville, Ohio, to visit her uncle James Keefe. "1655;; Uiii% held in the Deerfield Grammar school every Friday evening until further notice at 7:30 o'eloek. Felicia Earnest is I sophomore at St. Patricks school, Chicngo. Mrs. George Harder will entertain the Independant Social club at home on Grand avenue on Tuesday after- noon, September 23. Arthur Johnson is attending college at St. Peter, Minn. Mrs. A. J. Johnson entertained her bridge club ova-Monday afternoon at her home on Ostermnn avenue. MRS. LORETTA WILLMAN, Local Editor Lincoln Ave., Deerfield, Ill. . Tel. Deerfield 163-3 DEERFIELD NEWS AND PERSONAL ITEMS Deérfield Locals W..H. Steffes had as her on Sunday, Mrs, Catpefille Send contribution to local correspondent before M dny noon. Help her to nuke this section mutating. Grirrr. Manson of Lib. DEERFIELD NEWS-FLASHES Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Ubahn were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Lab. ahn of Evanston on Sunday. Mr. Ind Mrs. John Fur-nei- land In their guests on Snuduy, Mr. Ind Mrs. Albert. Grtrnquist of Lake F or- est. On Sunday the Funer- enter- tained in compliment to Mr. Ind Mrs. Young, who will leave shortly for their future home in Sun Franeirseo, California. Other guests included Mrs. ofr, Miss Thoeming Ind Mr. Simon of Chicago. Mrs. F. J. leahn had In her lunch. eon guests on Wednesday, Mn. Wil- Ham C. Miller, Mrs. Hurry Winner. Mrs. Zweinzer and Mrs. Lord Red- dick of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Johnson and son Arthur spent last week on an auto- mobile trip through Minnesota. Mrs. F. J. Labahn spent Thursday in Chicago IS . guest of her sister, Mrs. James Daugherty. The annual social and Fellowship meeting of the Teacher: and Work- ers' of the Presbyterian church school was held on Fridny evening, Septem- ber 12 at the home of Miss Louise Hahn on West Deerfield avenue. Mmes. Lulu and Nora Behrens of Highland Park were guests of Mrs. C. T. Anderson on Wednesduy eve- hing. -irrs. J. R. Not, entertained the Tuesday evening Sewing club It her home in Brinrwooda. Miss Virginia Farmer is attending Ferry hall in Lake Forest. She en- tered her sophomore yelr in high school. Mrs. Danforth of Springfield uv- cnue who recently underwent In op- eration at the Evanston hospital bu returned to her home. Doris Enderbruk is quite ill It home on Waukegan road. Mrs. Leslie Brand and two children Jenni and Junior returned to their home on Deerfield avenue on Mondny after spending the summer at White Lake, Michigan. Do'ris Hole of Glenn Ellyn spent several days last week with her ttrandmother, Mrs. L. C. Hole of Deer- field avenue. Dr. C. J. Jhrvis and F. H. Meyer spent last week in Miasuuri. The Missionary Iociety of the Pres- byterian church will be entertained at the home of Mrs. Julie Peterson on Thursday afternoon. September 18 It 2:30 o’clock. Miss Irene Roekenbuh will be in charge of the promm. Mrs. Bettzeg, who lives with Mn. L. C. Hole spent the past two weeks it her home in Burlington, Winon- sin returning on Sunday evening. Mrs. George Patti: has " her house guest this week, Miss Lucille Welt of Elgin, Illinois. _ THE PRESS her Auxiliary Meeting Held Monday Night The American Legion uuxiliu'y held their September meeting at the home of Mrs. Roy Nelrurder with he: dlugbterl " "tilting hostel-u on Monday evening. The newly elected president, In. John Farner presided. Mrs. Hurry Mnu gave a report of the eighth district meeting held in August at the Muonic temple. Mme». Gordon Cloule, Hurry Mau/ Chu. Knpuhull, Funk Jumbo, “a, and Ed. Jncoblon Were elected dele- gates to the eighth district quarterly meeting: for 1930 end 1931. The unit decided to install am who were unable to “and joint iii-tul- lation of Legion And auxiliary at the October meeting when the district di- ‘rector, Mrs. Lucy Brown would be Ible to attend. Following the bulineu union, a no cial hour with refreshments wen an joyed. - The next - meeting will be held up the home of Mrs. Ralph Peter- son on Monday evening, Octobcr 20. Altar and Rosary Society to Bold Card Party A feature of the coming week will be the party, which the Indies of the Altar and Rotary society are plun- nine to hold on Tuesday awning. Sop- tember 28 It 8 o'clock. In the parish h-l. lit will be I prone-live My. bridge, five hundred Ind bunco will be played. A lune usertment of lovely prises will be awarded to the makers of high not“. Cola. cake and sundwiches will be served. Joint Installation Held Last Wednesday On Wednesday evening. September 10 It the Masonic temple the Deer. held post American Legion and auxil- iary held a joint installation of of- fieers. Chas Kapachull, eighth dil- trict commander installed the Legion ottuerswhile Mrs. Lucy Brown, eighth district director installed the auxiliary heads. Following the ceremoniea danc- ing and refreshments, were enjoyed. Mr. Ind Mrs. Christ Willmun had as their guests on Sunday, Mr. Ind Mrs. Wllhopper tutd dlughur And- rey, A. C. Schmidt. Mr. Ind Mu. Har- old Greening, Mr. and In. William Wiler And two sons of Chieago. Mrs. Elmer Schmidt tad Mrs. C. W. Willmnn "tended n party given try Mrs. Cowan for members of the East. em Star club of Glenview at the Kara Kuia inn, Morton Grove on Tuesday ufumoon. Mrs. Louise Huehl, Mr. and In. E. Schmidt Ind Ion Bobby were dinner guest: of Mr, and Mrs. George Sump- Ion of Chic-go on Sundly. Elmer Schmidt spent Tuesday Ind Wednesday in Chlmplign, Illinois, Boy Run Over By Auto in Serious Condition Billy Kama, T your old, who live. It the Dorm Home in in I um condition at the Highland Pork hoo- pital. T He was struck Sundoy morning while crowing Woukenn rod in front of the Presbyterian church when . in moment; before he Ind been attending Sunday school, by on automobile driven by Mr. M. Downy of Minneapolis, Ilium. who won on route to Chicago. While no how were broken, he nua- uined a number of brine. on the hood While tl tamed a n and chest It Append at Brest “It the ma- chine hid pinned over MI body, hm apparently had Itruck him and MI head Ivu wedged between wheel sad fender. m mm mm from the mm in that his condition In tumble all If no complicate" let in he will to- cover. Their Ipechltlu will be dough-Ito. Inked bum, and potato It“. but there will be "any other kinds of good and Appealing foods; and nil hone null. Parents and Tuchen to Meet Bert. M) given on l-‘riuy nmrnoon. upwin- ber " " 2:30 o'clock. when a new- ium. A short bun-inn: union will pu- ium. A uhortbuineu union will pre- cede the reception. The new preli- dent, Mrs, Chu. R.-Pipcr will preside and all mothers of the community are oordinlly invimd to attend. An opportunity tor the mu all “when of the Deerfield Grammar uhool to become maimed will be given on may Ingram. Semin- ber " " 2:30 o'clock. when I new- Sponsor Food Sale on Friday, Sept. 19 In. William Johanna. vino in the Juvenile director R. N. A, Invin- nil members to the flrat meeting of the anon to be held on Thursday. Sop- mmber 25 It 0:80 o'clock. The Woman's mutant-y may of the Bungalow church will um I food ule on Prior, 50M! W, beginning at IO um. It will be held in the roan SM "atotthepttatiottNsrNtd rand: I very convenient loath- for It wil cut of road; I ntl. You Ire invited to come. and buy a full lupply tor the viola family st the reasonable prion asked tor such good things to at. - Rememfnr the the and plan. Ill be lure to come. Juvenile R. N. A. Will Meet September 25 The adult meeting will be held a. 8 o'clock and following the [lulu-I union there will be . loci-l hour, curd, lumen and Mrs-lunat- wlll h ensoyod.