show your e A LUCKY PURCHASE y u u r friends When you want to You want it to act its Wt. run ('urrrt't same and make you proud of your car. SHEAHEN MOTOR COMPANY I?! S. St. Johns If: N. SI. Johns Ave. MARY ANN F ROCKS BEAUTIFULLY STYLED One and two piece, suitable for street, office, sports, and afternoon wear drives and walks. ruckery and pools, terraces. Also trim trees. take down dead ones and cut them up. Call for plans and estimates. We [It-sign and plant trees and shrub- !wry. gardens. perennial borders, make new lawns, remake old (mes. Landscape Con tractor S. BISETH ar of new fall dresses wool and jersey M3 LOGAN STREET Tel. H. P. 2288 off to DUES it dew-lop a million squeaks? DUI-ZS it miss tire when you want it In run smoothly“! DUI-IS it knack when you step on it? Dresses for $11 and $5.95 Phone H. P. 388 hone H. P. 3560 you step on it THE PRESS I Miés Frances Cutler returned Sat- iurday from a six Weeks visit in Den- ‘ver and Estes Park, Colo. l Margaret Kerr of Highland Park ( was one of the hundred freshmen whu registered at Parsons college, Fair. held, la., Monday. Registration is con- tinuing this week, the upperclassmen beginning to enroll Tuesday. It is expected that the total enrollment will exceed that of last year. The freshmen had a joyous two days pre" ceeding registration, the girls being entertained at a house party at Bal. lard hall, the girls dormitory, and the boys in camp at Walton Lake, Fair- held's new summer resort. Mrs. Winter Peek of Louisville, Ky., who has been the house guest of Mrs. Huyne Andersen fur the past week, is the guest this week of Mrs. C. C. Hopkins. an†Emblem 'ark 9mm hi“ wily by Th “loll Pvt-Nu Co. " lulu-d PM. [Ah Cal-w. “lulu. hand as Sauna Clan "at!" March l, "H. n tho be“ all“ " Huhhnd Park. "micrarrros PRICE o." In "LI All manila-um an“ be “comp-Mod by the nun- and Iddnu " on writqr. Ankh: for mule-don mun "uh the .ditor by Wham-day noon to hunt. lpwln“ In comm but R-olutiom ot undoknoe. and: ot thunk. ODIN-HO. noth- ol comma-nu or 00:- um:- when an “mm-Inc. than u not when], will tte ohuud n - advant- Chicago also: I N. Ilchlx-n Are. Mate "" Mrs. Cm day from to Canada an. Gvnrmv Rossetter, Jr,, will leave M .mluy for Cheshire, Conn., where he will vim-r Rnxhury school. Colonel and Mrs. Henry B. Clark and Ill-my B. Cauh, Jr., of 334 Like aux-mun urrivvd home Sunday. They nmlnrwl wet in June and divided the Rummvr lretwevn Estes Park, Colon and San Dir-go. Calif. Dallas who was with them all summer was left at Rnswéll. New Mvxicrr where he at- tc-mls the Ni.w Mexico Military' Insti- Rum tends lute. l HURSDAY - 'I'IUIIDAY " IACI 'III “I UDILI. nun-ma COMPANY m Conn] Ann-0. lull-n! Put. m. Tel-gm 'ttfund PM nun-u! Local and Personal 0TH Srpu'mber " St. thrk John returned Tues- (- weeks motor trip ing the cities of Kitchener. Hamilton. Toronto and Maura Falls. Miss Marjorie Cutler after a few weeks visit in Colorado, returned to Detroit, Monday, to resume her duties m the Gross Point Nursery school. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bengstrom of Luke uve., are recehing congrat- ulations un the birth of a sun, born' Wednesday, September 10, at the Highiand Park hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hess of Walnut avenue are the proud parents of a son, born September 10 at the High- land Park hospital. Chief Ed. Hoskins and his wife have returned from n.motr,r trip to Win. nipeg. Canada where they attended th? international Fireman's Convention. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred MaeFttrland of Woodland avenue announce, the birth of a son, born Sunday, Septem- ber 14 at the Highland Park hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Volpendegtn of Madison street, Glenew are rejoicing on the birth of a baby girl. born, Monday, Wptemher In. at the High. land Park hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert 'Weinher'g of Washington street, Highwuod, an- nnunm- the birth of a daughter, born, Monday, September 15 at the High- luml Park hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heath of Ruslyn circle are the proud'parents " a sun. born, Tuesday, September In. at the Highland Park hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sheahen are the happy parents of a sun horn, Thurs- day at the Highland Park hospital. Miss Lucille Wright of Bannock- burn, Deerfield is leaving September 16 to attend the Wood-Belmont'cul- lure at Nashville. Tenn. Mrs. Arthur Swanscm and two chil- dren have returned to their home an Orchard lane after spending the sun")- mpr at Green Lake, Wisconsin. The Junior Star club met Monday Waning at the home of Mrs. Just. Col- lins trf Central avenue. Mrs. Franzen, assisting. F Mrs. R. J. Sheahen and her sister Lon-Mu Stephen ontw'taim-d at curds, Tuesday evening. Mrs. "nynu' Anderson entertained at dinnm- kw! Saturday evening for Mrs. Winter Peck. The Phillip Scully Jrs. of Deer, field will entertain the members " the Press Bridge r.lul, Saturday on- nine A law-1y party was held Sunday, in honor of Jusuphino Marie Onesti daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. L. Onesti who was christened. The christening was mado by proxy as the child's ttod parent.- art- Mr, and Mrs. J. Fioriti of Gonnvu. Italy, Mrs. Onesti wan formerly Louise Hnrilnri. The Larlis-s Aid society of Grace M. , church will mert at the home of rs. A. L. Gail. Friday, September I fur the monthly business meeting. 94 this is the last meeting of the fis. M your sent. 'everyone Thursday, Sept. 18, 1930 u rgod to be