9Ti:0tii:ctiNip TEA POT " "otty" IMIIIOAN no“) NETTIE and NUTTY Fashioned and Shaped Haircuts Facials and Scalp Treatments THE EDGEWATER BEACH HOTEL 5:100 “lurk Sheridan "and - Te INN-far “\IL‘HH i SPF! 1At. LOW WINTER ILVIES $695 , NIGHT 5 0'0â€1 1 You: nan-gland IV COMING INTO CHICAGO FOR THE WINTER? orrtrrimimtir moderate M71â€? WIS A 1mm - M00? 'IH TH Phone Highland Park 1617 , Road - Telephone: LONKbeuh 6000 C, HUGH in the IBuilulimz -r"2 v MY IPA - I - CD 0403: 37255321? 0120M 22. E IGHT‘ AND ENTE " I A',)',,',',' ChyAtONOHT C"',?,,-:"'?):; STgFEN s c---1-riarar.2fi, (l"..elt-rt,, MAJ it'ixarnt Broadcasting 125 5er STATION‘ this ill 55 East Washington CHICAGO -if a product is sup- rlutively good it will peak for itself. So itution to try the huul Wine needs no -sr,iftirRt'c, it! fund at h LET IS SHOW Vol In other words 'o-ot, PARK. ILLINOII simply an _.etr,'i',",'eae', I your facili- m- THE PRESS 1517 N. Second St. STEFFEN AUTO SUPPLY JL‘LTHL rm Trees During Winter Should Have Proper Care; Some Suggestions elm loaf hath-s plan to have tt you in mulvr to silnh- crmditivns One Week's Record in Road Building in State The move tn make America radio mnsrinus has been successful. Now we know quite a few of our citizens who would like to be made radio W" conscious In ‘UIurIy vsent l "tlett arntord During n: mu' dth ot mm h slur] miter h utritiv . Watt ttr Me in man nlm- in rhw and rml s] Rvmvmhvr v {calf fun-uh n" rimmings may contain man) waiting nnlyfnr warm we tho t.pptsrtutftty to uttack Plan nu Ilemove and burn during the ' all dead and dying wood. This rticularly important in the case x-kur'u-s, oaks and bin-111's. since an nent prim: ll at member that defoliation by of fvvdersa, such as tent rah-r- (-nnkor wrsrimi, leaf rollers and f hetlvs weaken the treps and have them sprayed 'with poi- m-tlvr to provide the best pus- "ulitrtrns fur regaining vigor. "" 'tttlam. and, H umplnyod in r '. pvriml. Gnu um t'vL'rRr'.'t'nh' susvvptilrlv t trvuuently C of the severity of the past Pr. shade trees are in a par. Innm-mus condilinn at the me, say scientists at the Cree. Research laboratories, Connecticut. the coming months promu- L he taken to mfoguurd the shade trees, .the most im. " reserve. r now and in the winter t'vL'rRr'.'t'nh' which are par ‘u-m-mil;l(- to winter injury nd county 1 during Ifi, tntale and 3.6', my: V now so that (rat Construction on route of county, is m ow to zivn- protection curly , from the scale insects so u I-lms, oaks and other durnmnt nil spray is ad- mnny â€980$. This is also rim-king plant lice, spruce ul spider. highw oral for laid Oetobt adv For the 1930 wRr.'a._ttn--- ot of eighteen foot Oetober ll by tho ructinn and Engineer- Phone H. P. 350| " the mud communion. Ctiur't Intain many bur vornor Lauis L. d in 6 weekly underway in the l, Another new miles had Wm , near Alden, ntioned in the 48 may nf gravel men wpre work dur- ttt ending iles of ‘athor other aek Sends Out Notices for Meeting on Gas Rate Reduction Nov. Notices have been mailed to city ofrwials of 11 north shore munieipali- ties, including Highland Park and Lake Forest, by Mayor L, J. Yeager ot' Wauketran calling attention to the meeting ichcduled for 'Fridtiy, Nov. 7. at Highland Park, for the discus- sion of plans in the fight to secure a cut in gas rates. Deevt'wld, a community which had not stated its standon the proposed was cut during the early proceedings, In! indicated to Mayor Yager that it will also join'any move to effect a slush in rates, according to Wauke- slush in rates, according to Wauke- can papers. Offivials and attorneys of ll munici- Mathias of the north shore area will lw prdsent at the Highland Park meeting. They will hear discussions which it is indicated may carry the can: before the Illinois Commerce Illinois Has Expended So Far $281,000,000 "The state already has expended upward nf $'dii1,100,000 in building a sewn-m of hard roads that now cm- hnn'os approximately 7,500 miles af tho designated bond issue roads," Gov. Louis L. Emmerson stated in a recent review nf highway construc- tiun. During the present building season, he assertvd. #110 miles of pavement. will he addod to the Mate hunt] issue routes, and the counties will complete 175 miles more, making thr pavetl road system 1,005 miles more extensive than it was in 1929. In addition, 140 bridges have been built and abnut 150 miles of road- way will be graded for future paving work. The unvornnr outlined plans fut 19.'ll that will mmplete $15,000,- 000 worth of work that will be car- ried over from this salmon, and $30,- i,'00,000 worth of new contracts to be awarded. Rveent n-nurt of Recent Proceedings in the Probate Court heitohip proved. . John Melville Brown, Lake Bluff, Will admitted to probate; estate 310.000 personal and real estate $500 given to wife, Frances _ $500 given to wife, Frances A. [Emu-n; heirslrip proved; letters tes- tamt'ntury issued to Frances A. Brnwn; bond of $20,000. Hurry Ruhinstm. Waukegan-tart- tors of administration issued to David Rubinsnn; bond of $10,000; heirship proved. John C. Ifuehl, 1Jorrrield--frearintt on claim of August Huehl continued to Oct. 30. Augusta Schmidt, Highlhnd Park-- Letters testamentary issued to Anna Mamie smothefman; bond of $1500; twill was admitted to prcbate in September). ' Mary Duoley, Highland Park--Fin. al report approved; estate closed. mmission Rom-m proceedings in the probate urt of intorost in this section are purted as follows: Mreton J. Traub, Highland Park Letters of administration issued to rum»- P. Bowen bond of $2000; hi fiuiiaim'; Hard Roads Thursday, Nov. 6, 1930 of of