Thursday, Nov. 6, 1930 rented luf- th the the null tu Nos morning. arranged by Miss Irene Rockebaeh. The children of the Wilmot school Mrs. E. L. Vieyard, Misses Lois Clark, mixed " llallowv'en party- on Fri- Mary llood, Hazel Miller, Mrs. Edna CRY afternoon. " (:rsborn and Edgely Todd. It was Mrs. Albert Henri was hostess to (mite an unusual affair and the chief lu r bridge club on Monday afternoon. i'. oture war, “Hunting the Tramp") Lillian Thompson entertained on \thii-h lead to trails through Jewettl Saturday evening in honor of her park and finally back to assembly} birthday anniversary at her home on rvnm of the church where refresh. Hazel avenue. mints were served. A group of young people .from B--------- Dierfield attended a party at the Landwehr home in Northbrook on Mrs. John Weber 3f Saturday evening. Deerfield I asses on Thomas Sterns broke his arm while - t,raeticimt football last Wednesday Mrs. John Weber of Deeriield miss. ufternoon. ed away yesterday (Wednesday) " At a recent meeting of the Junior ternoun at the Highland Park hosptu Girl Reserves the following omeertt ital. fullnwing a major operation which wire elected: President, Fannie Hilsh.r, underwent several weeks ago. mun: vice president, Marie Steinhaus; Mrs. Weber was fifty-tttree years mercury. Margarito Maw; treasurer, old and was born in Chicago where Frvida Freeman. The group meets ~he had resided until eight years ago m‘erv Thursday afternoon in the when she and Mr." Weber moved to Mrs. G. L. Brand and Miss Char. lnlte Brand entertained at a Hallowe- Yn party at their home on Deerfield avenue on Friday- evening for tho brmefst of the Bethany Evangelical church of Highland Park. Among those receiving cash awards lust week in the drawing held each week hy local merchants under su- porvlsion of Lions club were, C. W. Ihylo. Joe O'Connnr, Mrs. Leo Seiler, M. D. Loncioni, E. Soully. Mrs. R. Mrs. Irving Brand had as her luncheon guests on Thursday. Miss Hattio Boehm, Mrs. Dewy Toilgtch and daughter Ida Marnlyn of Liberty- ville. . M. D. Loncioni. E. Soul]; n. Reeds and J. L Vetter. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clavey enter- tained at a "Hard Times" party at their heme on Second street on Sat- urday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Peisker and three children of Michigan City, Ind., Mrs. C. Peisker of Fond du Lac. Wis., were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Tennerman on Sunday. Miss Josephine Woodman has nted her apartment on Waukegan ad und is pibnning to leave about A 15th of November for Florida, hm‘u she will spend the winter. The Altar and Rosary society of e Holy Cross church will meet in u parish hall on Friday evening, or. 7 at 8 o'clock. Mrs. T. Mooney ul Mrs. F. Earnest will be hostesses. Mrs. Elmer Iloftman narrowly es- pod serious injuries when her car " ned over in a ditch on Bradley road m Libertyville one day last week. An executive meeting of the Deer. ,‘ld P. T. A. was held on Tuesday 'hool a recent meeting of the Junior 1lwcprves the following officers elected: President, Fannie Hoff-r vice president, Marie Steinhaus; Lary. Margarito Maw; treasurer, a Freeman. The group meets Thursday afternoon in the DEERFIELD NEWS AND PERSONAL ITEMS Send eontributionrto local correspondent before Tues- day noon. Help her to make this section interesting. MRS. LORETTA WILLMAN, Local Editor incoln Ave., Deerfield, Ill. Tel. Deerfield 153-R Deerfield Locals DEERFIELD NEWS-FLASHES tyville " The Juniur dvpa hyterian (-hurch party (m Saturday mramwd by Miss Mrs. E. L. Vieyard Mary "nod, Haze', Cisbovn and Erlm (who an unusual l Awning: UM . he who Dee Funeral services will be held Sat- urday afternoon at one o'clock from tho family residence on Second street, followed by services at St. Paul's, Ev- angelical church, the Rev.. Mr. Piers. onbrok conducting the service. Inter. mom. will be in Glen Oak cemetery. Besides her husband, Mrs. Weber Deerfield, Funeral urday ufu tho family hr M' St Ot t. Reliable Garage 7 ,, ___ Nut: Ilnrware ' _ Deerfield News Agency Antes Sign u H V T H _FcF Kottrasch Florists _--- Shapiro’s Grocery r___ Deerfield Business . Men's Bowling League 1 Waukegan road Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. G. Miller attended w funeral of Mr. Miller's aunt in lkhurt, Ind., on Saturday. The Junirp dvpartnwnt of the Pres- yterian (-hurch school enjoyed I m-ty an Saturday afternoon. It was Irangml by Miss Irene Roekebach, lrs. k. L. Vieyard, Misses Lois Clark, [ary Ilood, Hazel Miller, Mrs. Edna frsborn and Erlgely Todd. It was cite an unusual affair and the chief ttture wan: “Hunting the Tramp" hirh lead to trails through Jewell ark and finally back to assembly mm of the rhurch whore refresh. nnts were served. .1lr. and Mrs. A. Krause of Deer. ld avenue announce the birth of a rughter on Sunday, Nov. 2. Mrs. W. Ir. steftes had as her tests on Sunday Mrs. Catherine zncastm' und Mrs, Manson of Liber- M r l'r t Hall Wank um: lwr mother, Mrs. Theresa Bitr. of Chieagrst a sister, Mrs. E, J. vim-nun of Horschcr,.lll.; and a 'thte, Philip Bihler of Chicago, to am and Mrs. Irving ncling for we sixteen Mrs. Irving Brand enter pen friends at a masquer at their home on Saturdn; n party at road primz: 'imzs entertained y at their home Friday evening. Miller attended ending Friday Mrs. Weber Theresa Bib- ', Mrs. E. J. .Ill.: and a THE PRESS ll 11 W L uy 10 10 13 9 "Library Day" to Be Feature of P. T. A . Meeting November l4l Mrs. thas. C. Kapsrhull will give a review of a Child's Book; Mrs. John A. SLrykur, A Nature Bunk. and Mrs. Frank Russo. An Adult Fiction Book. Mrs. C, A. Wolf. librarian of West Deorlleld Township library will live an t:utline of work in the library " "vll us a list of now books fir adults G. A. Willett of Springfield rveeived word on Sunday. N: in the Mrs. Legion tl N. U. Students Victims of Initiation Prank On Monday evening several North- “wilt-m university students who were iwinz initiated into n fraternity, were taken by auto to the River Wbodl where they were told that they could not out and find their way home. The buys in Ittempting to seek some ynuwledee of their whereabouts were mistaken for robbers when they were heard prowling around lame homes in that vicinity. However they Inc- ('00de in identifying them-elves. Ind were taken to Highlnnd Pork where thrv took the North Shore line back to Emma. rlvattpetl age Mrs. WI f" t'ttover from shock true . A. Willen's Mother Dies in Florida t' death of his mother who hid .sm-d away at Miami. Fla., outlier the day. Sho and her daughter. rs. Jusoph Gilbert, had recently sited in Dreerfutld and while enroute their home were injured in an au- mobile accident. On “count of her lvaneed age Mrs. Willen wu unlble Th land l r Officers, who were not installed " ,0 joint instaOtion in September ill be installed at the meeting by the " {rid director. Mrs. Lucy Brown. Mrs. Grave Tibblls of Wlukenn ill talk on Great Lake: hospital. A surprise entertainment will tol- m- the meeting and Ill members Ind Imihlos are invited to attend. Tht Mr urin n invitation is mr, of the can Wilmot district Ju m E wi 11 Do Deerfield unit Americnn Le. luxiliary will meet u the home s. William PM†on Grand av. on Monduy evening. Nov. " a list miles Fttt Mn was on Monday in Mimi. Mr. Willen and Mrs. Gilbert rank Arthur Willen of Blue urvivo day" with three book re- feature the next meeting rtietd P. T. A. which will Fridav afternoon. Nov. " Auxiliary Meets Next Monday lay afternoon ‘mmiltc communtty will quit serve re d to I“ incIudinc avenue of 10 Deerpath Theatre to Offer Notable Films During Coming Week ( Lune dram: Biron muting in: m Stanley Sunday, Monday and Tuned-y. Nov. 9, 10, Ind 'l-The Marx Broth- ors in "Animal Crackers"; Grouch». Hnrpo, Chien and Zappa in the fun- niest hit on earth. is the way " vunced report: dmrlhe this mrmedy feature, with Lillian Roth, “what's lending lady, and I prim? cut. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Nov. 12, " and 14--'uournev'. End," acclaimed a truly great hiking pic- ture, a drama not of heroes or cow- ards, but of men. a powerful. trole- mutt, passionaw portrait of the cal- luntry, warm and nobility of human character. Colin Clice, [an Mubar- on. David Manncra, Anthony Basile“. Hilly Bevan. Charla Garrard. Thomas Whiwlcy. Robert A. Dair, Jack Pitmirn, Warner Klimt for. tho great out. night F-"Xfric- Spetkl.†said to be tho strum-st romance our tit-d. News, comedies. 1=rtatttm, ate., Over 300 Attend Witches. goblin: and all the M. Hans connected with Hullowe'en we" wry much in evidence in the wheel nuditorium on Fridny evening when tun and frolic held way " the chil- (hell's puny given by (in PM Turner association. Three handrail pupils nnd when entered into the spirit of the econ-ion and throng“! to tho school in costume: of babes, ooh oninl dunes. midis“. sailors, we. After an _esreittne etttertaitttttertt, apple Men And favors were distrib- Toâ€! pupil: spirit tho . (mill After an apple unic- med. major any Scout troop No. 60 an ed to meet ct the Wilma l 7:30 o'clock Fruity evening Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Peter-nu aitd Mn. J. Heinm of Highland Park were - It the Peter Pour-en home on Sunday. attWiB rid The party wan arranged by Mn mil Ashram and proved one ot the liar â€out: of the union. nu epic alurdny mu great c aturdny ny. Nov. 7-Bert Lytell and Ruth Milier in “but of the Wolf," I delightful mystery ' and nu midst future is Count Khun be Prorok, in a capti- Tod vietotto d Ho Smith Ruby luv. It (matinee Ind e Goldtwvtr's .il-uurtrh farce. "Soup to tlata,' My. Frunm McCoy and Charles Winnin Hallowe'en Party tttey'. End scheduled I (matinee and when request © It