FEDERAL BUILDING tDEERFIELD HIGH B FOR ll. P. Pfl0M'UT, BEATEN BY WAUKEGAN Scnator Glenn Expects Adi By Next Session of Con- Now SINDWISH H'FND.\Y. WF1D.h91t40AY, NOV. ll. l2 Win-II is n "tttrr Nest I I Tit l’RSIIAY. FRIDA Y Tttr'. LAN'T YARD" with KNI'TE ROCKS?) VI't ' ROAY, Nov. N NI) tY. MONDAY Ipprnp , and Minuet! ireskort Plan EARI’HONES FOR THE HARD OF HEARING'. Expects wlth DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS. SLIM M'MMERViM.E thinn RAMON _NOVARRO "CALL or THE FLESH†“THE LITTLE Mirkry Home" C.rtostrt urwmplo nwm; mun AM) new,†RUTH CHMTER'NN . CLIVE BROOK "ammomrii The ME 4 MARX BROTHERS “ANIMAL CRACKERS†prawn-cl building MI to adv will GINGER ROGERS - CHAS. RUGGLES' STANLEY SMITH pr Wu “QUEEN HIGH†'ernment 't-rnme Pasthe Hnund Scum . Hollywood Snapshot:- 'iatinns for cult-ml build on pure tl) Action I ind' Mum "my mm! SELECTED TA CK LNG PICTURES ALCYON Tat the ty advanc- buildinnn. next year in the di- post oMee 'or the long or High building Action Crippled Eleven of Local School Con- Loses Last Saturday; Play Evanston Next in Illi- ine of nun-m Never. ' the that ' this sill of Highland Park in grid maehine beerflelda erir hume 5n easy the lmwr’s het Otriytensen,' hark. wt" the ner's Meme. more starred ’S WOMAN " Wauk Grantland Rice Sponllgm JR. I Father? - S >alum" high school's fighting mar-nine proved too strong for ields crippled eleven and took an easy I5 tn 0 victory from "er's held In: Saturday. .ilstertsett.' Purple and Gold hull- ACCIDENT†ANITA PAGE SALLY BLAINE "am-in Matinee " NOVEMBER 13, ll Comedy NOVEMBER -9, l0 Sol 'it "an. Mgr. Chris for addm kick Adults Only 0. Lat stensen a tone td the e THE PRESS News win qtt :00 "Why Do We Pray" is the subject of the svrmon to be given hy Rabbi (29mm B. Levi next Friday evening, Nov "l, at ik..lr, o'cinck at North Shore Congregation Israel, Lincoln and Ver- Irnn avenue, Glencoe It the regular The trouble with "through" struts is that they never seem to get through repairing them. (Minn tr th h ' mmplouw splendid rm he served a at Camp l srummvr camp, located In Longtime munty, Wimronsin. Many of the «nuts and their innit-rs made his EC- r,uaintarwe at that time. During 1929 and the first part of mo Mr. llnltz has been attending a whonl in Chicago and serving as a part time fmhl executive on the Chi- rum) cuuncilfprior to that he was for I'nur yuan dim-tar of Religious Ed. urntinn at the West Side Baptist church in Kansas City, Missouri. in charge of the Young Peoples work, buys clubs. community center activi- ties. He organized and served as woutmusti-r for four years. troop CC, located at this church During tlas crimping soamns of 1926, 27, 23 -.»ml 29 he served as volunteer leldor in the Kansas City Council Scout vamp giving leadership to a large number of tho smut! from Troop 65 who attondrd these camps. Prior tThis boys work activities Mr. Roltr. was dealer service repre- "ntative for the Morris Packing trrntpttrty of Chicago. "Why Do We Pray" Is Subject Friday MIPS M r. Myron the N ridny evening service. All are welcome to to attend Scout Field Executive Harold G. Boll: m C. Rybolt, scout executive Nurth Show: Area council, Buy of America. announces the atl- " Mr. Harold G. Boltr, to the headquarters staff as fleld ex- _ in charge of all Boy Scout liihltl0MiTffiS SHOW ELM PLACE NOT. 12 Tony Sarg Introduces Human Element in Cast for First Time; Details and the in Wand Huston a cities. Owing to this great demand for Tsrrty Sara's Marionettes he has this your announced a second company. “lxich will present different plays frnm the original company. For the unwlgement here on Nov. 12, trt-the l-Ilm Plato schml at 5 and il o'clock and at the Sknkie school. Winnetka, Kw. Ill, at 4 and it o'eloek, the orig- Emil New York company will appear, the sum: company that will have the 14th annuisl Christmas season in New York City this year. Tho plays will be Rip Van Winkle and the featured production of Alice in Wonderland, which will be given in Huston and New York and other large graph Oldest Playthlng And the New York Tribune tells what it is all about. "Here is the "ldest plaything in the world. the act- ing dull, doing all the things that live people spend their best imertrios trying to do on the stage, and doing it so much better, so much more rich- !y and effectively. amPwith such sim- vlo ccnnnmy nf expression as to throw down the last ledge of privil- “it? that has, fenced the human actor's meted person.' Funeral of Mrs. Ball Held Here on Monday The funeral of Mrs, Elizabeth Haw- kins Ball, wife of Joseph Ball, and slut-r. of F. P. Hawkins of this my. was held at the home ot the lrttcr on Monday. Mrs. Ball’s death occurred Oct. 21, in Santa Barbara, Calif., where the family resides. Mrs. Dull had many warm friends here, and the sympathy of all is extended the relatives in their bereavement.. Rummage Sale Nov. lt, " The ladim of the Bethany Evangel- ical church will held a rummage sale, Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 11 and 12 in.the store on First street, tmmerly occupied by Sullivnn's Plumbing shop. This store is next door to the Variety stoma. Thursday, Nov. 6; 1930