Thursday, Nor, IS, 1930 Governor Says Illinois Leads in Road Building Governor Louis L. Emmerson, in trnl address before more then 100 high-' way engineers, representing many foreign countries, on an inspection tour of the Illinois road system, as- serted that within a period of the years. Illinois Us changed from one of the muddiest states in the Union to the leader of the nation in good roads construction. He added that "nearly 4,000 miles of 1min arteries remain to be paved within the next IF MONTHLY FOOD BILLSARE TIN HIC/Ij GENERAL (lllt ELECTR [/MJIU/ iq tr, 'iii, UNNECESSARY EXPEN ‘ t',i,l,,i-',t'-'-'s'isiii"i'/'; i-il-___,,','-,',',,,,:,,')',',:",,, 19 North Sheridan Road 50m US IN ttte GENERAL am noon». IROADCAST EVERY SATURDAY EVENING ON A MAW cut. was If your milk bill seems s bit stiff, let a General Electric Refrigerator trim it down. There'll be no sour milk or cream with a General Electric on the iobl If the butcher's hill seems I trifle steep, let I General Electric Refrigerator cut the edges ok Eliminste tpoilsge end wute the wsy the modern butchers ere doing it. They keep - fresh the General Electric way'. There are tnsny wsys in which the General Electric Refrigerator cuts down expense. It supplies your ice cubes-makes econom- Ical frozen ulsds. puddings. gherbets--enae blee you to make left-overs into fie1ectattio new d'ahes-rrsaus it possible to do you: maketing on the dsys when there are specinl prices-ard all this at 1 mt of only a few mt: a day! with a REFRIGERATOR VIC. J. KILLIAN, Inc. few you", tttd . grant network of secondary rend: must be surfwed be- fore we hive I system that in any- where near complete." He pointed out that, for the completion of the task outlined-oo-ting every Illi- nois community with an improved hitrhwto--the required fitttuteeg on in sight, due to the enlistment of cu- oline tax legislation. Two Boston girls were trusted " Lowell, Mum. the other day for pul- ine bogus bills. Up in Boston of course they call it liquidating spuri- ous currency. TEE PB!!! Many Beautiful Stones Are Shown in Exhibit Some of the arm's malt Mutual "ones, and examples of their an in the making of vuel, dishes, And various curved object. and om- menu; no the lubjoct of in uhlblt in the dopirtment of geology " Field Museum of Natural Hilton. Dilat- ent varieties of jasper, unlmnmliu. eroeidolite, serpentine, conlllno mu- ble, nun spar, rhodonite, various quuuol, obsidiun. Mexican onyx. kph luull und malnchiu no man: those included. Telephone 3800 Victqr l Radio 26: NEW Coo'o5tttodrr..oooood MrMWI-w m â€no... Thou mutually on! low who. bring you lllo mdk, that lo roolly o musical Imlrumopl-lho Now Viclor "dltr..Metor Tom and the slollon you will who» you - Ill Moko your own moody too... will! lllo Vlclor microphono of tttq Now Hm heading Meter Radio Womb your own homo. And no for yourself MM Vlclor hoods con moon lo you ployod oloclrlcolly on llIo Now Mala. Four now moduli of MATCHESS BEAUTY. Vldor nond- Iqucroly be. hind my h- mumoM. Our upon son/loo In qulcl: and reliable. Como In todoyl NORTH SHORE TALKING MACHINE Co. H: II- Bt, '" - It. Win-och an†WM am " 11.50 In. when 380 Centnl Avenue Highlnnd Park Highland Park 2620 Kimball Piano- TERMS TO SUIT at) Univ-iv 4.. 3285... Ian uh- [I]