SOUTHERN PRALINE Highland Park Pharmacy WEEK-END SPECIAL Spud know 'tvan We are having an unusual showing on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Novem- ber l3ih, Nth and ISth, of beautiful afternoon and evening clothes, especial- ly priced up to $50. V. T. MoMAHON. RPM}. 336 Central Avenue Telephone Histtthtnd Park 2404 Our College Room ls Featuring jilliadl.,tbessioru at and if“ wenty-five gowns in size 38 1507 Chicago Ave. xfecn gowns in size 40 eductions at SIS and $25 uric to Distinctive Cloihos 'raline means d Struthq-rn Sup, today. en gowns in size. 42 was» w Orleans, well then you ne means delicious fresh uthern Sugar.' It's our mm in size 44 THE PRESS Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Fritseh of Hunt- ley, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kenning and daughter and Mrs. Henning’s'father Ben Fritsch of Highland Park visited at the James Fritsch home on San- at th Nay. Miss Gayle Harm-man is visiting ot the-Johnson home an Chestnut street. Miss Burneman was the nurse in the Deerfield set nol last year and is recovering from a. very seri- vtus illness which confined her to a Manila! most of the summer. The Deerfield Grammar school was closed Armistice day, Nov. 11. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Plug-go and daughter Lurrayne of Maywood vis- ited at the William Hague home on Monday, Mrs. II. fl. Clause. Mrs. Thompson und two daughters Alice and Mary and Miss Hal-ice Juhrend attended the funeral of Mrs. Thompson's mother vn Wednesday at Indianap- olis the early part of the week. The. teachers of the Deerfield school are planning to attend the lecture to be given by Prof. Bobbitt of the Uni.. versity of Chicago at the Film Place nuditnrium on Friday owning, Nov. 14 Of an attractive personality, with a charming voice, possessed of keen insight into the minds and motives " men and gifted with a delightful sunsl‘ of humor, Miss Summers has the faculty of making a play live before the eyes of the audience, while she deftly changes characters mere. ly by a change in voice inflection, in attitude, or expression of features or hands. Because the copy nf "Michael and Mary," by A, A. Milne, for which Miss Summrrs has been waiting .for DRAMATIC READER MI WOMAN’S CLUB MW. 18 months, did not arrive, she will read rmt- of the popular successes of nine ytutrs sign. "The Circle." by Somer. wl Maugham, in which Mrs. Leslie Carter and John Drew starred. This play is so diverting with its spark- ling Maugham wit, and yet has such a sound underlay of serious thought, that it is bound to interest and tstint. ulate than who are fortunate enough to attend this mctulinz. he funeral of Mrs. Thompson's author In Wednesday at Indianap- lis the early part of the week. The Teachers Bridge club will be otertained by Mrs. Margaret Craig " Thursday evening. The Holy Name society of the llnly Cross church invites the public to their indoor carnival. which will be held in. the parish hall on Mon. day evening, Nov. 24. A Ce dollar door prize will bel given away. but this is a mere item), as to the other prizes in the way or, turkeys and other useful and attrac» tive articles. 1 Reserve the date Ind plan to " tend this unique and entertaining " fair. N There will be no admission charge, and refreshments will be served. (Continued from page Deerfield Locals Indoor Carnival lp last twn years because of their en- vi Ile string of victories. The score was 20 to o. In this encounter the first half was fairly wen. being a kicking duel be. tween Limlenmeyer and Haas, but in the last two chapters Highwoml outplayed the Elks, to sum-e three touchdowns, Aliens scored a few plays after the kickoff opening the secund half. This keeps Les still out "m front as the leading scorer. The Elks booted to Ilighwoéd and the locals again scored this time, Crbnkite carrying the ball over. In the middle of the fourth quarter Rogun made a 30-yard run in back ot perfect interference for the third marker. Highwnml was the best team defensively on straight football but could not seem to cope with their op- unnents passing attack in the first half. Nick Williams deserves men- tion for the way he boated the ball on kickons. HIGHWOOD TO PLAY PEACHES ON SUNDAY Don’t forget kickoff Sunday is at 2:30. See you all there. Legion Auxiliary Installs Officers at Meeting Monday Thirty-five members and guests at- tended therNovumher meeting of the Dveriield unit American Legion aux- iiiary held at the home of Mrs. Wil- liam Plague on Monday evening. Mrs. Lucy Bruwn. district director installed the following officers: Mrs. Ralph Peterson, lst vine president; Mrs. W. Tennerman, historian; Miss Louise Huhn, chaplain; Mrs. George Jtwobs, 2nd vice president and Miss Kale Maw, sorp'ant-at-arrns. Mrs. Grace Tibbals, district reha- bilitation chairman told of the work mini: done id the way of recreation fry' the patients at both Great Lakes and North Chicago hospitals. The first Saturday evening in De- vomlmr the auxiliary will give their first party at Great Lakes hospital. Mrs. Minnie Whitromh. rehabilita- tinn chairman is chairman of arrange- The first comm-r the first party Mrs. Min tinn chairman is chairman of arrange- menu. Following the business session Flor- ('n(’(' and Lorraine Keller of Spring-, field avenue entertained with several guitar selections. while Laura Near- Harder and Irene Juhrend gave I won] m-lzwtion. Delegates from the Deerfield unit American Legion auxiliary are plan- ning to attend the first quarterly mevting of the eighth district to be held at. Guild hall, Antioch, Wednes- d 1y. Nov. 19,utt R pam The spoakor will be Bradford F, West. Bogardus Art Service officer American Legion, Lake county. Campbell Chapter No. 712, o. E. S. will observe Worthy Matron and Worthy Patron Night, next Wednes.. day evening" in Masonic temple. Work will he "xemplified by the past oM- cvrs. This promises to be another Ine of the outstanding meetings of the year which is nearing a close. All momhcrs are urged to attend. Past Officers Will f Put on Work Nov. 19 tContinued from Thursday, Nov 1900