M. P. SEA SCOUT MHP UNDER WAY The Sen Scouts of Hilhhnd Pare, under their skipper, Gordon M. Jonas, are making ttne hem-y. With . tsmall crew to Mart they no heading well into the wind, ranking tn Mort tn enlist new scum! " every port. They hold their crew muting out: Wednesday, Ts30, " tho Prnbymian church and call for my Ut elm Scum» K, yours at an to board the yhlp with them, and cruise the I“ of min-Mun: and knowledge " thy lake on their work of the Sea Scout. under the are mhi an." ere well into to enlist "All!" TROOP INVITE.“ 860018 Any Scout interested in radio is arm-d to attend the troop muting. or Trump M', the Radio Troop of tho Nun Shun- Area Council. They In.“ PVPry Sunday afternoon " 2:30, at we Bryunt in the homo of the hinutrntsstvr, Mr. I... Hohhot. Mr, Flutrha-r has a broadeostittg nation in his home and he can: I rent course of training tor thou scouts interest. m Come down 1nd let him show you his set. and help you build your IAIN-2 FOREST TROOI' Nearly "um Each Incliun'rurriod with him I slip of paper with norm-thing written on it. tle mu supposed to hide this dip of â€up" Romp phsee on him Io tho Pioneer: could not tind it when he wu caught. The mm was I" right, hut the Indium could not re- covvr their companion so the "In. Jul: Nettle, American L wmem means KEMWODJH WNIA‘ new: HILL HGHLANDW mnem Hem/coo umwooos EVERETT GLENCOE LAKEFORESY nt ) Bryan tttnt-ter trher M his: home. he alum. WIVI' r Camp MmKaw this Radio tro â€new: of the oted by Mr. A h tter that the scouts went back to mating pin-e. We then had a It pace play. It started hom Ameriean Legion. our headqua- , to Green Bay Road. Mr. Gan- did not stop to find out who won "WP, bee-nu it Wu late, so In I inside and were dhmlmd. - ' Neale. Troop “I. Lake Forest. w. Mr. Gartley chm. two s of Scan†Tho Indium Were r Hansen. Funk Pekerikc Ken- Kennedy, Emmet Yon. Fred n, and Jack Nah. Tho Pio. wt're Walter Manon. Syvu m. Jimmy Christensen, Harold when. Bert Raymond, and Fred amateur Iie.rtse, mix " played was "ion, "As GOOD EVENING up 1!! meeting last. Fri- " M, Mr. Garth-y lined for drill prsetiee. After mt. over " the "they I to play I "me. The well Wu Pioneers Ind r. (Earth-y chm!- two mu. Tho Indium were Bovtiaifkgr. NEWS warn SHORE ollNC".-. no BOY 11'gdlMlfi: AMERICA [and Executive 'g Column TRO0P 31 BNJOYS STAY AT CABIN On Saturday. November 8, " 3:00 p'vlock. the "tUbin/n-the-Woods" mlcomed Troop 37 direct from High wood. After we had our blinks" put ttway in the Cabin, Mr. Wilecln. our scoutmuur, Ilid that we could do Then. for games we kicked footulls h} happened that there were three) and that ended the small meeting.-- erwyn Smith, troop. M, Lincoln school. “(our " ELECTS ITS 80M; LEADER The meeting of Troop 46, Presby- trrian Church, Lake Forest. was called to order at 7:00 sharp. We sung I few camp gonna with Gordon Kalil-y as our leader. We tried A raw other leaders but. none succeed- o-nl in well as Gordon. The boys de i-ided that he would lead our songs HIV TMOP " HOLDS FIRST All) CONTEST Troop 33': weekly meeting went m with a slam-bung. We staged . rrgular old First Aid content of the Troop. The scouts paired off in "buddies"; one being the patient while tho other tied bandages on him. Then "any changed ground In etch would have a try. -- te tor " This year the need is much great- er. Every resourse in the commun- ity must be man-mulled. Some troops have llready planned in co- operation with the local visiting Nurse to furnish needed furniture. clothes and topd throughout the winter suson to some ftuttily whose requirements are not lo great but what the troop can meet them. Not alone is this a splendid help to those who In in distress but it is the best of tmining for scout! to work together in helping to solve I gituation Inch u this, it will give them a background ot sympathetic understanding in deal- ine with these problems in later years when they are guiding the unfair: of their communities. Several scout troops in the count cil have madea practice of furnish. inn baskets of food to families in distressed circumstances It Thank!- giving or Christmas time. We also named our patrols. Thy Arm-s given Were -the "Flying Ea- Ie." Kenneth Monuhan's patrol; the i,'utralu." Gordon Kelley's patrol; trnd n,- "Hawk," Bob Lundeen, lender. when Anderson, Lake Forest. Troop ",. Presbyterian Church. Mr h part 'l'fu Ma Us Swvom-v. our tseoutrnaster, a few hints on 'Signalling" rs: Aid." We then had Bttttitt mink.‘and a boy posed his " tests. Tom Roberts and Jtenhott had a table race in um Roberts was the (any vic- COU~¢II IIIADQUAK' " NQIIIQIM- I0. WDAI-Jlllm .-oi"W"q" THE PRESS After The dishes were washed, games were played and as it got lat.. er, the scouts decided to turn in, When the Scouts arose in the morn- ing they were surprised to find a hot bruklast “ranged by the assistant and chief cooks, waiting them. As usual after the meal wss over, the dishes were washed. The scouts then packed up their blankets and cleaned up the Cabin, ot course, not forgetting to till up the woodbox. Af- ter all the work ‘was done, the Scouts played games. - and did they play? Oh boy - nnd howl Games were played until dinner was ready. Then came the feast. There was everything imaginable to out that you could think of, from soup to nuts. anything we wanted to, end we de- cided to play tootinll. There was much excitement in the game, in which Daniel Baruiti's inter- n rence and Ray Finis' right end runs starred. After the game, we fixed up our bunks and started to make supper. The chief cook was Mr. Waleckn Ind hi,s assistant was Ray Fini. Soon the meal was spread upon the table and the scouts began to eat, (devour I should any). After cleaning up the Cabin I bit more, the Scouts soon found them. selvc, on their way home, not realiz- ine that they would not have the pleasure of enjoying one of these luscious meals cooked by'our scout- master in many months to etrme.-- August Baracani. Troop 37, High- wond. Oak Terrace~SchooL PANTHFUt PATROL OF TR00P M, MEETS The Panther Patrol of Troop M, Ravinia School, held its first meeting at the home of Alden Harris. We started the meeting with the Scout Oath and Law. Then some ot the h-l'owx passed their Tendertoot tests. After that was done we had drilling, mid we had refreshments. Then .we had the Scout Benedietion.--Nnther l'atrul, Scribe Charles 2ahn, Troop Th. Ravinia School. S('0l"l'S PRACTICE STAFF DRILLING :mn. IO sang songs, and voted on whether we would meet on Thursday night or Friday. We will meet, " 7:00 o’clock in the new gymnasium on Fridays after this until we cm get a perrmynent me. ting place. - David Jenkins, Troop lt Elm Place School. The meeting of Troop' 32, Highland Pprk, began at 7:00 o'clock. We had the opening cercrnorty.and had I few minutes of staff drills. Then we had snme first aid and artificial respira- Twelve new members are now rea- dy to go before the Bond of Review to pass their tenderfoot tests. Six- torn old scouts were present at the rvsrular weekly meeting of troop 35 of Ravinia last Friday. We opened the meeting with the scout oath and laws, The tirst part of the meeting was spent in pulsing the new mem- Oil NC".- No.7"- GLENVIEW MUNDELEIN GOLF LBE2TYVILLE NODJ’H BROOK DIAMOND LAKE NORTHFIELD HALF DAY bttgtt, RONDOUT BANNOCKBUDN NANHOE bers on their tenderfoot tests and the other scouts on any test they had ready to pass. We played A few games and then closed the meeting with the scout benediction and taps. TIt00P M ADOPTS POINT SYSTEM Art Baldauf, scribe, Troop 35, tta. vinia school. At the meeting of Troop M in the Presbyterian Church last Friday night, Scoutmaswr Betta and Assist- ant Scoutmaster Pratt explained a point system that will be used. The members of the troop will be given a curtain number of points for at- tendanee, conduct, and achievements, which include the tests the scout passes and games that he or his group wins. The five scouts who have the highest number of points will be awarded prizes and the patrol getting the greatest number of points will ulsu receive a prize. These prizes will be awarded at a party which will. be given about December 20, which is the day the contest closes. Brmeans of this system it is hoped that a new interest will be created in the troop and that more fellows will join. . " The Sea Scouts of the North Shore Area Council will have a special sec- tion of seats reserved for them " New Trier High, November 28tlt, when Admiral Byrd will give his mov- ic-lccture. In as much " a Set Smut. Paul Siple, went on this Ant. arctic Explnration trip with Admiral Byrd, this lecture will be extremely interesting to the Sea Scouts. A large number of the Sea Scouts and leaders will come in uniform and be seated ago. - Scribe F. Johnson, Troop 34, I'resbyterian Church. _ SEA SCOUT.', WILL HEAR ADMIRAL BYRD We also heard a Very fine arid in. teresting talk on First Aid by Dr. Winters. This talk was I eorttintta. tiun uf the one he gave three weeks Ingram-r. - After the lecture, Admiral Byrd will talk to the Sea Scouts and Lead- I'D. alum- about Sea Scout Paul Si- pie's oxpvriences on the expedition. Admiral Byrd is one of the seventeen honorary Scouts in the country. a high honor, and one of which the ad- miral is proud, TIME FOR scout', TO REGISTER AGAIN December 1 is the date that every group of Cubs, Boy Scouts and Sen Scouts of the North Shore Area Council is due to register, through the council with National Headqunr. Scouts of the North Shore Area Council is due to register, through the council with National Headqunr. tors for 1931. Troop 4 of Wilmette has already set the pace with re-rez- istration November I, with 40 of their 48 Scouts of last ye". Any troop not re.reeisterintr in the month of December will be shown In lapsed in the annual report that the national, headquarters publishes u of the last day of December. ~11 troops wait until the last pm of December the council headquarters Thursday, Nov. 20, 1930