Mrsntoy Zimtder of SiGreen Buy road spent Sunday in Madison. Wis- consin. . Mr.' Ind Mrs. Lester Olson of Vine avenue entertained st three tables of bridge Saturday evening, -- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bird and Mr, and Mrs. Fred Preston ot Lake Por. est left for Randolph, Va., where they will be the Thanksgiving day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Holmes. Norman, Herbert and Carl Luzon of Noreross, Minneaotn Ire visiting int the Axel T. Larson home on N. St. Johns avenue. Mr. Ind Mrs, Charles Brace of Bloom street motored to Beloit, Wis. consin, Sundny. 7 ' __ 7 Mr, Marvin Birdsnll, of Chicago, formerly of Highland Park, w“ the Sunday guest of Milton Fisher of W. Park avenue, Mrs. Redlinger Ind two daughters, Amelia and Cora, and son, Irving, and Mrs, Lopstein of Oak park were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Fisher of W, Pnrk avenue. Mr. and Mrs. E. R, Baum and chil- dren are spending today (Thursdty) in Bloomington with Mrs. Baum’a parents Mr. and Mrs. glitz Guild. Thundny, Nov, 27, 1980 _ Mr. and Mrs, William J, Brown have returned from a motor trip to the Rio Grande Valley, Texas. 77 Mrs. Thomas Creigh is spending this week in New York City, N, Y. She will return home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Carolan are the Thanksgiving day guests of the Misses Florence and Beatrice Caro. lan of Chicago. Mrs. Arthqr Swanson of Orchard lane entertained at two tables of bridge, Saturday evening. Mr, A. C. Dixon spent the past two weeks in Greenville, Ill., on I hunt- ing trip. Mr. Leonard Fitzgerald who spent the past week viinlintr his sister Mrs. John Doull of N. Green Bay road, returned Saturday to his home in Denver, Colo. Mr, Alfred W. Kavedon of Woun- socket. R, I., is the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Koon over the Thanksgiving holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Moon ttnd family are spending today. Thanks- giving at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Flinn and sons Jack and Jimmy and Joan Dion were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Witten following the Northwestern-Notre Dame game on SIturday. V Mrs. Helen Sehcendorf will enter- tain the members of her five hundred club next Thursday Ifternoon. Mrs. Julius Laegeler will entertain the Philomnthean Reading circle Tuesday evening, Mrs. E. R. Baum will read a paper on Hundel. Local and Personal Miss Ida Lutgarten, artist- pupil of Rudolph Ganz, will take a limited number of pupils, at the home of Mrs. Louis P. Haller, 290 Marsh- man avenue, Highland Park on Thursday afternoons and by appointment. , Tel. H. P. 3447 Mrs. George W. Rossetter is spend. ing the Thanksgiving holidays in Baton with her son who "tends school at Cheshire, Conn. Mrs. Ros. setter will visit in New “oven 1nd New York before returning home. Mrs. H. A, Bridges entertained at two tables of bridge yelurday aft- ernoon. NETTIE and NUTTY Bird Houses AUDUBON BIRD STORE . fit l 370 Central Avenue, Highland Park, Illinois Phone Highland Park 1706 for Evening Appointments 42$ Doll Houses Made to Order In a wide variety of designs and color combinations. Make ideal gifts {0 nature lovers. Your in- spection is invited. THE PRESS Broaacastlng Mr. and Mn. Arthur luminary Flinn of Odumlmn GM of S. Green Bay road unnoum the “in Gladyu Koch will 0mm " birth of I Ion, horn Stun-any mom- I dinner pncudlnx the MUM. in. November " " the Highland danee " the lughlud Park Wmn'a Pun-k. hospital. Both mother and non club, totttttrgxtw evetthte (Friday). He doing nicely. . ------ Mr. and Mrs. Envoy Winn: and fumily are the (new tad-y (r1tattU. giving) of Mr. Ind Mrs, Juan A, Feeding Trays I'br 15-17 N. Second M. Phone H. P. 850 STEFFEN AUTO SUPPLY Don’t bluno the Mum-I unblo- union for the mount of your hell can... "