Mate Commissioh Has Approved Lake Villa Bridge Over Railroad 20 The Illinois Commcrcc commission has approved the "tumult hetwecn the Mate Highway department Ind the Minneapolis. m. Paul and Sault Ste. Murie nilmud as to the pro- posed overhead bridge. in Luke Villn. Lake county. on Route " The cir- ruit court of Lake county in Decem- ber of last. you dismissed an appeal from a previous commerce commu- t In rum m ruling. The pmpmwd overhead crossing hid: is located just north of the an at Lake Villa, will consist of ne mum with I minimum venicnl unnu- of twenty-two feet eight ROBERT W. PEASE. Pharmacist Opposite (Map North Western Station ' Delivrry including Sunday {I Thanksgiving Where Saint: and Ethics Reign inn siinple medicinal rites. Let's give thanks on this Thanksgiv- intt Day for the illimitable knowl- edge possessed by our physicians. While our main work is on the roof. uniteâ€, leaders, and tumours, we are prepared to serve you in the making of flour and sugar bins. bread boxes drip puns. smoke clmpies, ete. We make them right became they will be mule to order. lines. Our exports for August show I hunky increase over previous months, which is generally a good sign. Henry G. Winter SHEET METAL ARTICLES FOR INDOORS. TOO lit nish ' ormitte:l the Puritans " North First Street Phone 085 hem by ot the American administer- Phone 14t THE PRESS Enlargement and development of its gns service system in Lake county has been carried out by the Public Service Company of Northern Illi- nois according to an announcement from the Chicago ottlees of the cor- poration. The steps hive been taken by the Public Service company be a measure of meeting the remarkable! i"eg,'lyet'.t. in this county. I The communities to benefit by the! reinforcement of the service include“ Fox Lake, Antioch, Leke Villa, Ingle- side, Ivanhue and others in that sec- tion of the county. Links Big Corporation The combined gas generating and gas storage facilities of the entire Chicago area was made possible for these towns through the completion of the mains connecting the com- pany's setion at Niles Center with the north shore holder of the Pea-i ple's Gas, Light and Coke companyl of Chicago. l, PUBLIC SERVICE CO. EXTENDS GAS SERVICE Enlargement and Development of Its System on North Shore ls Described Increased demand for gas in the) north shore territory and anticipated, future demand, caused principally by) growth of this area and increased' use of the fuel for house heating and t other purposes, necessitated the ttewl inter-connection. oifieitus of the Puts/ lie Service company say. The new connection provides both for addi- tional supply and emergency servicel and.supplemersts the connection which has been existant for a number of years between the company?! Evan- stnn system and the mains of the ‘(Ehimgo gas company. It will assurei ‘ndequate capacity to serve the com- munities tstteeted for many years to come, it is believed. Improve System large future capacity is providedl tor by the use of new type couplings‘ for pipe joints instead of employing the lead joints used almost universal- ly for this purpose, enabling the main to carry considerably higher pres- ures than lead Joints will allow. The main was designed for 25 pounds pressure. although the present operat- ing pressure will he only about five pounds. This will mean that when the operating pressure is raised a large amount of additional capacity will be realized. Marble in Floor of Field Museum Hall Million Years Old tnr of zoology at Field Museum otl, Natural History, who during his many years of the institution's scien- tifie stuff has tnveled with expedi- tions to far parts of the world in senrch of specimens. has recently inund an attractive subject for study right in the materiel; of which the museum building is constructed. The Mor of Stanley Field Bull, which is the eentral hall of the muleum. and the treads of the lair- waya in the building, are tiled with} marble from Carthuge. Missouri, and this marble was formed in I In of Mississippian use. more than three hundred million (300,000,000) yen: ago. Mr. Nichols says. Numerous fore Henry W. Nichols, associate can: ails of the animals that lived in that set. are now to be found on the face of the tiles. Most ot them are ghoul, somewhat obscurely disphyed " they have nearly the same color as the marble, but they are very dis. tinet when once seen. There is also. Mr. Nichols stem. tt less numerous group of fossils which are more plainly seen because their white color contrasts with the darker marble. These are thin rod-like cree- turea with thin wide flanges wound spirally around them after the man- ner of screw threede. 'tIT-tl,),) sl,,,),?,):'!):"':","';':',' 'ilii'i"ir,,,iefji RCA -..e RADIOIA Trim mg]: for the ensue“ space. yet brimful ofmodem.nun-eize screen- grid who! A beautiful, compact cab. inet designed especiully for in tone quality. Come in today...ue it...ttear lumen)†e few minutes often! redial WE“? Noam SHORE TALKING MACHINE Co. Wlnnotk- M14 $112.50 and up Highland Park Highland Park 3474 m Elm gt, 112 Chureh St. Winnetka Evanston I Kimball Pianos I 380 Central Avenue Thursday, Nov. 2T, 1930 u" " be: /l,fl 'c'hi,iiit ip4ttA'qr. Unlvmlty ""