WOMEN VUI‘ERS HEAR SCHOOL HEADS TALK Thursday, Nov. 27, 1930 panding communities. Congestion became a serious problem in _ Elm school. Coincidentally) the legislature of 1928 passed a temporary law allow- ing taxing bodies to float bonds up to 5 per cent of the assessed valua- tion, as against the former'2% per cent. As a result the Green Bay school was built at a cost of $130,- 000.00. The opening of this building only served as a momentary relief to the Elm school. Last spring the board realized that the school could function as heretofore-only if funds were obtained through popular Butt. scriptions. Then representative men were called into consultation. They agreed to raise the necessary money. Four hundred subscribers were se- cured. They pledged $45,000.00 to be paid within three years,-$10,000 to cover the defieit, $5,000 for a play- ground director, and new gymnasium facilities. There are at present no resources with which to meet antici- pated growth in school population, in. crease in teaching staff, or new equip- ment for classrooms. Mr. Vail, president for many years of school District No. 108 outlined the management of "airs of that organ- ization. Under its jurisdiction are Lincoln, Ravinia, Braeside and Ridge schools. their adjoining grounds and playfields, and a five acre tract on Clavey road. Lincoln school, the (Continued from page 4) To OUR FRIENDS and customers who are at present unemployed: We are offering any merchandise in our store at absolute cost. This is our method of show.. ing our appreciation for past patronage and a logical solution to your needs in winter apparel for your whole of winter clothing - underwear - sweaters - dress shirts work shirts - lingerie - stockings - hosiery - house dresses - work pants - suits - overcoats . - overalls in fact, anything in the apparel line will be sold during our sale at prices that cannot be duplicated anywhere. Save yourself a trip downtown! Come to kas' first! family. CHARLES GLASS 133 WAUKEGAN AVENUE Tel. Highwood 1216 Unemployment Sale Clothing and Furnishings for the Entire Family OUR ENTIRE STOCK speaker stated, has reached satura- tion point. The other schools will have to be enlarged to meet the rap- idly growing school population. While this district is not in arrears, it hu no monies available with which to meet the needs of growth. Like Dil- trict No. 107 it does not face the future with equanimity. Had the proposed tax amendment paused, many of the financial diMeultier that perplex boards and parents, would have been automatically solved. Un. til voters and legislatures alike shall have been prevailed upon to under. stand that only through tax equaliza- tion may we hope for a respite from these eternal timtneial turmoihs, we shall have to continue the unsound practice of mortgaging the future. h The attentiveUadienee seemed to generally concur in the opinions of the speakers. DEERFIELD TO PLAY L. F. TEAM THURSDAY It is expected that a large number at Deerfield and Highland Park fans will attend the game in Lake Forest. Thursday, and indications are that the contest will attract I record crowd, as fans itrboth Lake Forest and Deertleld are expecting I Urd battle, but both are eontident that their own team will prove the win- (Continued from page 3) Young Men's club is the coach for his team. 77 A group picture of the Deerfield squad appears on the cover page of this issue of the Press. ne r. HIGHWOOD THE PRES-B Carnation, Bor1itor Pet EvapofatedMilk............... 8lfltli Virginia Sweet Pancake Flour ....." 2hl'1 Gamay Soap w.........'.......'.. 5c“. Coffee-Nur.,............-.... L. RedCircle............... LB. EightO‘Clock............ u. Sunnyfieid Flour .. 10 Jit 81e...d4l ht IonaTomatoes................... SIN, IonaCoritandPeatr r...........,.." 2lltil. Mmnyfieid Sliced Bacon _.......... l hh MaxweilHouseCoeee............ I. Friday and Saturday, Novem ber 28 and 29 Grandmother', Tea- Green Japan .... Ann Page Apricot Preserves ..'.r.. Grandmother's Sandwich Lolf Bread Brillo ..er..........rrrr.......'.' Chipso Flakes or Granules .... .r.. Oliv-llo Soup ................'.... Babbitt', Lye At A & P This Week End n. on“ Adam 0 Patedk n. Co. ""NNllllP"' FRESH FRUITS Ind VEGETABLE GreenBeans..V................. 2n CauMower.................... In DeliciousApples................ 'sa Orange Pekoe FREE THREE GUEST SIZE OLIV-ILO CAKES Aap FOOD STORES wlth pun-lune of - Mu ulte- Have you learned how you out stretrh your budget by treing . m- lar eta-tamer It A. l m Begin now Ind yuu'll be "rprUed and planned to and that your nvln; will [lye you considerable tow-rd the pun-hue of other thinu that come up, particu- larly u the Holiday mam: ap- prom-ha. i am. We l 36.3% i m. 21c i hh 89e 16 lh 19e 2 ml9c 3....291: LAIGI PIC. um 2le CAK- PI“. CAN 12e "n I OB. w» 28e IN