Thursday, Dec. 4, 1980 MARSHALL FIELD tk COMPANY EVANSTON STORE . CHURCH AND SHERMAN loves dainty things. Take a tshifter, scarf, in soft patterns and lovely pastel shades, 81.95 fine linen harrdkerrhiefs, initialed and with hand. rolled edges, in green, red, black,blue. 50e each And most attractive in this engraved well-and- tree pattern platter, priced at 84.50 Amanlikea... Now a woman . . . Pyrex is practical . . . Gifts for all types and tastes . . . a greater. variety than ever before OLD-FASHIONED CH RISTMAS" _ii/ijv), I Smart all-over patterns, and a variety of shades, to harmonize with every suit, 81.35 pair. Imported wool hose... High grade " in plain or all-over designs, in. teresting handles, cos- tume shades, 84.95 Fancy guest lauds... A splendid umbrella Sheerlinenin solidcolors with white applique. in really lovely pastel shades, " each t' in: w. _-ii-i-if,.,,,,]',,'.')"' g i? ' 'is'i',i;lii,',i.i-i"j: THE PRESS if curefully selected and these have masculine Ip- proval, small pattern- and stripes, 81.50 each Perfect lingerie . . . makes a perfect gift. A bade-u to chemise in et crepe l chine with cc. 82.95 Going traveling " . . . . . theme sienna-r rugs are a comfort in wnrm plaids. fine wool, $5.50 If only for a Sunduv drive Ties are good . Guest powder pub and "uetairttie.bAtstomatrh for the Imudoir. in panel shades, 01.35 m. of colored mud!" in soft stripes. Each with two mutt-hing stitched collars. â€.50 of French firtirh crepe in Baby Mac or (on rose. with lovely ecru Inca, priced 33-95 Shim like theme . . AJiaetdttotem.. A combination . . It