28 Fi EW SCOUTS A R H W BIA '0.“ RD W ll 'rmml- " MEETS IN IIIILN‘II KITt‘lll'IN TWO “UMP. ’I‘INHN'S ARF. Ttr'.til.MTF',rtF',0 WTLME TTE WESDE l KEMUAOIITH KIA/WIN INUAN HILL HIGHLANDDARK WINNETKA HOHVAOOD â€BAROWOODS EVERETT tk EPCOE LAKE FOREST he HI) 6 not lift. “I" aid t l a t tAt 'rs-tttthereto) an Maul-u In- nhu emottrt-teqt. “. "on treed, “link. "on Onion“. Shepard and Lawrence. Inc. is. s. ulcnmn A". CIICAGO. m. Wig Inn-mud In mail-Id In! te Iâ€. " ANGUIIA fol. Gnu-Ml ma "" Ink av. In.“ Tot R. P. l NOW YOU . CAN A'PDID 23mm TF" - A; N _ 4 A Thin not all"!!! With " tth 1m wine In tro " wunri! welcome» and um them on scouting toward M 'rt_r--HdB.t.hr' master W to, war h t Walker. "urination come the many in the main " scouting. M mun mmp when we am on tho but): but Sutur- um tugpass mum! clan. Mu! merit bulge cooking wound Plus scout! dot- " with stone lined itm. .umunes were baked, and an of stvak Ind onion al- m a urn-n branch of . was hrnilevl. The (In: has Mr. Mike O'Finhertr Ito-r and Luis Young " nutmuh-r. with " boys. mm m rhnirmn of Troop rilh Paul Muzik. Guy vm Halley "5mm. M Shore Troop M looked rowd of K. PN than I m Iailevmer. Jw'k lanes, Maynard Kenneth Weld; .0. Murray; Tm "illhwmm meta Mr. WI-mlull with 20 bo: with Mul 'or of “who “I" In chm"- W.- - mg. nlu and bet Eds-r Gaels. up II, Wilmette: , IT. Winnetka: Robert Nickels. Slur: Troop Itt, Ker. Jan-k Enter- Maynard Kindt, n-th Weld; Troop urrly: Troop 2211, um†Amlersont llulhurd Wamp- Alden Harris, Ross. Cew Sar- hu the past week. u these new on up the lad- ml the Eagle u rummittu M int. have held have both nirnum an ion It!" Iryon Muck» Hill M r, St W So of of iii? A BOYSngl'NEWS noun" SHORE L, Mi ottNCtit.-tiahP" BOY' sec JR?E.1l F AMERICA I Scout Executive’s Column and 1mm and him LAKE FOREST SEA SFOI'TS PLAN With " present at the re-reqistra- Crm meeting held at the Young Men's clulr lu't Sunday nth-mun. the fut- urn tor the Lake Forest Sea Scout Shin look-a bright. The plans for the winter "a that n'l hays will advance together in their n-liu first h The plans for the winter "a that n'l boys will advance together in their Mutt There will by diiterent pro- Such worked out. and delegation: will ll" sent to the Byrd lemurs. the Model Boat Sh w, and the shipyards. It is hoped the lake Forest group will be tinned up t hay with a T m: the Hip tor and and There were three boys in the - ------- family. Ned, Cooper, nnd Tom. When I first knew them, Ned and Cooper, Engle "outa, were going to high school and earn- ing over 375 3 month on their pan-r route. Their hither, I railway mail survive employee pnssed nwuy un- expectedly five your: ago. The next summer Ned was serving " my assistant rump quartermnstor. There came a long distmce phone rill, "Come home, (Roper downcd." Cuoper WM In expert Red Cross life saver. On the way to the train Null said, "Well I know Cooper Wtgn' trying to' have someone else," whivh was just as it proved to be. Ned paid us I visit last winter. lie is now advertising mun-gar fur a Turm- Concern in I western town, making a home for his muther. and putting Tom, now an Eagle scout. thruugh high st'hnul. He is aim; serving thrre nr {mu nights a week u a v Iuntm-r in swimming, help- ing weak troops on their feet again. I um keeping in close much with Ned, He is considering Lter on cunning into .wnuting on I tttll litm- basis and making it his life work. nth gr up was a hit more dienirwd mmle much better fire pines fried the best bacon and eggs vn-r lasted. woltt, Meyers, lins- st, Yek" and Sink-r ptsssml this Tho merit badge requirements lurking wan- completed by Corn. Juhmum and Wslter "woski, New scams. 7 CCU-CII IlADhUAK; ‘II ~.!IIIII.A- .5 â€NODJOIIO . -oq6-".0oa" THE PRESS rate] as a second class ship by the end of the summer. A great deal oCinterest and en- thusiasm was shown tit the beginning of last summer when the ship was or- ganize‘l. There were afternoon sail- ine trips twice a week, besides all day and over night cruises. _ Sailing was not only dune about] the North Shore Sea Scout Ship, "Albatros," but also aboard Uncle Sam's Navy cutter. Foreseeing a Wonderful summer ahead of fun, sport, and adventure nboardrthe "Al. lmtrns" and Navy cutter, and prob- nhly a tw, weeks cruise aboard the ICG foot Regional' Schooner "Pinta," the My un- working hard on their tvs-tu.--)" Gourley. Reporter. ham “My Wr, the wet TROOI' " HAS NF.Fn'iNG NOV. " Only 'a few boys were absent at the smut meeting of Troop 45, Epis- cnpnl church. Fridny. Nov. gg, _The meeting opened with the Flux mire- mr-ny. There was not much else, bveause the time was spent in regis. tering tho scouts for the year 1931. Almost nll the boys subscribed for "Boys Life" magazine. Beeurw of the few absences. regis- trution was not complete. We have arout 29 fellnws in the trap. Scout Charles Ruqua almost com- pleted his second class'tests by pass- ing signalling using semiphoror he also boxerl the campus. Mr, Bax with the help of Tom At- teridm- and some nf the scouts cum- nlotml making the target fur target practice whivh the advent-ed scouts will use tn [use the Mnrksmanship Merit hump. "toi, Tihhets, Troop 45, Lako Forest. Lake Forest held its monthly board of rovii-w last Wednesday, Nov. M. Mr. Gilbert Purter m, Mr. Knight fhrwels, Lake Forest Court of Honor chairman, and Mr. Bax were the re- vicwprs. The results of tests are as folluws: Troop 44, Arden Shore: Georg" Meyers-word wurk and has- kttery; Tony Johnson, Woodwork haskctry. wumlwurk. bunk binding, am! earppntry; Cornelius Juhnson, hand'wratt, firvmmshin, nndrcnrpen- try. Troop 45: Allen Hokenson, 1teholarship: Inn McPherson, scholar- ship; .Todtly Monahan, tenderfnot. Troop 48: lan Falconer, Ernest Gil- my. and R hvrt Milton, tenderfoot.-- Wainn Newman, district editor. For our last troop meeting we went to the "coin in the Woods" over night. After we "rived, we cooked supper and made our bunks. Inter in the evening we initiated a tenderint scout by sending him out LAK E FOREST REVIEW “(HRH “Snipe Hunting." Unfortunately he dill not catch any snipe aftor'his lone wait in the woods. After'this we went to bod. In the morning we malted hmrakfnst, dune tin and went home. Our next meeting is Friday, Dee. h, " 7 o'eloek.-seout Tom Roberts, Troop 46. Pe up the ca- GLENVIEW MUNDELEIN GOLF LIBEQTVVILLE NOQIHBQOOK DIAMOND LAKE LNOWHFIELD HALF DAY ‘DEERFIELD RONDOUT _ii"a"r"fi'c'iirivaN NANHOE FATHER AND SONS WIN Hm" HONORS Mr. H. ' hind Park huge inm scouts. fallow Mr, H. F'. Kelly, chairman at High. inml Park Cratrt of Honpr reports a. huge increcsr.: of tests passed at this Nov. 25 board uf royiew hold in the “UV city hail. The outstanding achi- vvenwnt of the evening was Scout- master H. R. Smith with his two mm, ituivrie and Dentnn all receiv- ing their siivur palm signifying that ihey each have 15, merit badges in addition to 21 required for Eagle l'ullow?:.5 is the mmplcte list: Troup T.r--Tomleptout: James Ander- -on. and James Carmen: Star scout, Carl C. Hunckv: Silver Palms. Scout- master Herbert R. Smith, Rcderic Smith. Danton Smith; Merit badges, Robert Anderson, firemanship; Rob. ttt Austin, fiyormurqhip. firetttartsthip; Lawn-mm Briggs, personal health; Georgn McLellan, fircmanship; Henry 1tiehardsrrn, personal health; Demon Smith. farm mochanim; Scoutmwster 1tiehardsrrn, personal health; Demon Smith. farm mochanim; Scoutmwster H. It. Smith, farm morhanics. tlre. marwhip; Km-wyn Smith. farm me- thanim. flremanship; Roderic Smith, Farm mvvhanies. Troop 04-seeond .lass. Psnhert Geary; veteran scout, Msistum Strrrutmaster Ralph W. Pratt. Troop 2,5-T'tyndorfoot: Step- 'vm Kuhn-r, Dado Epstein, John Ep- stein, James Hirsch, Robert Long, riitrtrge. Ross. Lew Sarett. Robert Wel. h-r. Hulhurd Wamp'er, Robert Zahn. LEADERS GIVEN CAMP CERTIFICATES During the last fvw years 41 vol. unte-vr leaders in the N..rth Shore Area cnuneil have spent at least two weeks in a summer scout camp with the hays of their troop. Most of this canmim: was done ‘nt Camp Ma- kajttuun in the summers of 1929 and NH). The council congratulates thew men fur their Ora, cantributiun to huyhnnd and announce the award by National council of a certificate of camping to be awarded soon. Sew ml others h mu spent one week in camp hm! deserve commendation fur that, They are Lincoln C. Torrey, W. A. â€H. A. D. Brush, and Geo. Gndzik. sprmdine ut least two weeks in camp: 1027--Chtwauirau, Ray Fosrtr, 192g--. (‘hn-c'ugnu. Frank J. Kreusch: 1924-- Mymn C. Rybult; 1926, Carl McMah- Us,' 1020; II. Cl. B4111: 1929~Roben J. Wilkins, Jnhn Betak. James Mu- "twh, Morgan Mruench. Earl D. King, In. Cnt.onel Louis Waefofanr. Lloyd Wizhtman. John C. Blaylnck. John Huhn. James R. Goetz, Rev. Mark J. Andrews. Ilnburt W. Swan, Medill Huhn. James R. Goetz, Rev. Mark J. Andrews, Hobart W. Swan, Medill Radium Russell W. Towner; 19,30-- Raymond Danielson, Gm. Stiekrath, Frank A. Wilson, Harrison Stern", Wm.. L. Meleher, Dr. Sloan F. Ned:- nnck. Frnd S. Channer, John L. Udell. J. W. Bird, Louis Young, Lloyd Moon, Tom Atteridtte, Robert Roeber, Cal. vin Gurtley, Frank M. Harms. The folluwihz leaders are to be awarded the camping certifieate for ii'nrge. 1:053. 'er,' Hullmrd =t'l'nml ulnar: has: Charle ', Arthur Baldwf; tttyet " Zahn, Thursday, Dee, 4, 1930