Do not say, "I do not give my eonsent." Say, intend." Do not say, "Here is the most beau. tiful of the two pictures," Say, "more beautiful" when referring to two, "most" when more than two. T Do not say, "CUrles is going to go to Birmingham next week." Omit the words, "to go." - _ Do not sa.v,"'Please louk and see if the box is empty." Omit; "look and.†77 Do not say. "She lit the candles." "Lighted" is preferable. - _ Thursday, Jan. 1, 1931 lil, not say; "John's work was ab- solutely perfect." Omit "absolutely." What is "perftet" should not be qual- ified. e as in "net, not the last Words Often Misspelled Naphtha; observe the two h's. Chile; le preferred to Ii. Satisfy, sat- isfying (fy), satisfied (fi.) Negligee; three e's and two tt's. Chute (in- clined plane); nut shoot. Saskatche- wan (Canadian province.) Synonyms Foolhardy, venturesome, incautious, reckless. Scorch, parch, singe, char, burn. Bassinet Opponent, adversary, antagonist OUR WEEKLY LESSON IN ENGLISH To All of our Patrons--- 22 North Second Street Words Often Misused by W. L. th a as in "at," i as in "in," " and accent firusb syllable, HECKETSWEILER STUDIO Happy New Year We owe you thanks for your good will and we promise to continue our high standard of work and service. "at," tdon propose to "l do not PHOTOGRAPHER 508T, List (noun), roll, catalogue, sched- ule, inventory, register. Inimitable, invincible, unconquer- able. Authentic, authoritative, real, gen- uine, trustworthy. Word Study "Use a word three times und it is yours." Let us increase our vo- cabulary by mastering one word elch day. Words tor this lesson'. Garrulous; talking much, especially about trifles. "The most garrulous Garrulous; talking much, 23] about trifles. "The most " people on earth."-De Quincey Facetious; given to humor; jocular. "He companion." Paltry; worthless; pitiful; triding. "The paltry prize is hardly worth the eostf'-Byron. Reciprocate; to make I return for something done or given. N wish to reciprocate the fnvor." Tactual; of or pertaining to the sense or organs of touch. "in the lowest organisms we have a kind of tactual some diffused over the en- tire body."--Tyndal1. Augment; to increase in size, amount, or degree. "impatience augments an evil." Vote to Establish Lake County Union Separation from Cook county and establishment of a Lake county locnl of the union was voted by members of the International association for bad carriers and laborers in I meet- ing in the Waukegan Masonic temple recently. _ Action of the Lake county mem- hers, based on a vote of 95 to 81, will result in immediate withdrawal of more than 500 men who reside in this county from Local 118 which has had jurisdiction over Lake county and the northern end of Cook county for many years. Phone Highland Park 435 o wit and good i? is a [nations THE PRESS