Mortality Rate Better Among Children, But Not Among Adults, in State I. ttt tl tr" Nt rpi HARRISON PARKING GARAGE UNITS or NATIONAL PARKING GARAGES, INC. ..$0 "kiln In tl n trie ttt I") -_. -.., EN 1.x: is: "et. 'tat. " tt tl 1m tl Stu dast Side of Wabash at Harrison Harrison ISM ll " “A mum onvenient for Shoppers Ill rt tl tl Ht it It rifit Ill] um If El H Electric GARAGES " un ll " It BUILT LIKE FINE HOTELS How m m. ll scrvh humus mfusion mm ml point: crut itics itN attractively tl sion ot delay. Herc, u humus State Struct and mum Boulevard writm lri mdmrc 'll H In: parked or lick“. without a under hm mills, tclc trc' rcst mppcrs hr them is ready in publie he ' an ,almu in mom arm THE PRESS not much mortality (MOUTH m.- ;0 while 1LT State Teachers Urge _ Big Increase in the State School Funds otutht Commerce Commission Continues Hearings on Natural Gas Pipe Line I r " " icher " lv Ty It ll" it)" It linnnockburn Poultry Farm Plume Ireerfivld 127-1 Telegraph Road at Rout:- 22 l sale Illinuj Al a in the sum nullo. The the Company tul Fresh BUTTER AND EGGS POULTRY " hv Mk nu " appropriation nit m will " at the to appropriated $10,000,000 for ributive fund, which was an m' '?.,000,000 over the pre- Tr Ill if Ill "an pun; also ox at tirm vxper'tt i n tin un fun mt! anhan In ha J" rum Illin tht uld slings to annual n 1' this mt distributive school fund next biennium will be , cunning session of the an: by the Illinois State ~uciuliun, acvurdrng to “Irv onsidctration by its it lin my $23G mLural 1 Illinois menu: "L' until an anger ur dministr; of th: w comhim make, pr" m' of t'm mnuunt of the in Illinois [H'l' n bs uthvr mm- P num- thun twie ed to order haul "mee qu that the t and i m to are Calit' 100,0 It ntcetin to ties and Ct 'aving Illin would ht- mun :idcrulion and whi delegates In ".' the plan mhamllc F now Md a of the , state mar it is the iation that tin ttly ti from to ask for au- snits ot' school ratiun and an inn and retire. mxwhlents of our :-nm to think that uld ho muvh bet- hocofno again it ll tutmpy 'ut R110 ‘mmm-rct flirt ht-r nll'lpu. " uml wh handle, mm- m lwfore the of whvthtu' Union in the . plan would lmnsn in tht hurt The 2 no that sow r the M: nus auth subsidiary mtl thvuee communi- ,00(),000 it and rrp to for tho fund: Penn state pupil s the err the 'otui 10d wid the tht .mu) tutu m1 MI ZEPPELIN HAS k SUCCESSFUL YEAR best and m your tn date, Iopurt from Four thou: ertk'twh' Wore _on's 104 fl an liun hat Zeppelin Reports Most Pro- fitalrle 12 Months in 1930; to Be Overhauled The income from suffiviunt to pay the the motor-fuel bill, predation. llzul tho Gmf brim: (mull! nihor profit vxttmr Au! ink of tht In" m Not Rostim: in its big shed at Fried- hshafo, Germany, for the winter, tmany's ,rlolwserwivclittst (Prat Zep- lin can look back on 1930 as its st and mm profitable passenger ur Ln date, says an Associated Press pmâ€. from that city. Four thousand and sixty-three pass- gers Wore carrivd during the sea- n's 104 flitihts, and almost 11 mil- m pieces of mail, distributed over I uggrvgatc distance fluwn of 71,.. Lake County Garage Owners Organizing .tt mm m .Iluw tmnotiw Ell] ttV son" mtor 4rnt) rovidcd tht Kiluipl lin lin w (Mm-r nO Th ith 10 ft mm: Jill (-onzlilinn if wilitin m DH mm h ti um u-lin could be put on a com- puying basis. estimates Capt. -hmann of the Zeppelin com- prom-r muorintt facilities and , stutinm mm- rvgularly es- in 'lu'lud. uhout $38,000. Carry- . ,'rtWI't'N' at $730 much would $20,000 and freight and mail b oxptwtetl to make up the (.000 and add a reasonable ities would cost, he calml- nmro than $20,000,000. uch a line in operation the flight fmm Spain or Portu- mizil would momma, every- lwlud. uhnut '38,000. Carry- I‘ii'nL'l'l'S at $750 ouch would m: a trans.At)antie Zep- with four or five ships and mr'im: mzuts' und other land- ties would cost, he calml- the new ye 1n prowmvnt rcrns gunnwtml with the au- industry, met in the audi. , the Lake, College of Corn. t Waukegan last week for luminary steps toward the of u Lake County Automo- rimiun. Between 25 and 30 rum all parts of the county svnt at the meeting. Better closer cooperafion and the n of credit conditions are the aims sought by the pro- In lt-te it Gmf confined itself to short cruises of 1,000 the showing would have ttev, for the extra posts and refueling: prepara- , South Anwricun fiiirht into the less s;u-ctu<~uiar hi Thursday, Jan. 1.1931 aim-n flieht in Svptom- o Graf has cruised an ' nearly 150.000 miles HBTX passengers and 2e _ nf mail and freight. more miles may be ox- vill be rm‘ouh-d to some tho n-xu-mivo overhaul- ip this wintvr. garages tire shops, bat filling stations and a] rmim these flights was omcers and crew, insurance and de.. 'at' flying prozmm A flight to the idcrml probable, m- hrings a rea- in general busi- com- Capt. com- a and