Thursday, Jan. 1, 1931 I Scout Ereeutioe'ts Column TR00P M IIIKES AND BOYS TRAILS At t:30 o'eloek Saturday morning, Dec. 27, all the scouts of Troop 38 were gathered at the home of Mr. Teberm our scoutmaster. Mr. Te- berg, John'Jackson, Leslie Scheskie, James Mundstvck and Raymond Ree, tvnwald went one way and Mr. Jack. son, one of the troop committeomen, Bud Scheskie. Barrett Wilson, Dan- iel Tebere and William Reetenwtsld WILMETTE , BQAESIDE KENILWODJ’H QAVINIA INDIAN HILL HIGHLANDDARK WINNETKA HIGHWOOD HUBBAQDWOODS EVERETT GLE NCOE LAKE FOREST went another way. Both groups marked the trail they took, At last we all met at the certain spot where we all made fire and roasted some potatoes and the steak we had brought along. As it was quite late in the atterncon when we finished, We did not follow the trails that we had marked, but took.a route down the creek and through the woods. We all had a fine time and we hope to no on many other hikes like thim u, wRepnru-r "rta.vmond Reetenwald, Troop 38, West Ridge "hoof, High- land Park. on ACTIVITIES OF TROOI' NO. M Troop 36 of Highwood held its meeting Friday, Dee. 19. A period of 30 minutes was given over to Mr. Muzik, our first aid instructor. Say, we thought We knew first aid, but we certainly made a mistake, for we learned a things in that 30 minutes that we never knew before. A sug- gestion was made by Frank Shelton for a sleigh ride party. Matters were soon arranged, the sleigh ride party will he on the day when the snow falls thickest. Let's hope it is soon. Mr. O'Flaherty then gave out Christ. mas presents to every member of the troop. The prescnts were diaries and I suppose every scout and scout- er will be interested in knowing what Lindbergh, the here of boys throughout the world, has to say about scouting. He says: "I am with the Boy Scouts. Their motto "Be Prepared" is the greatest factor for success in life. That is why I look to the boy Scouts for the men of action, the doers, the fliers, the leaders of to- marrow." "Be Prepared" Charles A. Lindbergh BOYSCQHI NEWS NORTH SHORE a prize will be given next year for the most notable diary. Games were played and the meeting adjourned with the scout benedietiom--Troop 36, Reporter, Ambrose Cantatrallo, St; James parish, liighwood.‘ FIRST AID INSTRUCTION IS GIVEN TROOI' 36 The last regular meeting of Troop 36 was held on Dec. 26 at St. James Parish hall. After the business part of the meeting, 15 minutes of drill was held. Scoutmaster and 1eett scoutmaster also asked us some quesa tions, to find out how dumb we were; for instance-the scoutmaster asked us-what is the largest animal in the world? Answer: One says elephant, another says hippopotamus, and still another a whale, but to show you how dumb one scout was he answered a Sea elephant. A period of 15 min- utes was given over to Mr. Muzik, our first aid instructor, who told us of a wreck in which a man was doubled up beneath the rear truck of a North Shore train and how he held theartcry of the bleeding man until the car was lifted oft the man. After that wreck Mr. Muzik said he couldn't sleep or oat with comfort for a week. Games Were then held after which the meeting adjourned. Troop M of llinhwooxl was congratulated by Ma- yor Ruth on the splendid manner in which the scouts helped in the Civic Service of "iehwood.--Troop M, re- porter, Canmgsllo, St. James parish, Highwood. RECEIVE DIARIES FROM SCOUTMASTER On Thursday, Dee. IR, the last meeting held in 1930, the scouts of Troop 37 rcceivod 1931 diaries, as tok- ens of friendship from their smut- master, Victor J. Walecka. In the new 1931 diary we find new additions of: a page of standard graphic sym- hols used in radio communication: an illustrated page of the types of aircraft showing a cabin and an open m'onoplano. a bypiane, a balloon. a seaplane, a dirigible. and an amphib- im; also two new merit badges, read- ing and landscuping. Instead of finding 'on each page of the new 1931 diary, a line cut illus- tration of a fiower such as in the old l930 diary, we find line out illustri- tions of insects. The scouts of Troop 3? wish Mr. Waleckn many thanks for this exclusive ttift.--A. Buruconi, Troop 37, OA Terrace school. High- wood. TPP.!', COMMITTEE from Friday to Saturday on _account IN tu RPRmE PARTY of a Christmas program " the school. On Friday, Dee. M, the scouts of on Friday. We opened our meeting Troop 36 were treated to a surprise. with the scout oath. Then Fenten The surprise was given by Mr, Muzik, Hopkins, our assistant scoutmalter committeeman and first aid instruc- talked to us about the troop. After tor. Mr. Muzik and Mr. Viti each a while we played a knot game and rarryintt cider. sandwiches and cakes. grab the haeon. Then Robert Ginter Oh what a treat! Say did we eat? played a few of the bugle calls that No-not much. When two gallons of they had at camp last summer, and cider were gone scouts lost interest all of the scouts tried to guess what in the other two, but only for the they were. After the meeting was moment. Spmches were heard, toasts over we were all called up in the to Mr. Musik and the scoutmaster library where Mr. Hopkins gave a BOY scoGE4a5r AMERICA COU~CII HILDQUAK' II I-IICIII†I.- UMMIIJIIIIO .-o-.-oq.W9" THE PRESS were also given. Sunk: were lung and Ill had I great tlme.-Reporter Troop M, Ambrose Carttarello, Bt. James purist. Highwood. DEERFIELD TR0OP RECEIVES DIARIES The meeting of Troop tre was held in the basement of the Presbyterian church on Dee. M, Friday evening. The program bezsn with the scout oath and law. The scouts were presented with our new 193] diaries s: I Christina pres- ent, and our 'urouttrtturter, Mr. Rus- sell, offered three prizes to those keep- ing the best records. 7 Gerald Lucas then presented Mr. Russell with a fountain pen u a Christmas present from the troop. We spent the rest of the evening singing songs and doing stunts, led by John Derby. - David Starker, Troop ,52, Presbyterian church, Deer- Troop field. The last weekly meeting of Troop 51 was held 'above the Citizenl State bank instead of the Grammar school. No actual advancement: were nude, but putrols Were formed, the members tvcpperatintr in forming, yells, nImeI, and songs. etc. The names of the patrols Ire the Moose, the H. T. L. (seeret title) and the Otter patrol. Mr. Harold Bolu,.tield executive, led the troop in I few mnzn,.Ed Canal and Dick Hottman singing salon. Mr. Fisher, I troop eommitteermtrt, told the tronp I story and then the meet- ing subsided with the troop, hum- ming ups-Dan Wolteadintt, Troop 51, Dvertield Rotary club. Laughing Content Troop MI met at the Wilmot school Friday, Dee. 26. There were only I few scouts present. While we were waiting for more scouts to come we played I few games such as: "Three Thirds at I Ghost," Ind "On my le to California." Then our mouthin- ter told us a few things Is to how to m-t ll good troop Mined. We played compass games followed with I laughing contest. After our - TROOI' 51 HAS A NEW PATROL compass games followed With I laughing contest. After our some: and contests our scoutmnster [we us all same song books. We then repeated the ncout ottth and were dismitwred.--Reporter Troop M, Rob- ert Ginter, Wilmot when]. Gum Bugle Cull- Troop 50 met It the Wilmot school Suturdny, Dec. 20. It won chimed from Friday to Suturduy on ,Iecount of n Christmns program It the school on Friday. We opened our meeting with the scout 02th. Then Fenten Hopkins, our usintnnt mutton-tar talked to us About the troop. After I while we played 1 knot - And grub the hem. Then Robert Ginter played a few of the bugle will that Ot) NCW- Nor" GLENVIEW MUNDELEIN GOLF LIBERTYVILLE INOQJ'MNMDOK DIAMOND LAKE NOCUHF|ELD "ALF DAV DEEQFIELD RONm MNNOCtUMtN NANHOE nhort talk. We Wen than dismissed. -Troop M, reporter. Robert Giant. Wilmot school. LAKE FOREST TROOI' RES-REGISTERED I00 PER CENT Another scout Troop “Pot Luke Fol-en. hm: re-registered for 1031 in- cluding 100 per cent nub-cription to the Boy Scout Hug-line. the Bor'. Life. The name mum-cur. Rom Rocha Ind auburn aeottttttnaur, Caivin Glrtley, on re-r-ee. The rest of the organiution iv " follows: - Chairman Troop committee: Ion- Lurue Rasmussen; members Troop eommittee-Rev. Allan Emma. For- SPOOKY CAMP FIRE TROOI' EXPERIENCE-S Wolves! from the woods came an uncanny howl. The that Ilamea broke forth from the are. which gave the appearance of mteaque - danc- ing all around In. Something can. ftyitttt through the air. Snowball- where coming from all direction. landing on the heads of the {our scouts and their smutmaater who were Handing around the tire. Thia all happened on the nixht of Dee. M, when the' scouts of Troop 48. bake Forest were mated around the camp tire. Some of the “out: had arrived at the woods earlier in the evening. That was how all this uncanny buli- nest, had started. Mr. Roebor lined up the boy» to see who wore mining. All but three mute Were-present. Mr. Rocker had the Wolf patrol take down the tent that he had left in the woods in the fall. The Black Boar patrol had their little job at getting wood. Meanwhile "tr. Roeber had [one to town tor some food. Before we ate we played a few games. After the - each scout out himself a stick to rout hie meat on. After every one was satia- ilod we left tor home.--hee Neale, Troop 48. Lake Fore-t. SCOUTING TO BE OF AGE FEB. 81‘" On February ll, 19M. scouting [ill start the celebration of ita llat birth- day. Throughout all the nation mum of America was first organised on Feb. 8. 1910 and the boys who we Tenderfoot Boy Scout: then an now in their thirties, some approacth the forties. It in the hope of the Na. tional council that an, many of that men an possible "dedicate themaolvaa to “outing during this annlvonary yieek and be presented with the acout (Continued on pan I5) "