" W . Lyons Favors Police 1 Radio Communication for the Entire State SMITTY’S BARBER SHOP 507 Central Avenue Highland Park, Illinois THE PRESS Communicating system, including radio on a short wave length and possibly the teletype, will brushed fur the entire state by Represents tive Richard J.' Lyons, of Mundelein, when he goes to the assembly Jan. T. The representative is nut certain whether it will take a new bill or funds out of the state and is having officials investigate before he presents his pruposition. Mr. Lyons intends to have the en- tire state divided into zones so that information can be filed with all peace omtrers, including state, county and municipal, within a few minutes after a crime is committed. It would be transmitted through a short wave radio station to specially constructed sets typical of the ones now used by the Chicago police, and the teletype as well. Highland Park Presbyterian Church Laurel and Linden Avenues Gladys M. Greenlaw Director of Religious Education ('hurch phones 683 and 46 Sunday: 9115*Girl's choir. 9:45- Church "houl. 10..00-Mothers' Bible! class. It - Morning worship. Dr. Reymoml C. Rankin of llunovcr col. lege, Tennessee, will preach. 7 - Young Pvople's society meeting, A special program i., being phoned. Monday: 10 -[):mm society meet- ine in the parish house. Luncheon will be served at noon. Join this Kroup in work and fellowship. Tuesday: 6:30 - Men's Fellowship club dinner in the parish house. Please make your reservations early. l, Wednesday: 7:30 -Sca Scout meet- ine in tho Junior room of the parish in]: i; house Zion Lutheran Church llizhwood, Illinois Sunday sehurl at 9:45 am. English services at 11 mm. Swedish services at 7:30 pm. Ladies Aid will meet at Mrs. Chas. Froborg. 664 Deerfield avenue, High- land Park Friday afternoon. Henry G. Hedlund, Pastor. or the world's cut " lumber and four times as much as this euuntry pro- duces. Reforestation, therefore, will «non htwrrttte a vital prnhlem for our state and national governments. The United States consumes ha" MR. HARRY “SHIN-INS WILL PERSONALLY SERVE YOU Permanent Waves Finger Waves and Beautiful Haircuts Prices surprisingly moderate "Privacy You'll Enjoy†You: "atttt"tEssoi HOURS 9:00 to 6:30 Lake County Plumbers Association Election Held; Local Men Named The Lake Cuunty Sanitary and Heating Engineers association held their annual election this week, md elected the following oMeers: ville. ' Vice president - Arnold Peterson, Ravinia. Treasurer --. Edw. Strenger, High- land Park., ' Those elected to the board ot di- rectors, in addition to the elective offieprs were: " ll. T., Stronger, Lake Forest. J. H, Moran. Highland Park. The seeretary-mtutaeer, Lester V. Anderson, Lake Forest, will continue in niriee for 1931. The newly elected officers and di- rectory will be installed at the as- soeintion office at 758 N. Western avenue, Lake Forest, on Monday, De- avenue, Lake Forest. on monuuy, u:- eemher 29. One of the major items of interest to the general public, is the flve-day week in the plumbing and heating industry in Lake county, which is othectivc an new work at the present othectivc on new work m. we present time, and which will be effective an jabbing and repair-work all day Sat- urday. beginning, April 1, 1931. The immediate activities of the as- suciation will be a short course in salesmanship and trade development, which will he held under.the aus- pices of the association, beginning the first week in January and con- tinume for eight weeks. Nathaniel S. Finney, a member of the staff of the Plumbing and Heating Industries bureau. Chicago, Ill., will be the in- struetor. The annual convention of the Illi- nois Master Plumbers' association will he held at Danville. Ill., Jan. 20- 21-22. Lester “Anderson. Lake For- est, will address the annual conven- tion. ll. T. Stronger. Lake Forest, is past president and director of the state association, Masked Bandit Holds Up Man at Half Day President-J. H. McGrath, Liberty- A masked bandit, who left his car with the motor running in front of the J. Clarke place at Half Day, Fri. day morning, held up Clarke and took his clothing and a bank book issued from the First National bank, of Waukegan. Clarke, who lives with Joseph th- son, was alone It the time the man entered the house. It was about 10 o'clock in the morning. The bank was notified not to issue any money on the pass book by the sherifY's office shortly after the rob- bery.- _ Clarke obtained a fair view of the mm and the description was given deputy sheriffs who started the search for the lone criminal. Three hundred sixty-eight million bushels is our pouto-crop for this year, which means three bushels for each of us if we get our tshare. Thursday, ho. 1, 1981