Thursday, Jan. 1, 1931 Mr, and Mrs. George Zapel and two children uml Mrs. Lillian Osterman of Chicago visited My. and Mrs, Alex Willman on Christmas day. Mrs. Laura Diet: spent the Christ- mas holidays at tho home of her sis- ter, Mrs. Frank Saeman at Cross Plains, Wis. , Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hunter of West- gate road entertained Mr. and Mrs. C..H. Ackerman of Boston, Mass., during the holidays. Mrs. J. B. Rodgers of Cleveland, Ohio visited her aunt Mrs. B. H. kreru.s over the week-end while en route to Fargo, N, D. Mix; Luuise Osterman of La Crosse, Wis., is, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alex Willman. The St. Paul's Ladies' Aid will meet Thursday, Jan. 8 at the home of Mrs. Sam Rockenbach. The installation of oneers of St. Paul's church will take place Sunday morning in connection with the wor- ship service, Monday, January 5, the P. T. A. will start serving a hot dish at noon to the children of the Deerfield Gram- mar school under the direction of Mrs. A. J. Johnson. There will be a small charge. 'The Tuesday Evening Sewing club gave a surprise book shower for Mrs. Harry Muhlke last week. Mrs. Irv- ing Brand will be the next hostess. Mrs. Mabel Reed and son Richard of Milwaukee spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Waite are planning a party for New Years eve. Henry on and son Alfred of Iowa visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Selig over Christmas. The Royal Neighbors held their regular annual Christmas party Fri- day evening ut the Masonic temple. The evening was enjoyably spent playing games, followed by the ex- change of gifts. Misses Pearl Juh- rend and Edna Johnson were on the program committee. ‘I The Royal Neighbor Juvenile party was held Friday afternoon under the supervision of Mrs. William Johnston. Mrs. Virginia Hicks and Mrs. Mary Koehelin entertained the church chair at a dinner, Tuesday evening at the Presbyterian church. Tin; Royal Neighbors will hold their installation of new Mieers on Thurs. day evening, January the eighth. About sixty children ior department of the rhurch enjoyed a dinner, hing. at the church. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Nusbaum of Chicago visited Mrs, Nusbaum's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Fred- ricks on Sunday. Lincoln Ave., Deerfield, Ill: DEERFIELD NEWS AND PERSONAL ITEMS Deerfield Locals Send contribution: to local correspondent before Tua- day noon. Help her to make this notion interesting. MRS. LORETTA WILLMAN, Local Editor DEERFIELD NEWS-FLASHES of the Jun. Presbyterian Monday eve- Marshall lsmond of Chicago was the guest of his cousin. George Stry- ker, several days this past week. Richard Kenny of Chicago spent the week-end with Wallace Reichelt. Misses Alice Bad: and Dorothy Myers attended a theater party in Chicago um Saturday. There were eight in the group. Mothers and Grandmothers were in- vited to accompany the little ones of the Cradle Roll department, at the annu'al Christmas party, last Friday afternoon at the Presbyterian church. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clapper of Mr.. and Mrs. George on enter- tained at a family gathering on Christmas. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Fred llorcnberger Ind son Ralph, Mr. and Mrs. c. P. Bendt and sons, and Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Klomp and son Bobbie of Highland Park. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Stnnger and daughter Bonnie of Highland Park spent Christmas day at the George Sumner home. Mr. and Mrs. William Koebelin and son Edmund were the Christmas day guests of Mrs. Koebelin's sister, Mrs. Wilmot of Oak Park. yr, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Segert were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Seam-t Jr. of Libertyville on Christ- mas. First Presbyterian Church, Death-Id Mark J. Andrews, pastor ' 9A0 Chureh school. Graded instruc- tion. Departmental organization. 10:45 Morning worship. Begin the New Your right by attending, the churvh service of worship. The churches in in community are what thi- community makes them. Yuu have a responsibility to your church. Dis- charge part of that rc"sponsibllity by attending her services. 7:250 Yuum: PeophN meetink. Wednvsday, 7:45 p.m.--Chuir re- hearsal. Thursday, 2 putt. .Mevtirut of tho Dorcas society. R pmy Trustee meet. mg. con- invitation to partake of the spir- itual benefits which this church makes available. "O come and let us wor- ship." F'riday, 7:15 p.m.-hoop 52, Scouts. Holy communion and rreersptr new members, Sunday morning, 11th. . This crmzrvzntinn unites in wishing the finest and the best that the your 19:†ran give to our entire commu- nity, but in the conviction that this finest and host renters in and around the church. With this wish, there. fore, is extended the urgent and sin- Tel. Deerfield 153-R mention of THE PRESS Boy tot PLAN MUCH HIGHWAY WORK IN LAKE COUNTY A maximum of $1,500,000 may be spent on county highways during the summer by the state and the county under its bond home it wu learned today from R. F. bobdell, county Ill- perintendont of highways, who in planning for the spring construction season. Such expenditure on rand work would help to relieve unemploy- ment to a grant degree, it in be. lieved. State to Spend Million and the County $500,000 During 1931. Prospect The official along with county nu- pervisurs was in conferencé two days ago with members of the state high. wuy department and the Metropoli- tan advisory committee at which plans for 19lll were outlined. . Route 60 "is Priority The state is interested in complet- ine Route 60, the road that amounts to un cxtonxipn of Rand road through the lake regions and into McHonry county. and Route rn that rum, through tho Half Day district into Palatine and then circles iround Chl- cago and into the Indiana district. in addition it is hoped to complete Route " the new Skokie road that runs into Highland Park. and Route an, the extension'ot Telegraph road, and No. IT,l from Zion to Rockford, if possible. May Be Del-yd Some of these highways. Mr. Lob. dell explained. are in I point of con- troversy largely over location. Sur- veys will be completed " Boon is physically possibly Ind the necouary papers sent no that the rights-of- ways cam be obtained. veys will physically papers M ways can On No. 6R there has been consid- erable prptent in behalf of the City of Wlukexan, the Swedish-American club and the Vikings. At: planned this road would be continued from the end of Washington street scroll the Des Plaines river, and new" Milwau- kve uvenue, at I point near Grange Hall road. From there it would run north throutth Wadsworth and into Wisconsin. Corners, on the Cook county line. This would run past Bruce lake, Glues lake. Mundelein, and Hill Day to the boundary. _ County Work The county, if pnssihlo, will build 15 miles of road which would include the completion of the Millburn road, now built from Pikeville to “’9an Corners, on the Cook county line, noon Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Selig Ind daughter Ethel Jean will be the New Year's dny guests of their cousins, Mr. And Mrs, John Bettsli of Chin“. Mr. Warren Buckley of Chic visited It the E. H. Selig home Friday. Mrs. Fred tutatie will be head Fred Haggie will be hone“ bridge club on Tuesday dur- of Chicuo Deennth Theatre's Attractions for the Coming Week Listed Doerpnth thatâ€. Lake For-It. with its atttraetivetteo enhanced by in m improved-vision screen which rim Inger and more intimate clump- lad a cream depth of per-ttve, through un- of I new “mum of latest type lenses, is ofNring for the coming week mother splendid nluy of feature talking plotnm. The schedule follows: patt.-"tulr-Mtot " sunrise." with Bert Wheeler Ind Robert Wooloey, rldio'l boundnitwlu in. the World'- (reltesl comedy scram in which they paint Nuntmutre red, tear down the FAtrel tower and bounce lung!“ of the Champ. Elynoel. __ Friday afternoon-Children'. Cine ma hour presenting "The Break-Up/ a picture which take: the audience 0| a panoramic tour of Alanka out Ihows all of it: natural beauties anl resource“ also “The Story Book N rade," a journey from reality u Fairyland. Ono performance only starting " 3:45. The Cineml hour in resource“ also "The Story Book Ptr. rade," I journey from mlity to Fairyland. om, performance only. "artintt " 3:45. The Clneml hour in uponuhred by Madame:- A. B. Diek, Jr., Carter Harrison. Jr., Edward BermittttUm, Henry Indium, William Burrows, Jr., Knight C, Gov/lent, Thomas R. Wells, Hermon D. Smith. Neil N. Campbell, Willi-m Gourley. Suturdny. Jun. lt, matinee Ind eve- nintt-Leon Errol. Richard Arlen, in "Only Sap: Work," with Mary Brian, Stuart Erwin und I good out. Purely Thursday and Friday, Jun. ft Ind 9 ' picture for the whole family. “The Santa Fe Tull." a Journey of joy: Ind thrills. with the Ihlwnrt. good-looking 'tiehard Arlen u neon. Accompanied by Mitzi Green, Eugene Pallotte and Road“ Moreno, Plenty of comedy Ind ram-m in I delightful netting Mr. Chariot Selig in " duty for I number of week: and J. P. Condom who relieved Mr. Selig during the Hummer months, bu returned. and in in charge of the Deemeld C. I. & M. P. R.R. station. The Condon family has been raid- ine in the August Winters man-m. Russell Dow, who live- It tin [no Si-iler _ home, spent Chriltmu with his sister, Mn. Whitehall ttf Chin“. Dr. Ind In. V. W. 8pm In“ out of town during the hoiidlyl. Mr. and In. John Benn“ of Chi. cngo were the Christina: dny M of Mr. and In. E, H. “in. pr Thursday Ind Friday, Jun en's Day cantinuouu ' to tt Half-Shot It Sunrise." with 1 and " , on Ind and