Thursday, Jan. I, 1981 PLAN FULL YEAR’S RECREATION SYSTEM (aniline a program of activities most needed in Highland Park; In this they have had the assistance of the National Recrcation association and now with the eo-operation and help of the Highland Pnrk East Park Board, are Nady to bring this service tn the public. Secure Director The search for an experienced di. rector of public recreation for the local post finally resulted in securing‘ Harry L. Allen of the Field txtaff of the Natioml Recreation association, who has been able to secure a leave of absence from his organization to organizing and developing parks, playgrounds. and community center programs throughout the country and has acted as consultant on numerous town and city plans. He is a mem- ber of the Parks and Recreation com- mittee of the Chieacro City club, a member of the Illinois Committee on Rural Recreation, and of the Conser- vation Courwil of Illinois'; and has written considerably on recreation subjects. War Activities During the last war, Mr, Allen had supervision of war camp activities for service men in the southeastern military district. Returning to the middicwcst. following the close of the war, he has made periodical visits to Highland Park to confer with the Highland Park Board and Community Service for his organization in their regular field continuation service. IRPI0f EY0um0l)l OF COURTSHIP MI SHOW The ttstumes of yesterday, ridietr lous and beautiful, valuable for their historical gittnifwanee are being motl- eled in many instances by the grand- d'm'zhtors and ttreat-trtmnddtuurhtors of the stately lndit-s who originally wnrc them. Gown of 1820 The oldest gown to be worn is a wedding {town of 1820, Miss Mars garet Parkin will wear this interest- ine dress which originally was worn by her great _ great - grandmother. There will be other costumes dating hark to 1850 and 1865. clothes of the Civil war period. and the later ones of tho gay nineties. followed by a hundred and fifty of the most intrigu- ing of ultra modern clothes. Social Service Benefit All of the proceeds of the Fashion Show and "The Evolution of Court. ship" will be used to relieve the un- employed and needy of Highland Park, the money to be used by the Social Service committee organized for relief work, All Sent; Reserved All seats for both afternoon and evening performances to be given on Saturday. Jan. 10, at Elm Place achool auditorium, are reserved and are now on sale at the Social Service office, 9.78 Central avenue, which is the offieial box oMee and the only place where seats are procurahle. (Continued from page l) (Continued from page 3) Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gwen of Homewond avenue announce the birth of a son. born Saturday morning, Dee. Mr. John Grill of Milwaukee., Wis. was the Christmas Day guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brace of Bloom street. Mr, Grill is a brother of Mrs. Brace. Mr. and Mrs. of. Ridge road hirth of a bnhy Home hospital Wednesday, Dec is the former daughter of Mr. dvrsim of Lake Mr. Bloom guests John' 1 Mrs. Paul W. Blanchard entertain- ed at a dinner party given at her home an Walker avenue in honor of her son. Lieutenant Paul W. Blanch. ard, Jr. Announeement has been made of the. marriage of Miss Ada Belle Wal. lace of Franklin Park, Chicago, to Mr, Lester P. Willison of this city, on Christmas Day. The ceremony was read by the Rev. H. F. Siemsen of the Bethany church. The young couple Mn mike their home at' 571 w. Park avenue. Mr. Albert Rose of Lomnnport, Ind. was the guest of his brother, Mr. Wil- liam Rose during the Christmas holi- days. Betty and Peggy Jones of Roger Williams avenue entertained sixteen of their little girl friends at a lunch- eon yesterday. . The Ladies' Aid society of the' St. John's Evangelical church will meet next Thursday at 2 o'clock " the home of Mrs. George WWiazms of Me- Daniels avenue. Miss Hazel Holzapple Ind Mr, Henry Reirk of Mattoon, Ill., were united in marriage on December " at the Bethany Evangelical church. . Mrs. George A. Overton, who his been spending the past three months with her daughter, Mrs, C. F. Baker of South Green Bay road, left Tues- day evening fur Florida accompanied by her granddaughter, Harriet A. Baker. Mrs. Baker and the younger daughter, Marjorie, expert to leave February I to join them for the re- mainder of the winter. Services: New Year's Eve, 8 p. m. New Year's Day, 10:30 am. Sunday morning, 10:30 am. Sunday evening. 8:00 p. m. Sunday school, 9:30 am. On the first Sand-y of the New Year the newly elected officers of the congregation will be formally in- stalled. It being the firtst Sunday of the month, we shall have an evening serv- ice on Sunday, at which the pastor will deliver I sermon. Local and Personal Redeemer Luther-n Church West Central avenue W. F. Suhr, pastor Highland Park Happy New Year. THE PRESS Hershey‘s Cocoa . . . . . .'/z-Ib. pkg. Maraschino Cherries. . .2 3-02. hot. 3 Diamond Crabmeat. . . .yiub. tin Sultana Peanut Butter. .16ooz. pail GRANuntoTr1Ett'8 A - . " GRANDMOTHER'S Tea, Green Japan ........_ . +llr. ummmomnu's Tea, Orange Pekoe . . . . . . . . . I/4-lb. Hydrox Ginger Ale.2 24-02. bottles Spinach....... Leituee-Size 48 Size 60 Carrots . Mead. White FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES FOODS MOST IN DEMAND SPECIAL PANCAKE FLOUR , 2002. m. an SYRUP At NT JEMIMA VlthlNl A SWEET ' +1-0qu Inn-u In Mu PRICE of FOOD wsa""iiimcs. TODAY 87/76 Roasting Chickens . Standing Rib Roms; The Great Atlantic & Pgtetl5e Tea Co. “Bit ik Blue Ribbon Winners Pork Loin Roast Fancy Smokegjlgms __ . . HI sizes, Whole or Shank half A&P FOOD STORES (mun bottle depots“) PERSONAL Outing your non-y'- worth I. . sun - tum-d u At? - At! canon-on - 'Usd on. that will. “In loan any It. â€can. - Th t' be“: "' lucm "all“ W WI girl. In?» in In... Tr.'ll'd'lll. . CHOICE FRESH MEATS (Price I you t Price I ya Thou prices are provided by The Great Atlantic & Neltu, Tu Company an a buying guide to housewives. Prim shown an in effect at Al? Food Stout Friday-8 siGmUv, Jun. 2 um! ' 16-or. .....2for We 2 bunches lie "" In. Mr) -utit..t.o-_" 2 lbs. 17e HI... "MM " change lt- palllll. - there-ao. In “don-lo mark! _ loaf men I'llcnl can: TODAY I not In P In . 16 oz. Jug IN Me 21c 21c 20e 17c 10e Ge MIDDLE WESTERN DIVIIION 21c 14c 20c 19e 25c 24c Me Ay 'bc lb. 37e lb. 22c lb. lb. 27e MM 35c -le Me -3c -2e AK Ak A,