Sum]: man th ther lli'hhnd l'uk Mahdi»! Church North Ivonne at Lauretta place Prank Davidson Hopkinr, ministe my h the mun» ‘1]an Men horm or churt WISE MOTHERS And their favorite milk in Chicago and suburbs is Bowman's Dairy Company Milk. A single taste will tell you why. For Bow- man's Milk has extra care at every step. It reaches your table. fresh, rich and pure --unmistakably superior in fravor. Serve it liberally. It means so much to the well- being of your family and yourself.- "I It Arch ttrent nth Ind hi 'unit rutth the um]: mm 'an lontt infturnrt waplu- an ul and It " and ht itity to the unit morning B OWMAN * incl mu 'nru pull h Telephone H. P. 2700 rhu ti and “is DAIRY COMPANY init serve milk in abundance MILK 2npr m the no fare of each, active in every in. M. Columns eould be written of many virtues, hut his fellow work. in the church need no such rc- llor fur his life was an open hack h mem might; unity. (37:3 In do man F SUPER WI-rl him an: 'any in. a t our church it could nu .wt-r for an ti for th no such rc- un upon hack uf life he had infiuenee for , '" than gnml in our thntt remem- ,e'I' who hon- his inttuenee yours. The and we THE PRESS nwmber "' lump-r mole up fr shops of the North Shore, where he worked. and the help it gives to our spiritual The pustur and Rev. Wm. Dohle of. natures. Make the one great needful fieiated, the American Legion also be- resolution for the new year that you ine represented and partieipatimt. will rezufarly attend the services of A "Wateh Night" service was held the House of God and join with His in the league room of the church on people in prais',e, prayer and service- Wednesday evening, New Year's eve, --r---" for the huur preceding midnight and Bethany Evangelical Church those present were repaid for their Cor. Deerfield ave. and Rosemary ter. attendance. . , Rev, A. P. Johnson, pastor. Next Suntluy. the mist bunda‘yhf 9:45 a.m., Sunday school; 11 a.m., the new year, should wutneT a large worship and sermon; T p.m., Chris.- t'trrutt'l'V tttttrt. Ir W“ have ten "cg _ tian Endeavor; 8 pm. evening service the new year, should witness a large x-nnzrc-mtiun. If you have been neg- !igvnt during the past year in your religion“ privileges and not loyal to your church in being present at its servicis, would this not be a good tinw to make a start for better things during the (arming your? The church you but you need the ehureh The third scene pictured the shop- herds on the hill with the city of Bethlehem in the distance and the shining stars overhead. The shop- herds were dressed in oriental cos- tume and sat by a eampfire when the angel appeared announcing the birth of the Saviour. The blue tootlitrhts and the Bethlehem scene made a beautiful picture of the Silent Night. The Nativity scene showed Mary _nnd Joseph and the babe lying in the manger. The shepherds came and worshipped Him and the wise men in velvet robes came to present their costly gifts. This was a most solemn scene and very beautiful. and the help natures. Mak resolution for will reuufnrly the House of people in pm The Christmas pageant, "The Na- tivity," given last Tuesday evening, was so much appreciated by the large audience that it was repeated Sun- day evening. This pageant was a reproduction of the Christmas story. Those who saw it were so impressed that one said it was the most beauti- ful pageant that had ever been given in Deerfield, The pageant presented four scenes as given in the book of Luke. A scone showed the temple with the hangings of purple and a curtain of gold. in that-enter of which was the altar of incense on which was the brazier containing live coals. On these Zacharias sprinkled the incense as he performed his priestly duties. On either side were the table of shew- bread and the candlestick. While Zacharias was in the temple the an- gel appeared unto him proclaiming the birth of John. The costumes of the characters together with the lighted candles and footlights made this scene most brilliant and effective. The socnnd scene also took place in the temple with Mary kneeling at the Table of Prayer as the angel nn- mum-ed to her the birth of Jesus. Thanks are due the program com. mittee who so faithfully worked and to all characters who so heartily co- operated to make this service such a splendid success. . achnol: 11 n.m., holy communion and sermon. Tuesday, Jan. 6th, the Epiphany. 9:30 a.m., holy communion. The Church Service league and the Woman's Auxiliary will meet Mon. day, Jan. hth, at 10 Q'clock in the parish house. Luncheon will be serv- “I, at 12:30 o'clock. The women of the parish are most cordially invited to attend this meeting. Members of the Reetor's Guild will meet in the parish house on Monday, Jan. 5th. Luncheon will be served " 12:30 o’clock and the regular meet- in: will follow. . help it gives to our spiritual Make the one great needful n for the new year that you ufarly attend the services of se of God and join with His n praise, prayer and service. 11 Lm., holy communion and Thursday, Jam 1, 1931