1glrr Eiuhlanh Bark Press En [cred Thursday, Jan, I, 1981 Palm-lied weekly by The Udell Printing Co. " Blahlmd Park, [Ah County. Illinois. cunt-m inue. Rmolutiom of eundutrrtee, cards of mull“. Obituaries, notices of entertainment: nr other "if-in where an admitmnw chance I: pub. Iinhed. will be chanted " regular 'sd-tu. in! ram. Vol C. B. Schmidt of 126 Beach street fivw from Kansas City, Mo., to Los Angeles, California on December 27 as a passenger of an airway trans- purtation Co. Mr. and Mrs. Alver L. Buurniquc announce the marriage of their daughter Mary Louise, to Mr. Wil- bur Cheney Munnecke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor ll. Munnecke of Bev- erly Hills, which took place at the family residence at high noon on Saturday. The Rev. Frank Fitt read the service in the presence of the immediate families. Mrs. Milledge I). Bullard, attended her sister as ma. tron of honor, and Albert Munneekc served the bridegroom as best man. A wedding breakfast followed the ceremony. After February I, Mr. Munneeke and his bride will reside at 1100 N, Ueurbnrn street, Chicago. They have gone east on a honeymoon. Chicago ottiev: 6 N. Michigan Ave, state 6; by Articles {in publication by Wednesday mum to The Mother's club of the Y.W.C.A. will hold a masquerade party at-the Y. W. C. A. hall on Monday, January 19H SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR at 1100 N, "earborn street, Chicago. They have gone east on a honeymoon. Miss Hourniquc attended Ferry hall in Like Forest and Roycemoro. The hridcm'vzum was graduated from Dart- mouth and is a member of Delta Tau Delta ftvaternity. Mrs. Byron Bostwick Brockway of Winnetka annnum-vs the engagement of her daughter Jean, to James Henry Duffy, son of Mrs. J. II, Duffy of Highland Park. Miss Brockway was Duffy, son of Mrs. J. II, Duffy of Highland Park. Miss Brockway was graduated from Northwestern in 1928 and is a member of Alpha XI Delta. Mr. Duffy ads“. attended Northwestern and is a member " Sigma Alpha El" silon. Mrs. H. C. Biorwirth entertained thirty friends and relatives at a party last Friday in honnf of Mr. Bier, wirth's birthday anniversary. The purty was held at Mrs. Biorwirth's mother's hump, Mrs. Edwin Larson, of Vine avenue. A young" penplv's dance will be held New Year's eve at Exmoor Country club. _ Mr. and Mrs. R. C, Flatt dud son Cecil visited Mrs. Matt's father Mr. B. Ramps of Bealand, Mich., Christ- mas ylay. . Miss Brands and Mr. Bray of the Bethany church enjoyed a party in the church parizrs Tuesday evening. Miss Grace Witten is the guest of Miss F/eanor Schmidt of Chicago a few days this week. All communication: ISSUED THURSDAY or EACH WEEK by 560 Central Avenue, Highland Park, III. Telrphonu Hirhund Purl; 551-558-559 Local and Personal THE UDELL PRINTING COMPANY the January 1 and mldrc attended Ferry hall and Roycemoro. The graduated from Dart- member of Delta Tau CL matter March I It Highland Park be much the edit. 'bppettr my“: Nu Mannikins who will display both new and old-frwhions at the Fashion Show on January 10, met at the home of Mrs. Karl A. Meyer of 229 Pros- pect avenue on Monday afternoon. A kitchen day (wetting Spanglcr. at Mrs. R. W. will be mar Mr: and Mrs. Bernhardt Schmidt of Boltz road. Northbrook, are rejoicing at the birth of twin buys,. horn Fri- day, Dec, "26, at the Highland Park hospital. Gray avenue are receiving congratu- lations on the birth of a baby girl, born at the Highland Park hospital on Saturday. Dee. 27. Spunglcr. at the home " _ Mrs. R. W. Yowell. Miss will be married same time nary to Mr. Charles Robe Milwaukee, Wis. C A children's dress party hofd at the Exmoor club 'li North Shore Trust Company i, I BANK M r. and M " any Ndah Bedry7 Myrna Dry im Warner Baxfer In a scene from "Renegades," Fox Movietone picture. Showing at the Deerpath Theatre, Lake Forest, Sunday and Monday, Jan. 4 and 5 shower was given Tues- fnr Miss Mary Yowell the home " her aunt Yowell. Miss Spangler Galloway of North Shore. Trust Company Prosperity in 1931 THE PRESS Happy New Year in Jan- rtson of on will be and their associates The offieers of the Wish you ll n f A the Highland Park hnnpitul. Miss Mm‘uuvritv ()lnoy of Lots An- zcles, Guilt. Mr. I. 0. Jones of Chi- raga, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Modtw Ind children of Wtrukeiean,'toertt Christ- nus Day with Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Kichl of lliuhwuod. Those who Ire making plans for Florida and California will be inter- ested in seeing the clothes for south- ern wear which will be displuyed in the Fashion Show at Elm Place nudi- turlum on January 10. Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Wagner of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Wagner ol Onwentsin avenue announce the en. ttagement of their daughter, Kathryr Barbara to Mr. A. Hamilton Kunith son of Mrs. Katherine Kunith of Na, January 10. Mr. and Mr PIVHIUI wan, M r5. Inr'Wrt of and gave a "The I ruwnlt Hoary Mrs. Rulwrt Rhim-hm “venue unnounm- the I girl. ham Christmas a " vululiun I by the Clark of undny Tu of Court llilundm rirth Day ttl tlu yn LAK E FOREST Deerpath Theatre SATURDAY JANUARY , Leoii"" Errol . Richard Arlen Mary Brian Stuart Erwin Cur Vms Improxvd- C l Non screw-ith Inlmuu') Ill tis clow- tN um and urrnlrr C \ uepth III Its pc-rxm-r- LA luv. 2 , PF' l ‘11. _ = ‘ LI J‘a'a - " r . Pd s"d I}, " _ . A '.. T , _ l Br, NtE 'u, , 4' ..» _ V Ihara '. l iatttteN an; a In: cameos Wti EElER WOOISEY I? Sim t?edlftt mum'summvm ONLY SAPS WORK M Ilium and Evening INOIS