Miss Lucille Helm, who returned Saturdsy from Fisk, Win, where she spent the holidays visiting her par- ents and who spent the week-end with her aunt Mrs. E. M, Conrad, met with an accident Sunday evening on her way back to Lake Zurich where she teaches school. On account of the heavy foe the ear in which she was riding hit a culvert and threw Miss Helm in such a way that she received structured knee cap. The driver wig slightly injured. Miss Helm will be laid up two months " the home of her aunt. "Diekie" Martin who underwent a serious operation for appendicitis a few weeks ago in Champaign, Ill., re- turned to his fraternity house from the hospital on Saturday. He is get- ting alonrvery nicely. Thursday, Jan. 8, 1931 "Deere" Frank Stipe returned 2,id day to Beloit coliege after spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrg. Joseph Stipe of S. Green Bay road. Miss Betty La Shelle entertained a group of friends at a dinner-dance u Exmoor on Suturday. - Mrs. Charles P. Grant will be host- ess this evening at Mr home on For. est avenue to the members of her Sewing club. Mrs. Raymond W. Schneider will entertain the members of her bridge club tomorrow evening at her home on Ridgewood drive. There will be two tables. Among the interesting old gowns to be worn in the Fashion Show being presented in the Elm Place auditor- ium on Saturday afternon and eve- nine is one worn by Miss Margaret Parkin. This was worn by her great- great-grandmother in liao. Mrs. F. B. Hitchcock will appear in a dress worn by her great-great aunt in 1850. Miss Eleanor Roberts will wear her 'treat-trrxutdmot'hera' dress of IMO. Miss Ethel Harmon will model a dress worn by Miss Mirjane Strongs’ grand- mother in 1865. Migs Tevls Gibson will appear in a wedding dress of Mrs. Rotter Vail's mother, worn in 1888. Miss Almyra Gibson will wear ium on Saturday afternoon and eve- grandmother in 1865. _ . Miss Evelyn Bakke end her brother Carl Bakke, returned Sunday to Madi- son, Wir., where they will resume their studies at the university liter spending the holidays with their par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Hans Bakke of Me. Govern street. George La Shelle will leave on Sun- day for St. Catherine. Can-d3, where he will resume' his studies at Ridley college on Monday. John Steele will entertain about thirty of his school friends at a danc- ing party on Saturday evening at his home, 250 Vine avenue. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Cohen of Hazel avenue, returned on Saturday from Omaha, Neb., where they attended the wedding of Miss Helen Adams, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. E, Adams, vice president of the Union Paeitie Rail- way Co., on New Year's day. Mr. F. E. Vuughen was called to Lot: Angela the day nfter Christmas on account of the serious illness of his mother. When he “rived he found her somewhat improved. Mr. Vaughan and his mother are expected to arrive in Highland Park Sunday. The Misses Eleanor Flaningan and Alice Bergdahl left on New Year's day for I three months sojourn in California. Local and Personal l Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barber and small son of Milwaukee, Wis., apent a few days last week with Mrs. Leo White of Bloom street. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Meierhofr of Glencoe avenut were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Not: of Deerfield, lll. Tickets for the Fashion Show and "Evolution of Courtship" mly be se- cured at the Social Service oMee, 378 Central avenue. Phone H. P. 4000. Junior Cope. Harrison Walther, Keith Grant. Ind Bins Btshr Ire among the boys returning to their studies in Champaign after spending the holidays with their respective pur- ents. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Hutchison and Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bleimehl of Deer. field were the New Year's day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin, Murphy of Glencoe avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Grego loft on Sunday for a southern trip. They are planning to so to New Orleans from there by boat through the Pana- ma Canal on the Havana then back to New Orleans where they will get their car and tour Florida. Mr, Grego will return February first, while Mrn. Grego and her daughter will remain in Miami until March 1. The D. A. R. board were entertained at a 1 o'clock luncheon " the home of Mrs. Lewis B. Sincllir of Dale avenue on Monday, Jun. 5. The Mission band of the First Uni- ted Evungelical church will meet Sat- urday afternoon " 3 o'clock at the church. All members are asked to be present. Mr. Ind Mrs. S. W. Flint of North Second street entertained at dinner New Year's day. The guests included folks from Deerfield and Northbrook. Miss Ruth Colidge returned Sun. day to Beloit college after the holi- day: spent with her family. Mrs. Hoyne Anderson will leave next week for New York to be gone several weeks. Mr. Harold Holbrook of St. Louis, Mo., was a visitor It the residence of Mrs. J. G. Fidder and fumily. gun. dny. Dr. and Mrs. Gust have just returned 1 stay in New Orleans Mr. and Mrs. E. M. hing left yen- terday for Josephine, A]... where they will spend I month. Mr. Ind Mrs. Philip Scully of Deer- field will entertain the members of the Press bridge club Suturdny eve- nine. A group of high school students en- joyed a tea dance New Year's after» noon at the home of Miss Bub-n Frank, of Plrk place. Dhl Mrs. Gustave F. Weinfeld returned from a ten day THE PRESS Katharine Walker Smith 704 Church St. Other Dresses at Remarkable Reductions A FF"! VERY SMART COATS, SUITS AND EVENING WRAPS MARKED BELOW COST. EXQUISITE UNDERWEAR AT SPECIAL PRICES DURING JANUARY The resort clothes are lovely and as varie in selection as price. One will find the imported hand-made silks. with Argon Coats to match, alluringly priced. Model Hats or those made for those costumen. Another Group Including Evening Gowns at $25 Cotton Tennis and Golf Dresses I'm. $12.75 Silks from $25.75 An Occasion in Buying in the Evanston Shop SILK and WOOLEN DANCE SETS from NIGHT GOWNS_from EXQUISITE NECK SCARFS In the Lake Forest Shop DAYTIME DRESSES $15 or Two for $25 ALL SALE Hats $5 to $10 Values to 270 E. Deerpath PRESENTS alues to $95 $35.00 FINA}. $4 " Evunnlon 1),5 ll