Thursday, Jan. 1 Miss Minnie Stryke Miss Edith Stryker visited Mrs. Elia Stry Arizona, during the days. Mrs.' Ens Str Miss Minnie Stryker with her niece Miss Edith Stryker of Wheeling visited Mrs. Elia Stryker of Phoenix, Arizona, during the Christmas holi- days. Mrs.' Ens Stryker underwent u minor operation " the Phoenix hos- pital. Miss Edith Stryker is teach- ing in Stafford. Arizona. Miss Edith Morgan and Miss Mary Thompson, two of the teachers of D, S. H. s. lust their fathers, during the Christmas holidays. Mrs. Albert Antes and daughter Dorothy, Mrs, Amelia Pyle and daugh- ter Mrs. E, J. Bingham of Chicago cul.ed at the Fred Bleimehl home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Anderson en- 'tertained a number of friends at their home on Chestnut street Wednesday evening. b Mr. and Mrs. l tentainml at bridge ning, Mrs. Irving ~Bland was hostess to the Tuesday Evening Sewing club this Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brynaldson of Chicago were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Muhlke of Central. av,- enue last Sunday. Mrs, Martin Murphy of Highland Park spent Friday with her mother, Mrs. E. H. Bleimehl. The Libertyville Merchants team will play the Bungalow boys on Thurs- day evenimhvlan. 15, (tonight). The Bungalow Girl's team will pLay the Libertyville Foulds Girl's team at 8 o'cluck, followed by the boy'y game later in the same eve- ning. _ Mr. and Mrs. George C. Shufer of Chicago Were the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R, Bruce Blaine on Saturday. A party will be given for the coun- cillors on Monday, Jan, 19, by the faculty of D. S. H. S. The Misses Lulu and Edna Beh- rens of Highland Park were dinner guests“ at the Robert F. Penis home on Sunday. Quite a number from "eerfield at- tended the Fashion Shuw program given by themilatulers on Saturday at the Elm Place auditorium. Mr. Edward Quinn and son Frank of Austin spent' Sunday with Mr. quinn's sister, Mrs. P. J. Duffy. A Walnut party will be held at A Walnut party 'will be held at the Bungalow church on Thursday noun. This is the third year this group has met for the party. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clavey enter- tained at bridge on Saturday eve- nine at their home on Second street. in Deerfield. we Send eorttrilnttioo to local tsorrsmportdent before Tue.- dny noon. Help her to make this section inure-ting. MRS. LORETTA WILLMAN, Local Editor Lincoln Ave., Deerfield, Ill, Tel. Deerfield 163-R DEERFIELD NEWS AND, PERSONAL ITEMS Deerfield Locals 5, 1931 DEERFIELD NEWS-FLASHES Delbert Meyer en'- 'C' on Saturday eve- Mrs. Ed. Trier entertained the Monday afternoon bridge club this week. Reverend C. Arthur deiein visited in Dee afternoon on busines County Ccuneil of R Hum, of which he is ' Reverend C. Arthur vane of Mun- deiein visited in Deerfield Saturday afternnon on business for the Lake County Ccuneil of Religious Educa- tion,. of which he is president. Rev. Mark Andrews in attending the Presbyterian Sehool of Theology (McCormick seminary) this semes- ter, Mrs. William Koebelin is ill with laryngitis. Mr. Earl Vinyard has been ill this past week. The Missionary society of the Beth- 'chem Evangelical church met last Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 6, at the church. Mrs. Isaac Ram) had charge of the program. The hostesses were Mesdames Ed Trier, J. D. Carter and John Vetter. On Tuesday, Jan. 13 the executive cummittec met tn plan the Work for the coming year. Mr. George Rockenhnch attended the yearly meeting of the North Northfield Farmers Mutual Fire In- .-urance C' mpnny on Tuesday evening at the office of the secretary, H. H. Hrtfhnart of Glenview. The Young Peoples Missionary cir tie met Tuesday evening at the Bun gaiow church. The yearly meeting and election O' The a new nine a church Mr. and Mrs. Pal. Jacobson and daughter Dorothy, with Miss Mar- gareth Plague were the Sunday din- ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Taylor of Glen Ellyn. Mr. and Mrs. Weber and non of Niles Center were Sunday guests at the William D. Johnston home. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Petersen and Mrs. Joseph Ileitteen of Highland Park visited at the Peter Petersen home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Scully were hosts to the members of the Press Mr. and Mrs. Philip hosts to the members o Bridge club. on Saturday their home on Oak street. Miss Irene Evensen spent last Sun. day with Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder of Halt Day. _ Mrs. Elmer Hoftmtut visited Pauline Lingo of Rondout last day. _ Mr. and Mrs. George Dyer httve rented the Vnver Mt of Sol Shapiro's apartment building at Hue] Ind Pttrk avenues. Mrs. Minnie Gunckel spent several days of int week at the home of her brother and his wife, Mr. Ind Mrs. Rov V. Hutchison of Chic-go. Mrs. Edwin Johnson entertained in hcnor of her birthday nnnivernry, Sunday evening. S'tttlrly meeting and election of trustee was held Saturday eve- at the Bethlehem Evangelical on Saturday evening it THE PRESS Mrs Mon. 10$.me LANDMARK 1 B BEING TORN DOWN Old Duffy Tavern Built in l Being Razed; Brief Hits. tory of Building into dee had init field Barker of Half Day tor we uwnu,‘ Mr. Thomas Duffy. The land wan bought from Mr. Wallace. who had obtained it from one of the CadweiU. and then Mr. lh1fry also b-uttht, more property from L. P. Todd. - The Walla-e family were theatrl. cal people who give one night shows and they had performances on the second floor, which was then In danee hill. The first hotel wan smaller than the present one. Later Mr. Dufty built an Inm'X in the mr and to the east. _ 7 The Duffy childro still live in Deerfie there. annstlm. Wadsworth and "uthtlo Grove. I brought their 0er tttt and two violins. ' At the lava] dances l vided the music. Th were Hyde Clarion t In the tavern Thom-I Dutty had " his helpers his brothers, James and Mike, nnd his brother-ln-law, Frank Merritmrnt also a nephew "mes R. Rooney. . The Duffy property in now owned bi Willi-m Antes of Highllnd Park Ind is being ruled by Jens Pea-run. night rier land h a "my qunrte morning fur an all day quently returned with would ml several Inn goods boxes of name. given for th, nniml squirm-I counted (mo th silk-E hi Some of the men wht pnrticiplted in the hunts wort- Simeon Turner. C. W. Pvttix, Waiter Millen, Thoma Duffy. Matt Horenbertrer, and the Yore boys. They were not Allowed to take any dogs with them. The win. nine side was treated to In oyster supper by tho lam-n. sad the' unnu- wan divided "non: the hunters. The old Duly Tavern, hlving fallen to decay, is being torn down. An d building such Is that one, MI Id an interesting history the follow- F, is taken from "History of Deer- ald.†by Marie Ward Reichelt: The "utty tavern on lliuhlnnd Park Ind mu built. in 1805 by William svker of Half Day for the owner, lr. Thomas bully. The land wan ought from Mr. Wall-co, who had [stained it from one of the (indwella. nd then Mr. lh1fry also [Might mun- The Trav Old F ul, Antvs wt" the the dttnees and who Park New time The uh! Mr. Mowers. thr brought mail h to Iteorfield and . hunts were h m- Ionic-rs woul, tstart out only h " taveran mlrric people "It!!!" entertained oven u-rs. the mail ur- mail from High- Ad and llnlf Day “mum Irm- wom lhrm point. Image riv hunt tlddier d there. mime from one Grove at: he cttt in l865 IIIlf Day. with two his head- of whom nls illed ssll and fre. wh that Men dry but th from choose n the born pro FUNERAL SERVICE Eon MRS. WILLMAN, JAN. 10 Had Been Resident 0f Deerfield Since 1888: “frilly Re. spected Citizen Anna Mario 0 Highland Park I Ctutte to Deertle Mr. and Mrs. when xhe w“ m M tterm after churn inn. She in survived by one der, one grandson. Kn and three brothers, AIM If Berwyn. Mlchu-l I Northhrok and Edwin I 1teer6rtd. Mrs. Willmnn In: M GIVE ENTERTAINMENT BENEFIT RELIEF WORK Ill; of the Emanuel Shrine. Her loss will he keenly felt by her many friends mid reluiveu. Local Org-ninth»: and Church- es to Assist With Primal-I to Be Held Jan. " emet She BO' On Fridly 'evening, i tertainment will be Ila-meld Grammar uh direction of the Deerf sanitation of which ll tter ir: president, and u the Bum-low church Kelli-r in president u Fehr, director. The program will include numb-n given by the urinal church†and or- nniutionu Who Ire camper-tin. In this work. The Ichoul auditorium! h In!" Entertain Deerfield Garden Club at Tea in The Bannockburn Garden club on- tertained the Garden club of Dar- fuld It . ten rm Monday nun-noon at the home of Mn. Norm Cadet. In. Dow. the president, mm the speaker, whose "bieet was "Trees And I'm-cu." " jvon free for nul our“ W ion and the war for local w. Willmln wan actively inur- II in the American Legion Auxil- ' Lidia" Aid mick-1y of St. Pul'n oh and the link-m Mar. titte a charter member of the that mimtiottr, She wan Illa I mem. of the Emnmwl Shrine. A um. Jan. 10 from at. I'Illl'l , with 'tev. Piepenbrok oiBeint, Burial w“ in the Dark†auditorium. in kill this purpose. A non- ill be made for - money will be curled unemployment retief. dl l by one son. Men!» on, Kn" Willi-an. mu. Albert 0113mm ctuwl Oak-mun of Edwin ()ntermun of ', Jan. 23. an en- ? given It the vrttoui, undor the 'raeld Relief ur- errhall Pouch- the oreheqtm of eh. Mr. Arnold and Chm C.