10 NETTIE and NUT'I'Y Enchanting For is MIMIC DEALER mun: GET‘I’NG Wi , 1, Human Ron-r w----.-----'.-" 6PEAK|NG tsp ANTIGUES 1%th - Tn: ow saws ouw “ONO ttttHrT cums New fRAtho- NOT OVER AN ammo: "r. If woo "we A RADmFRoM IsifCieeond St. Phone H. P. 350 THE PRIIS STEPHEN AUTO SUPPLY, jil,",fiGf/il'i Groppis Reveler's orchestra will play for the Whoopee dance to be herd Suturduy night at the Masonic temple. This gala "air will nth-Act many dancers, it is reported. Tickets will bo available at the door. Mrs. Robert Timm of De Tumble l Dorothy Stranger. who has been ill for the past week st. her home on Ridgowood drive is improving. _ '; The regular monthly meeting of ‘ the Woman's Christian Temperance union will he held on Jan. 28 at 2 o'c'oek at the home of Mrs. Harry I. Thoma» of 603 Glenview nvenuo. Mrs. Tihbetn the president of the Lake county organization will give n (report of the national convention (held in Houston, Texas. Everyone l is welcome. A Ivenue will entertain Campbell chip? ter guild tomorrow " her home.' Mr. Edwin Kemp of this city sang on Monday evening from eight to eight-thirty u'cErwk over station WTM.1, Milwaukee. His many friends here were delighted to hear him. Mr. Irvine Randall and Mr. Rollund Hastings are leaving Sunday on a motnr trip to California. Mrs, Ran- duil and son Dickey will leave for Lthe West Wednesday. They expect to remain until spring. "ii/rut/ie, Waiter who has on the sick list for the past we " is getting along‘qi‘cely now. Mr. and Mrs. William Pearl left Thursday for St. Petersburg, Flor- idl. where they will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Genrge Koon for a few weeks and will then no on to Lor' Anal-lea where they will remain un- til early spring. Mrs. J. D. Thompson entertained a few friends at a supper party on Sunday evening followed by bridge. The Rev. Dr. J. D. O’Niell of the Immaculate Conception church is en-l joying I few weeks vacntion in the south. During his absence the Rev. Oswald of Techncy will be in charge. Mrs. Robert Slnyhick entertained eight guests at a one o'clock lunch- eon on Friday at her home on S. Sheridnn road, After luncheon bridge was enjoyed at two tables. Mrs. W. P. Hammond with her daughter Dorothy and mother, Mrs. P. ll. Teare of Ridgewood drive have lust returned home from '3pritttttie1d, Illinois where they have been visit- ing relatives tor a few weeks. ' Mrs. Gertrude Goonman of High- wood is receiving the congratulatibns of her friends for her appointment to the Assembly Institute of the Re. bekah State Assn, of Illinois. This commission entitles Mn. Gocsmnn to tench the Rebekah work in this Mate Local and Personal woman» " NOW A; EI , been eek or and is a distinct honor to the High- lend Park lodge of which she is a member. There is only one other tin this district, that being Once Bairstow of Wankegln end president of the Rebekah Issociotion of Illinois. The Women's Christian Temper- ance union held an all day sewing meet at the home of Mrs. Eugene Hintz of S. Second street on Friday l of last week. A number of ehildren's garments were made for distribution among the needy. A brief time was devoted to business end to readings appropriate to the day, which was the eleventh anniversary of Prohibi- tion. Dr. and Mrs. Harry S. Cradle of Vine avenue left Wednesday tor I three weeks stay in Hollywood, Cali.. furnia. Dorothy Jean Anderson of Deerfleid was the Sunday guest of the Misses Behrens of Laurel avenue. 7 Cards have been received announc- ine the marringe of Miss Lillian Gru- bert of Deerfield to Mr. Albert Dor- hand of Glenview, The Rev. J. Piep. enbrnk of the St. Paul's church, Deer- fie'd, officiated. The B. 'Y's of the Y. W. C. A. tire sponsoring a card and bunco party Feb. 12. Buneo, 500, and britre will be played. A docr prize will be given to the holder of the lucky number. To assure yourself of a pleasant eve- nine, better be sure to attend. A Miss Josephine Snyder of Home- wood avenue underwent In operation for appendicitis at the Highland Park hospital on Monday evening. Her many friends will be glad to hear that she is getting along very nicely. Highland Park Plant _ First to Be Erected by N. S. Sanitary Board plant, to be erected at an upproxi- mate cost of $160,000, will be the first unit in the improvement pro- gram of the North Shore Sanitary District, board members decided It a recent session. _ _ Since the passage of the ",600t000 bond issue late in December, mem- bers of the Sanitary Board have been busy drawing speeifieatiomx andAlIy- ine plans for an early start on the improvement prnject next spring. The Highland Park plant will be erected at a Dean street site there in the Ravinia district. As yet defirw ite plans for the structure have not been laid but it is expected that speci- Mations will be completed in time to advertise for bids within 60 days, President John Oliver declared. Other communities of the area in. cluded in the program and the amount of expenditure scheduled for each fol- lows: Winthrop Harbor, $38,500; Highland Park, $160,000; North Chi. cago $124,500; Lake Forest $47,500: Highwood, 893.500, and Waukegan, $736,000. Wife Declares Spouse Threw Pies at Her Head Lester Dahlke, 127 Prospect drive, Waukegan, was arrested jut week on a charge of disorderly conduct pre- ferred 'by his wife, Mabel. She charged several misdemeanors, .mong them the Rimtintt of pies at her head, according to a Waukegan paper. -riiiiili; ,w†winged in? 82,000 bonds pending ttrraittnment. The Highland Park sewage disposal Thursday, Jan, N, 1931