Pure Lard 2 lbs. 1M Our Notto-- Better Meats Choke Replied Rib of Beet, lh. Sugar-Cured Baron. whole nr hair. lb. “Mick-as lt, Beet. lb. Roll Butler "I. For Less Money ROBERT W. PEASE, Pharmacist Free "rtitwry iutludi-np Opposite "ientto North Walern Scuba _l""i:'ii"'_,',-i"-i-_' ' ?atronize the Press Advertisers Fish Specials Every Friday :on Waukegan Avenue - Hi; ---We Deliver--- Rump Corned Quality Market Phone Highwood 3259 19c 37c 29b: 'd2th: 28he " " our pri lu-yu-n inehsd'mtt Sunday hr Civilization Boneless Beef Mew lb. Rib or Loin Lamb Chops. lb. Fresh Calves Liver th. Native Beef Round Steals. lb. Fresh Ground Hamburger. lb. bi Srirm‘r and Ethics Reign Hy k five hundrAl y ictrie light and an ilimstion would u iprroris Highwood physieitut's it But without addenly sle would Phone I " ‘8 " ml THE PRESS 25c 39c 48c 35c 22c o) Local and Personal The annual business meeting of the Northern Chic-go District of the Illi- nois conference was held Wednesday afternmn and evening " the St. Johns Lutheran church of Chicago. The following were elected to. of- hee: President, Rev. C. J. Segerham- mer of Chicago: vice-president, Henry G. lledluml. of llighwood; secretary, Rev, Helmet Olson of Chicago; and treasurer, Rev. G. A. Herbert of Mil- waukee. The Zion Lutheran church was represented by Mr. August Ben. r:ort of Highland Park. Mrs. Alhert Larson entertained the members of her Five Hundred club at her home on S. Green Bay road 1 on Saturday evening. Mrs. Andrew Bloomfield and son Hamid are returning home Friday from Miami, Florida where they have spent the past four weeks. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank J, Conrad and daughter Arlene of Rogers pork were the Sunday guests of their father Mr, M. c, Conrad. Mrs. George Vetter was hostess on Tuesday afternoon to the members of her bridge club. There were three of ht table Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Juhnson, who have been making their home with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Vetter of Lincoln avenue, are] loav- imt 3mm for Benton Harbor, Michigan where they will make their future home. Mrs. James Walter of 640 Glvnview avenue who has been ill for the past two weeks went to Rochester on Sun- day where she is undergoing obser- vati Two stale even to make mast. bread pudding or invaded chops. is a loaf of broad exhibited in the department of botany at Field Museum at Natural History. It was baked in Egypt more than 3,000 year: tttro. M rs m Daytime Clothes - - - - - $10 to $45, value: A few evening coats at great reductions. . Hats $543-31 Pull-on Sweaters $1 Evening Dresses Katharine Walker Smith's WINTER SALE 270 East Deorpo'h, Lake Forest, Second Floor in her Lake Forest Shop ONE WEEK orio ALL SALES FINAL Through home mistake in the nuke-up mum new: items ur Troop No. 4 and Hiuhwood Trump No. l were “and under G, R. News in In: week-frag}. A .. . l I n. ma. aw... “u... A New Yen's [in from nation-l headquu- tern ot the Girl Scams tn members ot the "rumination In contllnml in the nnnuuneeo ment of the Maine“ dh-Iuinn an: efteetlo? Jun. 1 the price of uniforms Ind “calorie: will be eorusidernbly reduced. The uniform it, ulf. which formerly mld n ".tr, and 35.76. "eeordintt to 'oe. will be avail-Hr in I†nines huncrforlh at $1150. . _ . ... nun-nu... ... W. At the lame time, the executive committee has mud the restrictinn on the wearing " the Girl Smut uniform outside of troop meet- ing tsnd ofWeitbl Katharina. Ind hvneeforth the uniform "my be worn an my etcuinn. BEAR ADMIRAL BYE!) Refine u untherinu of two thoumutd per. mm. in the Damn. It St. Luula. Mo., Rear Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd presented Gulden Ballet». the hiuhmt lwnrd av-ilublc to Girl Set-um fur general prrMeienrr, to six memhers of local Girl Scout "new. The pres- entatirm can-mnny wu uhof! ‘und lawn-â€IT. Em â€my 'Vrlrr ...‘- "Few"" _....- h. 7 _ _ Brooks, Geraldine Jim“, Marco“: Breibwhuh. Elizabeth Hineholl’ and Gertrude Blurk. Admin] Byrd mum St. lmuia under the annulus of the Girl Smut council. of which Mrm Guy Olin-r in the eommUrtioner. He {puke-bola“ and durinu the uhuwinu at the trleture, which Honk-ted his Mum over the Sum}: Puk- and his M months' nay in Ant. lrrhrn. . mu"... GIRL SAVES FATHER In uur neitrhborfttst vlllaue of Wlnnetka there " a Girl Scout hy the name of Burr livlny, on Pom-Ir avt-nuv. One day Int summer "he and hrr father went down to the bench fnr a lem. She met some young hit-nth "r hers and mun in thelr play the [ml hiuht of her father. After milk a littl- whllu they nutlcwl n cruwd gathered on the rand and going in to invutlnte found that a man hurl beep drowned. On kinking dour 1.th little ttirl made the alarmimr dlacovery that it wan her own father. Rushing in she rxclnlmul "Thnt'x my father and t want to help him," Even In the late ot a statement. hum a "oetor that it would he of no use. aha trvrwisted Ind gave her ttsther "titleial “unsel- tatlun "ml tttter much hard work he [warm to breath "Ruin. Isn't that I ulnrluus exam. ple at what Girl Scouting can teach Ind la h-nrhimz? Lint yer-r a tourm- in ttrat all! ma given the oMer Rump " Llnruln uhml Kirk Including ttrtifielttl rumciutlnn. Hund- luimr run. by Mr. Snetseh who in connected with the North Shore “he. tt Wu I vrry thnrmiuh coursi- and we hope hall prep-red "he Rirls for nlmmtt any amt-runny. _ ' “ulna-d GUI Seoul New. The Inâ€. meeting " the Girl Smut: was held Jan, 20. .Mnlly Kehrwnld took churns (Continued on page 26) $25 to $66, whim tn 3150 $10 to $45, rulurx to 8.05 Girl Scouts Thursday, Jan. 29, 1931 Wi