Thursday, Jan. 29, 1931 Mr. and Mrs. George C. Childs of Sheridan road, Glencoe-are being con- gratulated on the birth of a son. born Friday, January 22 at the Highland Park . hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John O'Brien of S. Sheridan road are the proud parents of a son, burn at the Highland Park hospital on Monday, January 28. Mrs. S. T. Dexter left Tuesday sive. nine for Galva, Illinois, where she was called on account of the death of her father. V 1iiiriGGi, Siegcle of Half my road entertained her 500 club Tues. day evening. _ _ . -'isrHi'iiiiam Ruse, who has been on the sick list for the past few weeks is tslightly improved. Betty Bowen entertained twenty of her young girl friends at a sleigh ride party, Friday afternoon. Miss Irene Felix an employee of the Telephone Co., is spending her two weeks vacation with friends in Miln waukee, Wisconsin. Mrs. Roy Howe entertained at four tables of bridge, Saturday eve'ning in honor of Mr. Rowe's birthday anni- veraary. The prize winners were: first, Mr. and ‘Mrs. Winter, second; Mr. and Mrs. Art. Swanson. consola- tion. Mrs. Anna Wirth and Mr. Thompson. Mrs. James Henley and small I daughter of Sprimtfield, Ohio is visit- T ine relatives in Highland Park. She is the guest of Miss Bruce Rhinehart. Mrs. Henry G. Winter was called to New London, Wisconsin this week on account of the serious illness of her mother. ' Georgia Iyonnertdtert,wr entertained a group of classmates from Mary Wood school at dinner followed by bridge on Friday evening at her home on S. Green Bay road. Miss Elizabeth Bredin, English teacher ut the Deerfield-Shields high school will speak in English on “In- dustrialized Russia" before the Alli. ance Franeaise of (‘hieago on Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. The Misses Alice and Mable En, right of Glencoe were hustesses at a kitchen shower and bridge party last Thursday evening in honor of Miss Gertrude Martin, whose mar- riage to Mr. Richard Kress will be an event of February T. Mr. and Mrs. John Gourley have gone to St. Peterhurg, Fla., where they will spend the balance of the winter. _ A bowling team composed of mem- bers of the Highland Park Press went to Wankegan Monday evening where they howled against a team from the Wankegan Times. Highland Park Local and Personal Mrs. G, v. Lehman of Chicago spent several days last week at the home of her sister Mrs. John Rhine- hart of Homewood avenue. Mrs. Roy Howe entertained the members of her bridge club Wednes. day evening. Campbell Chapter guild met Fri- day at the home of Mrs. Robert Timm on be Tumble avenue. Mrs. Joseph Cahtmargi and chil- dren left on Wednesday morning for Miami, Florida, where they will spend the balance of the winter, with them is Mrs. Cabonargi's sister, Mrs. R. A. Eklund and daughter of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Kerrignn an- nounce the birth of a non born Friday at the Alice Home hospital. Mrs. ‘Kerrigan was formerly Min: Anne Muzik. Mr. and Mrs. Funk Huneock ot' Toledo, Ohio are the house guests of their relatives Mr. and Mrs. Robert Berberick of Burtis uvenue. Mrs. J. L. Crane will entertain the members of her bridge club comer- row afternoon at her home on Park avenue. There will be three tables. “ingot iiiid/ spent the week with his parents and returned Monday to his studies at Champaigq. --* _ ""irr."iiaiiirCawiey"ot Ridgewood drive entertained at two tables ‘of bridge on Wedrrt1rlatatttrrttyrm. Mr. and Mrs. Charles I'. Grant are entertaining twelve guests at a seven o'clock dinner on Saturday at their! home on ‘Forest avenue. Mr. and Mrs, George Donneraber- Cer and small daughter Florence are planning to leave Sunday for a three weeks sojpurn in Florida. They will visit Palm Beach, Miami and other resorts Connie Bruce of Glencoe Ivenue who had her tonsils removed lust Saturday in the Highland Park ha. pital is ttettlntt alone nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Niui of 340 0sk Ten-ace avenue are the happy parents of a son, Joseph Jig, born on Monday, Jan. 26 at the Alice Home hospital. . Mrs. Gordon Olson of Chicago with her two children. Kenneth and Mar- ion spent last week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Redine of S. See. ond.street. Mrs, Edwin Lohmkuhl entertained her 500 club Tuesday evening " her home on North avenue. The prize winners were Mrs. Frnnces wo, Mrs. Joe Jacobs Ind Miss Grnce Johnston. Miss Grace Johnston's birthday anniversary was also cele- brated at the same time. Gertrude Elisabeth to Richard Wil. liam Kress, son of Mr. and Mrs. Burr ll. Kress of Deerfield, on Saturday. February T at the St. James church, Highwoml. Miss Martin will be at- tended by her sister, Mies Estelle Martin as maid of honor, Miss Katha ryn Wagner and Miss Catherine Gib. bons as bridesmaids. Mr. Gordon Kress will serve his brother as best man, and the Messrs. All"! Sheahen, Gerard Noerettbertt, Richard Martin and Karl Bahr will act as ushers. Miss kathrrtt.Wisittter will be hos- tess at bridge and a hosiery shower tonight lThursday) in honor of Ger- trude Elizabeth Martin, whose mar- riage will be an event of Saturday. February 7. - _.... . Mr. and Mrs, Edward Therrien or Bloom street are rejoicing on the birth of a gun. born January 22 It the Highland Park hospital. " Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shlfer of Ridge- wood drive announce the birth of I baby girl, born Thursday, Jumlry " at the Highland Park hospital. TH! PB!!! wu served Basketball Team Plays Spirited Games The Bungalow church boys i1rst basketball team won two spirited gnme: from Vernon Athletlc club of Hnlf Day And Di Gunmn Paternity quintet of Lake Forest college by I “are of 23 to 9 Ind " to 9 respec- tively. The mend team lost to V. A. C. 12 to li. High upon in the titat team's game. with Vernon, were the defen.' give and oftetusive um: After the half, " which time.the score Wu 8 to 7, in favor of Bungalow, The new coach. "Prosty" Fernccu. of Lake Forest college. took charge of thing: at this period, and after giving the boys irustruetlona, they were Ible to hold the viaitlrte team down to only one basket in the but half. zutherint in five baskets, and scoring tr points on free thrown for themselves. A Cox was high nearer for Bum low with 10 points to hi: credit. B, Front was second with 6 points Ferncu will play R: Forum-d with the boys in their remaining - of National Motor Corporation! 1931 Automobiles Any other make of can; u a his saving. Liberal allow- ance on your car. Low Finance Rates 90-day defective nut runruntee. Muiay Free Service. Sheridan Raul at 12th Street. North Chicago . All Body Types-Latest Models OPEN EVENINGS AND ALL DAY SUNDAYS 1931 Fords ....p. 1931 Chevrolet ., 1931 Buicks ..... 1931 Auburns ... 1931 Dodges . . . .4 1931 Hupmobiles 1931 Studebakers 1931 Lincolns .. 1931 Cords ..... 1931 Chrysler .. 1931 De Sota ... Big Discount part guarantee. There will be three - with Mundelein, Saturday night. Jun. " and they Ihould prove mutating judging from put "perueteets. Como Mid no Perm“ phy. and watch our winning streak continue-It will be worth your while. on the mien. and with hit export: and caching. Bumlov church a should be fomidible anth I“ c QI’I Junior Gardeners Hold Meeting Jan. " Ttre bat math; of the Junior Garden club ot Ner4Uld was held on Monday, Jan. to. The Juniors In to meet the second In! fourth Monday Inn-noon: of “on month at IV.80. The following I: the membership oritegt2Pt=tttr?stvs,".t;rili, fe. Mo Kainâ€. Chm" lulu. Arline In»... June Todd. Ethel In: Inlh. All. 'ttttt m M "I: Mid-It. “New t Aux-ran. Flank “an. The next meeting will be held Ion- day Afternoon. Feb. 9. The program will be Japanese Duh Garden. In. R, R. Jordan hu- rhlm of the Jun- list in. )ord'un in. mum of lor Gnrdcn club. .........$Noft $100 to $260oft $150 to $25005 ..$7500 $15005 tili0to82liooit .3100 to$3000ff ........86000ff .,.,....8aioofr, .tt00to$800oft .......utNoit Liberal allow. $50 off Tel. Mt 'mrtenee ch (um I“ com