3t Choice Native Meats, Cut Rate Prices SPECIAL SALE Flwitt's Premium Sliced Bacon pound mud pound Small Lean Pork Loin Roast mum! Best Fresh Meaty Spare Ribs Short Lug of the Finest Spring Lamb mud Swift's Golden West Fowl pound Lean Boiling Beef pound S'wift's Premium Smoked Butts pound nomad Rib or Loin Lamb Chops Delicious Homo-Made Pure Sausage Meat W Lincoln Market 519 Central Avenue Phone Highland Park 3140 M M Native Pot Roast w, ol W ll " the tThur ine um I u chop tethany may I who to " ho Mr. and Mr Mr Mr M " uni Mrs. Herlw St. Johns avenue I (ated on the Irriv urn Im Sunday, I m! Park hospital, and Mrs. Frank I A mh attrrrmron wllk yt r Rum mvl unnnum: M. the Mini ay, enue are Jan Merl MI hrist'rt , Koller of Bever ‘ppy parents of I zhlnnd Park hos ft mantly IWednt Miss “nus mum-e the Highland 28e 12hc 19c 35c 30c 30c 35c 15c 25c 35c 94 Marjorie the out of the feature and pm Tomlimum 1 " the THE PRESS :urprisecl May) by Marjorie nu con- a baby at birth Paris hi at. Si mine mug. Mr will nel' were called to Princeton, Ill. HELD“.- urduy by the sluath of Mr. Gerhiner's muthcr. Funeral ,ervices were held Monday in Princeton. Mr. Jack Quinn of Arivma and his dim-r Miss Marguerite Quinn of ke. nosha, Wis., visited their sister Mrs. A. c, Allen Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lester S. Olson will entertain the members of the Press Bridge club Saturday evening. The Daughters of the British Em. pire wru- the luncheon guests of Mrs. Avchilrtol Norman ot Winnetka last Wednesday. conhned to her the past two w proved. Mr. and Mr daughter Betty dinner guests ' Burial lust Fri Mr, and Mrs. Ro n-njoying an 0an the south. . The Wunran's )lisxiuuury society of the Bethany rhurch will meet at the horm. (If Mrs. Walter Meierhmf of Glerwoe uwnuv on Thursday aftets noun. Feb. 12 at 2:30 o'clm'k. All ladies of the church Bre maxi cardiol- ly invited to attend. Mr M r an .u r Mrs '. and Mrs. Clifford Moran enter- tl twelve guests from out of town x n’clm-k dinner on Sunday eve- . and Mrs. Clydu Wayne Hise mtertain fourteen zuea‘ts at din- n saturday evening. , and Mrs. Charles Geminer called to Princeton, Ill. last-Sut- . hv the death of Mr. Gcr'niner's a. llurvcy Wittdn who has been ed to her home with the fiu for m, two wot-ks is very much im. " Mrs. Roy Swanson Jretty of Chicago were Hts of Mr. and Mrs. W t Friday evening. toâ€, K. Woot trip tht and I a r1- 'uugh and the Chop Suey Supper A chop suey supper is being held this evening from 5:30 1.0.7200 pm. in the Bethany church parlors by the members of tho Philathea class. An invitation is extended the public to attend. The Wornan's Missionary society of the United Evangelical church will meet next Thursday afternorm, Feb. 12 at 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs, Walter Fiddor of Lincoln place. CARD OF THANKS The family of Mrs. Leona Collier Muridscn express their appreciation fur the kindness and sympathy and for the many aural oiterings gent dur- ing their recent bereavement. A Vuintine dunee will be given at the Oak Terrace schuul on Saturday, Feb. 14. An orchestra has been on- muted to furnish the best of music. Ever-yum- is weleomei N. A. u. Card I'Irly A card and bunco party will be given tomorrow evening, Friday, at Witten's hull by the Nurth American Union invite: Former Resident Die: Jim Gott, for 3.1 numher of years engine- watchman for the Chicago and NorthwestL-rri railroad hex-u, died last Friday in Chicago following a brief iClness. He. will be remembered by many friends here for he resided for many years on North Second street. 1. The public a] tn attend. Thursday, February 5, 1931 Valentine Dance most cordially