Local and Personal 95c Phone Highland Park 3360 95w u t' tl l 95c "l "I _ w' HA It', r J Hull Art) 95c‘ Hm ho 'lt [up bl, mI-l' l nt .I levullL’ 'dti MEN'S Sl'ITS Big Savings UV I'll“ 'OAT's' Have You Tried Our Rug Cleaning Service? TON 'OATS' and Carry Price ',27 North Green Bay Road M m-ul Now I'VE M IT THE INC M M I'H-h hu', c oughr, rl uml I‘MJIHIH Itll' t\]w~t h 95c $9 31?? Mc PLAIN DRESSES IO N ECKTIES PLAIN COATS " M r IN rrm Pr" w mu friend Kimnan on!†mm tut mwktiw It them Detroit, Mich ives in High hatter Miami, Fla Thomas Edi tnd, "erfield luant THE PRESS look " a llar aim Bl chard, Wie rofrmhmen thr M M W BVK'HUI' l f Friday Mvmfwr him't m rill M M r M uh MOTOR CAR ELECTRIC SERVICE ma the ty BATTERY SERVICE trwn Hosi;'.c, the cur start this morning? A hit slug- gish ? Well, how about having your b a t t e r y charged? Yes, sir or ma'um, we do it-we do it right, wc, do it cheaply. Try us". vrwhtp unva- WI 't forget the B, Thursday even rm mma When, 500 and l with miles for o pvurttisotl all who . b" lmugm from ROBERT W. PEASE. Pharmacist w Opposite Chietuto North Western Station Laurel NATIONAL Boy SCOUT WEEK holder of ol, cm. am when Ito Phone " on and Dulan. after which were served. Mr. and mph of Waukegan and Andy-n of Chicago were nn Mont! I lh-tmnl. all from 1| M running aininu at Kl we tnmnrrn ti t wo Sou-ml Sin-rt Hutu! Snuthurd of Gmy in her bridge club start this hit slug- how about h a t t e r y sll le m‘t-nuc Rogers l'; " entt of Hawthorne ll the precinct wtuins of the 10 of Women row “Hermon plans for the he made. Y'is card party 12. at the Y. P will be given " iuvky num- burwo wiIl be urwo w :wh. A attend. any tnt tertained her afternoon at Lin-mu. The 266 Park "elivery inetuditkstoutav Tick- mher Dr. Fred Poyner of Chicago was me out " town guest. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Slayhack en- tertained twelve guests on Sunday waning at a seven-thirty o'eloek 'sup- per followed by bridge at their home on South Sheridan road, _ Mr. lmul< Beruhe was pleasantly surmised on Sunday owning at his home on Maple avenue when twenty- tive of his friends came tn help him celebrate his birthday. There were six tables of bridge; the successful prize winners' wore Mrs. Ernest Pett, Mrs. PPM] Perv.vmart, Mrs. E. Green- Wald, Mr. Fred Rubly, Mr. E. Green- wuld and Mr. Oscar Schmidley. The out of ti wn mw.uts wnrv Mr. and Mrs. (it-orm- Itovketeller of Chicago. Mr, and Mrs. E, J. Grimmoyer of N. Green "my road ontertained twen- ty-five guests on Saturday in compli- l ment to their daughter.. Mrs. Samuel l Denton of Dallas, Texas, who with ty-five guests on Saturday In compu- ment to their daughter.. Mrs. Samuel Dvntnn of Dallas, Texas, who with Mr. Denton and two children have been visiting here for the past two work. They left this Week for the unutht-rn partrnf tho state to visit Mr. Demon’s mother before return- , ine to their home in Dallas. John Moran, son of Mr. and Herbert Mann, is ill wit? mumphs. ' ho February 7th to 13th Dr. Fred Poyner of Chicago was tho week-om! guest of Dr. and Mrs: mad Mrs. Edward M, Conrad was host- 0:“. on Thursday at one o'clock lunch- pon at her home on Laurel avenue. Th'n out of town guests were Mrs. Gilbert PNitror and Miss Carolyn Fannie of Oshkosh and Mrs. Edward Potts of Chitnuro. . A complete line of First Aid Kits and out-of-door acces' fighert R. Bos'wnrth of Lincolnwond sories. murky 4brhool of JRttsftt Phonrs Hinhllnd Park 11M Winn.ttt. 30H F ETHEI. LATHROP MARLEY. Dimm- 321 East Park Avenue 5mm brain "I 31,30 weekly :an Includi- one private lemon and one clan. Thursday, February 5, 1981 of Mr. and Phone IM Mrs. the