vowarg! XIX Scout Campaign Opens Friday Evgning MEMBERSHIP DRIVE ' PLANNED BY LEAGUE The Highland Park _League of Women Voters is making prepara- tions for its annual membership drive, with Mrs. Robert Grinnell, or- ganization chairman, and Mrs. Wil- snn Kline,. membership chairman, in chums. ' , 1 H. l . Women Totem geek lo In", Twenty-eight ladies living in the crease Numbers; Meet Fri. oreneral vicinity of Lincoln whoa] darto Plan Work have signed up for a gymnasium ---.. 7 class which will meet weekly gt Lin- .“ "3,44,,†m... T-.-, " coin school. All precinct chairmen and block captains will meet at Mrs. Kline's home for tea this coming Friday, and final plans for the drive will be made at that time. The League of Women Voters was organized to educate for citizenship. President Hoover has said: "Self- government can succeed only through an instructed elcetorate." The Lea. gue nfters many opportunities for this instruction with its monthly meetings, citizenship schools, bulle- tins, forums, radio programs. study groups of special subjects, and can- didates' meetings. ' The league has had many favor. able comments from the Press. A few of these follow: Favorable Comments The Boston Transeript-the League (If Women Voters is an example of what can be done by systematic and persistent organized effort in the stimulation of public interest in gov- ernmental problems and the proper exercise of citizenship. The Scranton Republican - "The ()ur needs in store room: Dress- es. size 40-42-44; dresses for zirls, sizes 12-14; rubbers of all sizes; suits for large mun. Morrhants' delivery will call for these articles if you wish. Our equipment needs: bed, mattress, and a (ilessor. Children continue to bring their small savings and it is very help- ful to have.this mnney for enter. gency help. _ , Report to and including Jan. Registrations t---V . _ Given part time employment past week V I i T Given permanent positions . Investigations, through this of- fiee, of families ..F_-___ .. Tr' Relief given through this of, fiee and co-npcrating or- stisnizatinmx i, _ Clothing given T Milk sent daily to families . HIGHLAND PARK M8'1AL SERVICE COMMITTEE 378 Cehtrttl Ave-mit- H. P. 4000 (Continued on page 43) T be Highlanb Park Press M: 285 113 163 407 30 28 20 All details regarding the cine. its program. evening on which it will he held and special activity futures will be decided at an organization meet- ing at the school next Friday eve- nine at il o'eloek. This is one of the activities " Community Service of Highland Park Ine., in tro-operation with the patrons of Lincoln school and the school oftieer--eod a cordial invitation is extended to the ladies of the community to enroll in the toss. Start Ladies Gym Class ; Leadership School to at the Lincoln School; Start Clauses Monday,- Initial Membership. 28 H. P. Presbyterian Chan-h Dr. Nellie Seeds Will Address Ravinia Club Women at Feb. Meeting The Ravinin Woman's club mm mm Dr, Nellie Sneds. miuoator. its February program. ,. A an general discusninn. followed by tho customary teat hour. Cunt: In- cordially invited. There is no fee. A card ladies of wood. on A card party will be given by the ladies of St. James church of High- wood. on Tuesday evening, Feb. IO, at St. James hull. A door nrize will be given for the holder of the lucky number and prizes will be awarded for games played. You ind your friend! are invited to nttend. HIGHLAND PARK, lumen, Turnsmw Card Party Feb. 10 un- for Rev. E. C. Johnson, unistnnt_putor It the Presbyterian church " Lake Forest, who la the dean of the Com. munity Leadership Training school. wishes to extend this flttal invitation to tsll Sundny nchool teacher: Ind workers, to enroll in one of the count-s that are being oftered in thin you"; school. Four very popular marries are be- ing "ttered, Three of there enurm deal with the Psychology of Child. hood. which will prove itturretrtitttt in parents as well ll tmhen. The fourth mun-e wlll doll with I ntudy in Worship and the devotlnml life. The flrist three enurnel referred to will interest teaeherd Ind parents who are (telling with children of the beginning and primary “en. The second mun-e will take the Junior child into eorwiderntion, The third mun-e will den] with the problem: of intermediates. The fourth course will be of merit] interest to superinten- cnurno will deal with the problem: o! intermediates. The fourth course wil be of npeciql interest to sum-rim“ dents Ind those who have churn " dupnrtlhenul work. All of these classes will meet I All of these classes will meet It the Highland Park Presbyterian church on Monday eveninmn. honin- ninz with the coming Monday owning and will continue tomes-t far six Mondays. The elm-n work will begin at 7:30 p. m. The enrollment fee per schalnr will be $2.00, Anyone inter- (wled in childhood. the home, the church. the Sunday school and the lwltm'monl of humanity in invited to enroll in any of theme count-u. International Rotary Staff 0mcial Talks at Local Club Meeting Phil Lovejoy, I member of the Ito. tary International Int-R. wu the prin- cipal speaker It the remain luncheon meeting of the Highllnd Park club. held Monday noon at the Moraine hotel. Mr, Lovejny'n tnlk wu de. voted to matters of interest to the members Ind for the good of the or- ganization in general and was hard with keen appreeiatfott by the good crowd of members meant. He Inn introduced hy Earl W. Gnell. Charles Fiore Writes Press from Italy The Pro" is in receipt of I curd {run Mr. (‘hurlea Flore who in upend- ine the winter In Napoli, Italy. in which he sum that he and hi! can Ire in the has! of health Ind are on. joyinz I delightful trip. The oldest son John accompanied his father on his trip. Faun" g, 1981 MILIS T0 SPEAK AT Noted Chic-go Attorney to Ad. dress Theat It Gleam: N. 8. CAN“!!! Matthew Mitts, well known attorney and president of the Chicano Yal- Club, will deliver the addma of an evening at the opening dinner of the Scout campaign Friday evening, Feb. ruary 6. " 6:45. in the nynm of Scout campaign Friday evening. Feb. ruary 6, " 6:“, in the aynw of the North More (‘onamation lanai. chi-nor Vernon and Lincoln uvonuea, Gimme. when three hundred volun- teer workers will receive inatructiona and inspiration tor their 'sotlettatletet Morin. R. Arthur Wood will [m- aide. In Idditinn to the main 'ddtettt', the pron-m. " announced by Dr. Samuel “when, chum-n of the camp-Inn Spukern' Bureau, will in- clude Smut demorvstratlattst “ranged by Myron C Ryholt. Remit Emuw community 'ttttttttte led by Harold G. Bola. uni-um etreegtive, I M spa-ch by Scum. Ruben Duvh. of Hubburdn Woods, and brief Milne- uonn by J, D. Foster. "tttpales di. revuar. . r Winfield Cathtw to Lecture Here Feb. ll R'initold ll. (‘ulow, of I will :1in n Ivclure It the Shit-Id: high sehool audit!» madly evening, Fob, ll. u'clnck. under the want Ilium-mi Nrk Chamber m ere. DINNER FOR WORKERS Ticket» IN being mid It twenty- five rents Ind my be mound from members of the cummiueo or it the Chaqu-r of Commerce once. The "more!!! of this lecture wlil he given to tho "lithium! Park Sod-l Bowler. R, Arthur Wood, chain-mu: ot the Central eummittee of ttte North Shore Area Boy Scout. amp-In. 'announce that the unlawful in- itial rm: to the 850.000 fund have been received: Henry Fowler. Wil- mvtt, 3500; Albert P. sum. lull!- Ind Park. IMO; General Robert E, Wood, Ilium-ml Park. woo. A more complete “noun-mm will be Ivnllnble for not: MM issue. according to cumminn hud- quark“. Initial um- w, of radio fume. It the Burnt-Id- nuditnrium. Wrd. b, H, at eight name" of the Nut“: 49 of Com